



Dr. Werner Thomas

Physische Geographie mit Schwerpunkt Klimaforschung
Telefon: +49 (0)69 8062 - 9720
Fax: +49 (0)69 8062 - 9707
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung


  • Seminar: Fernerkundung der Vulkanemissionen der Eyjafj?ll/Island Ausbrüche im April und Mai 2010 (WiSe 2010/2011)
  • Vorlesung: Einführung in die Fernerkundung (SoSe 2010 - SoSe 2019)

T?tigkeitsbereiche und Forschungsschwerpunkte:

  • Satellitengestuetzte Fernerkundung von Landoberfl?chen und der Atmosph?re
    • Schwerpunkt:? Spurengasfernerkundung im UV/VIS-Spektralbereich: Ozon, Stickstoffdioxid, Schwefeldioxid
  • in-situ- und Fernerkundungsmessungen von Aerosolparametern im Rahmen des Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programms der WMO



1982 - 1991: LMU München, Studium Meteorologie ?
1992 - 1995: DLR, Institut für Physik der Atmosph?re (IPA),
3D-Modellierung (BRDF) natürlicher Landoberfl?chen
Promotion an der LMU München in Meteorologie
1995 - 2004: DLR, Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum (DFD) + Inst. f. Methodik der Fernerkundung
Satellite Application Facility on Ozone and Atmospheric Chemistry Monitoring
Spurengasfernerkundung (GOME, SCIAMACHY, GOME-2)
2004 - 2007: DWD, Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring
Wolkenfernerkundung (AVHRR, SEVIRI)
seit 2008: DWD, Met. Observatorium Hohenpei?enberg
Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW): Aerosole und Niederschlagschemie





  • M. Wiegner, F. Madonna, I. Binietoglou, R. Forkel, J. Gasteiger, A. Gei?, G. Pappalardo, K. Sch?fer, and W. Thomas (2014): What is the benefit of ceilometers for aerosol remote sensing? An answer from EARLINET, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 7, 2491-2543.
  • L. Bugliaro, T. Zinner, C. Keil, B. Mayer, R. Hollmann, M. Reuter, and W. Thomas (2011): Validation of Cloud Property Retrievals with Simulated Satellite Radiances: A case study for SEVIRI, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5603-5624, doi:10.5194/acp-11-5603-2011.
  • K. Sch?fer, W. Thomas, A. Peters, L. Ries, F. Obleitner, J. Schnelle-Kreis, W. Birmili, J. Diemer, W. Fricke, W. Junkermann, M. Pitz, S. Emeis, R. Forkel, P. Suppan, H. Flentje, S. Gilge, H.E. Wichmann, F. Meinhardt, R. Zimmermann, K. Weinhold, J. Soentgen, C. Münkel, C. Freuer, and J. Cyrys (2011): Influences of the 2010 Eyjafjallaj?kull volcanic plume on air quality in the northern Alpine region, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 8555-8575, doi:10.5194/acp-11-8555-2011.
  • H. Flentje, B. Heese, J. Reichardt, and W. Thomas 2010): Aerosol Profiling using the Ceilometer Network of the German Meteorological Service, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 3, 3643-3673.
  • H. Flentje, H. Claude, T. Elste, S. Gilge, U. K?hler, C. Plass-Dülmer, W. Steinbrecht, W. Thomas, A. Werner, and W. Fricke (2010): The Eyjafjallaj?kull eruption in April 2010 - Detection of volcanic plume using in-situ measurements, ozone sondes and lidar-ceilometer profiles, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 10085-10092, doi:10.5194/acp-10-10085-2010.
  • M. Reuter, W. Thomas, S. Mieruch, and R. Hollmann (2010): A method for estimating the sampling error applied to CM-SAF monthly mean cloud fractional cover data retrieved from MSG SEVIRI, Trans. Geo. Remote Sensing, 48, 2469-2481, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2010.2041240.
  • D. Loyola, R. Spurr, W. Thomas, and B. Mayer (2010): Global Patterns in Daytime Cloud Properties as derived from GOME Backscatter UV-VIS Measurements, Int. J. Rem. Sens., 31, 4295-4318.
  • M. Reuter, W. Thomas, M. Lockhoff, R. Weber, P. Albert, K.-G. Karlsson, and J. Fischer (2009): The CM-SAF and FUB cloud detection schemes for SEVIRI: Validation with synoptic data and initial comparison with MODIS and CALIPSO, J. Appl. Met. Clim., 48, 301-316.
  • J. Schulz, P. Albert, H.-D. Behr, D. Caprion, H. Deneke, S. Dewitte, B. Dürr, P. Fuchs, A. Gratzki, P. Hechler, R. Hollmann, S. Johnston, K.-G. Karlsson, T. Manninen, R. Müller, M. Reuter, A. Riihel??, R. Roebeling, N. Selbach, A. Tetzlaff, W. Thomas, M. Werscheck, E. Wolters, and A. Zelenka (2009): Operational Climate Monitoring from Space: The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM-SAF), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 1687-1709.
  • D. Loyola, J. van Geffen, P. Valks, T. Erbertseder, M. van Roozendael, W. Thomas, W. Zimmer, and K. Wi?kirchen (2008): Satellite-based detection of volcanic sulphur dioxide from recent eruptions in Central and South America, Adv. Geosci., 14, 35-40.
  • D. Loyola, W. Thomas, Y. Livschitz, T. Ruppert, P. Albert, and R. Hollmann (2007): Cloud properties derived from GOME/ERS-2 backscatter data for trace gas retrieval, Trans. Geo. Rem. Sens., 45, 2747-2758.
  • D. Loyola, P. Valks, T. Ruppert, A. Richter, T. Wagner, W. Thomas, R. van der A, and R. Meisner (2006): The 1997 El Nino impact on clouds, water vapour, aerosols and reactive trace gases in the troposphere, as measured by the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment, In: 1st Alexander von Humboldt International Conference, Editors: J.L. Santos and P. Fabian, Adv. Geosci., 6, 267-272.
  • C. Zerefos, P. Nastos, D. Balis, A. Papayannis, A. Kelepertsis, E. Kanelopoulou, D. Nikolakis, C. Eleftheratos, W. Thomas, and C. Varotsos (2006): A Complex Study of Etna's Volcanic Plume from Ground-based, In-situ and Space-borne Observations, Int. J. Rem. Sens., 27, 1855-1864.
  • R. Spurr, D. Loyola, W. Thomas, W. Balzer, E. Mikusch, B. Aberle, S. Slijkhuis, T. Ruppert, M. van Roozendael, J.-C. Lambert, and T. Soebijanta (2005): GOME Level 1-to-2 Data Processor Version 3.0: A Major Upgrade of the GOME/ERS-2 Total Ozone Retrieval Algorithm, Appl. Opt., 44, 7196- 7209.
  • W. Thomas, T. Erbertseder, T. Ruppert, M. van Roozendael, J. Verdebout, D. Balis, C. Meleti, and C. Zerefos (2005): On the retrieval of volcanic sulfur dioxide emissions from GOME backscatter measurements, J. Atm. Chem., 50, 295-320.
  • W. Thomas, F. Baier, T. Erbertseder, and M. K?stner (2003) : Analysis of the Algerian severe weather event in November 2001 and its impact on ozone and nitrogen dioxide distributions, Tellus B, 55, 993-1006.
  • K. Bramstedt, J. Gleason, D. Loyola, W. Thomas, A. Bracher, M. Weber, and J.P. Burrows (2003) : Comparison of total ozone from the satellite instruments GOME and TOMS with measurements from the Dobson network 1996-2000, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 1409-1419.
  • W. Thomas, E. Hegels, S. Slijkhuis, R. Spurr, and K. Chance (1998) : Detection of biomass burning combustion products in Southeast Asia from backscatter data taken by the GOME spectrometer, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 1317-1320.
  • W. Thomas (1997): A three-dimensional model for calculating reflection functions of inhomogeneous and orographically structured natural landscapes, Rem. Sens. Environ., 59, 44-63.
  • K?pke P. and W. Thomas (1993): Energy balance of solar power plants : Results of a one-dimensional model, Beitr. Phys. Atmos., 66, 31-43.
  • P. K?pke, M. Hess, R. Meerk?tter, H. Quenzel, D. Rabus, E. Tamm, E. Thomalla, W. Thomas, and B. Vogel (1992): Zur Fernerkundung von Bodenalbedo und optischen Aerosoleigenschaften, Wetter und Leben, 44, 153-160.
