



IRIS: Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling


Projektstart: 01.09.2009
Laufzeit: 3 Jahre
Projekttr?ger: EU
Projektverantwortung vor Ort: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André
Beteiligte Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnnen: Dr. Gregor Mehlmann, Prof. Dr. Birgit Lugrin
Webseite: IRIS
? Universit?t Augsburg

?ber das Projekt


IRIS (Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling) aims at creating a virtual centre of excellence that will be able to achieve breakthroughs in the understanding of Interactive Storytelling and the development of corresponding technologies.



Interactive Storytelling is a major endeavour to develop new media which could offer a radically new user experience, with a potential to revolutionise digital entertainment.
European research in Interactive Storytelling has played a leading role in the development of the field, and this creates a unique opportunity to strengthen its position even further by structuring some of its best actors within a NoE.

The project is organised around four major objectives:

  • To extend Interactive Storytelling technologies in terms of performance and scalability, so that they can support the production of actual Interactive Narratives
  • To make the next generation of Interactive Storytelling technologies more accessible to authors and content creators of different media backgrounds (scriptwriters, storyboarders, game designers)
  • To develop a more Integrated Approach to Interactive Storytelling Technologies, achieving a properintegration with cinematography
  • To develop Methodologies to evaluate Interactive Storytelling systems as well as the media experience of Interactive Narrative
