Alle Publikationen
2024 |
Aka, Julius, Brunnemann, Johannes, Eiden, J?rg, Speerforck, Arne, & Mikelsons, Lars (in press). Balanced Neural ODEs: nonlinear model order reduction and Koopman operator approximations. preprint. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Baumann, Peter, Kotte, Oliver, Mikelsons, Lars, & Schramm, Dieter (2024). Enhancing the coupling of real-virtual prototypes: a method for latency compensation. Electronics, 13(6), 1077. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mandischer, Nils, Usai, Marcel, Flemisch, Frank, & Mikelsons, Lars (in press). Exploring capability-based control distributions of human-robot teams through capability deltas: formalization and implications. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), October 6-10, 2024, Sarawak, MalaysiaPiscataway, NJ: IEEE. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mandischer, Nils, Atanasyan, Alexander, Schluse, Michael, Ro?mann, Jürgen, & Mikelsons, Lars (in press). Perspectives-observer-transparency - a novel paradigm for modelling the human in human-to-anything interaction based on a structured review of the human digital twin. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2024Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mandischer, Nils & Mikelsons, Lars (2024). Towards human capability estimation to enhance human-robot team performance. at - Automatisierungstechnik, 72(12), 1141-1159. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2023 |
Boborzi, Damian, Straehle, Christoph-Nikolas, Buchner, Jens?S., & Mikelsons, Lars (2023). Imitation learning by state-only distribution matching. Applied Intelligence, 53, 30865-30886. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Luttkus, Lennart & Mikelsons, Lars (2023). Key requirements for autonomous micromobility vehicle simulators. Adrian Stoica, Ferat Sahin, Robert Kozma, Kyungtae (KT) Han, Celal Savur (Eds.), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 1-4 October 2023, Honolulu, Oahu, HI, USA(pp. 1506-1511). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Thummerer, Tobias, Kolesnikov, Artem, Gundermann, Julia, Ritz, Denis, & Mikelsons, Lars (2023). Paving the way for hybrid twins using neural functional mock-up units. Dirk Müller, Antonello Monti, Andrea Benigni (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Modelica Conference 2023, Aachen, October 9-11(pp. 141-150). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Zhang, Yi & Mikelsons, Lars (2023). Sensitivity-guided iterative parameter identification and data generation with BayesFlow and PELS-VAE for model calibration. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 10(1), 9. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2022 |
Thummerer, Tobias, Stoljar, Johannes, & Mikelsons, Lars (2022). NeuralFMU: presenting a workflow for integrating hybrid neuralODEs into real-world applications. Electronics, 11(19), 3202. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Heringhaus, Monika E., Zhang, Yi, Zimmermann, André, & Mikelsons, Lars (2022). Towards reliable parameter extraction in MEMS final module testing using Bayesian inference. Sensors, 22(14), 5408. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2021 |
Thummerer, Tobias, Tintenherr, Johannes, & Mikelsons, Lars (2021). Hybrid modeling of the human cardiovascular system using NeuralFMUs. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2090(1), 012155. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Bruder, Frederic & Mikelsons, Lars (2021). Modia and Julia for grey box modeling. Martin Sj?lund, Lena Buffoni, Adrian Pop, Lennart Ochel (Eds.), Proceedings of 14th Modelica Conference 2021, Link?ping, Sweden, September 20-24, 2021(pp. 87-95). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Thummerer, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, & Kircher, Josef (2021). NeuralFMU: towards structural integration of FMUs into neural networks. Martin Sj?lund, Lena Buffoni, Adrian Pop, Lennart Ochel (Eds.), Proceedings of 14th Modelica Conference 2021, Link?ping, Sweden, September 20-24, 2021(pp. 297-306). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2020 |
Thummerer, Tobias & Mikelsons, Lars (2020). A tetrahedron-shaped inverted pendulum with torque-actuation [Extended abstract]. Sechste IFToMM D-A-CH Konferenz 2020, 27./28. Februar 2020, Campus Technik Lienz. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Thummerer, Tobias & Mikelsons, Lars (2020). Modeling and control of a tetrahedron-shaped inverted pendulum with torque-actuation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), 17548-17555. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2017 |
Mikelsons, Lars & Samlaus, Roland (2017). Towards Virtual Validation of ECU Software using FMI. J. Kofránek (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Modelica Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15-17, 2017(pp. 307-311). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2015 |
Hofmann, Andreas, Menager, Nils, Belhaj, Issam, & Mikelsons, Lars (2015). Integrated engineering based on Modelica. P. Fritzson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Modelica Conference, Versailles, France, September 21-23, 2015(pp. 893-901). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Hofmann, Andreas, Menager, Nils, Schweig, Stephan, & Mikelsons, Lars (2015). Model-Based Engineering mit Industriesteuerungen. Jens-Peter Majschak (Ed.), VVD 2015 Verarbeitungsmaschinen und Verpackungstechnik: 8. wissenschaftliche Fachtagung am 12. und 13. M?rz 2015 in Dresden; Wissenschaft trifft Praxis(pp. 1-21). Dresden: Technische Universit?t Dresden. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL |
Menager, Nils, Mikelsons, Lars, & Worschech, Niklas (2015). Modellbasierte Entwicklung mit Rexroth-Steuerger?ten unter Nutzung von offenen Standards. In Torsten Bertram, Burkhard Corves, & Klaus Janschek (Eds.), Tagungsband Mechatronik 2015, Dortmund, 12.03. - 13.03.2015 (pp. 149-154). Düsseldorf: VDI. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Menager, Nils, Kampfmann, Rüdiger, Worschech, Niklas, & Mikelsons, Lars (2015). Suitability of Different Real-Time Solvers for a Model-Based Engineering Toolchain using Industrial Rexroth Controllers. P. Fritzson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Modelica Conference, Versailles, France, September 21-23, 2015(pp. 883-891). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Hofmann, Andreas, Schweig, Stephan, & Mikelsons, Lars (2015). Virtuelle Inbetriebnahme mechatronischer Systeme unter Einbeziehung realer Industriesteuerungen von Bosch Rexroth. In Torsten Bertram, Burkhard Corves, & Klaus Janschek (Eds.), Tagungsband Mechatronik 2015, Dortmund, 12.03. - 13.03.2015 (pp. 239-244). Düsseldorf: VDI. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2014 |
Menager, Nils, Worschech, Niklas, & Mikelsons, Lars (2014). A toolchain for Rapid Control Prototyping using Rexroth controllers and open source software. Hubertus Tummescheit, Karl-Erik Arzén (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference, March 10-12, 2014, Lund, Sweden(pp. 371-380). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Hofmann, Andreas, Mikelsons, Lars, Gubsch, Ines, & Schubert, Christian (2014). Simulating collisions within the Modelica MultiBody library. Hubertus Tummescheit, Karl-Erik Arzén (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference, March 10-12, 2014, Lund, Sweden(pp. 949-957). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mikelsons, Lars & Su, Zhou (2014). Simulation for verification and validation of functional safety. Hubertus Tummescheit, Karl-Erik Arzén (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference, March 10-12, 2014, Lund, Sweden(pp. 455-464). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2012 |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, & Hiller, Manfred (2012). A Design-To-Task Approach for Wire Robots. In Andrés Kecskeméthy, Veljko Potkonjak, & Andreas Müller (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Applications of Kinematics: Proceedings of the International Conference, Lima, Perú, January 9-11, 2008 (pp. 83-97). Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Worschech, Niklas & Mikelsons, Lars (2012). A Toolchain for Real-Time Simulation using the OpenModelica Compiler. Martin Otter (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International MODELICA Conference, September 3-5, 2012, Munich, Germany(pp. 839-846). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mikelsons, Lars & Brandt, Thorsten (2012). Towards a Generic Vehicle Model. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 7(2), 021013. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Ji, Hongchao, Mikelsons, Lars, Kempf, Karl, & Schramm, Dieter (2012). Using Static Parametric Design to Support Systems Engineering of Industrial Automation Systems. Martin Otter (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International MODELICA Conference, September 3-5, 2012, Munich, Germany(pp. 971-980). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2011 |
Mikelsons, Lars & Brandt, Thorsten (2011). Generation of continuously adjustable vehicle models using symbolic reduction methods. Multibody System Dynamics, 26(2), 153-173. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mikelsons, Lars, Menager, Nils, & Schramm, Dieter (2011). Partitioned Model vs Parallelized Solver. ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: Volume 4: 8th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, Parts A and B, Washington, DC, USA, August 28–31, 2011(pp. 1101-1109). New York, NY: ASME. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mikelsons, Lars, Brandt, Thorsten, & Schramm, Dieter (2011). Real-Time Vehicle Dynamics Using Equation-Based Reduction Techniques. In Gábor Stépán, László L. Kovács, & András Tóth (Eds.), IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments, Held in Budapest, Hungary, June 7–11, 2010 (pp. 91-98). Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2009 |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Brandt, Thorsten, Schramm, Dieter, Pott, Andreas, & Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa (2009). A Novel Tensed Mechanism for Simulation of Maneuvers in Wind Tunnels. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: Volume 7: 33rd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, San Diego, California, USA, August 30–September 2, 2009(pp. 17-24). New York, NY: ASME. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Pott, Andreas, Bruckmann, Tobias, & Mikelsons, Lars (2009). Closed-form force distribution for parallel wire robots. In Andrés Kecskeméthy & Andreas Müller (Eds.), Computational Kinematics: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics (pp. 25-34). Berlin: Springer. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Brandt, Thorsten, Hiller, Manfred, & Schramm, Dieter (2009). Design Approaches for Wire Robots. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: Volume 7: 33rd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, San Diego, California, USA, August 30–September 2, 2009(pp. 25-34). New York, NY: ASME. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mikelsons, Lars, Ji, Hongchao, Brandt, Thorsten, & Lenord, Oliver (2009). Symbolic Model Reduction Applied to Realtime Simulation of a Construction Machine. F. Casella (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7 International Modelica Conference Como, Italy(pp. 765-774). Link?ping: Link?ping 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Electronic Press. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Mikelsons, Lars & Brandt, Thorsten (2009). Symbolic Model Reduction for Interval-Valued Scenarios. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: Volume 3: ASME/IEEE 2009 International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications; 20th Reliability, Stress Analysis, and Failure Prevention Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August 30 – September 2, 2009(pp. 263-272). New York, NY: ASME. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2008 |
Mikelsons, Lars, Bruckmann, Tobias, Hiller, Manfred, & Schramm, Dieter (2008). A real-time capable force calculation algorithm for redundant tendon-based parallel manipulators. In Seth Hutchinson (Ed.), 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 19-23 May 2008, Pasadena, CA, USA (pp. 3869-3874). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Schramm, Dieter, & Hiller, Manfred (2008). Analysis and synthesis of parallel tendon-based manipulators. In Eberhard Kallenbach, Tom Str?hla, & Nadine Brauer (Eds.), System integration: 6th Polish-German Mechatronic Workshop 2007, proceedings [July 6 and July 7, 2007, Ilmenau, Germany] (pp. 74-80). Langewiesen: Wissenschaftsverlag Thüringen. PDF | BibTeX | RIS |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Hiller, Manfred, & Schramm, Dieter (2008). Continuous Workspace Analysis, Synthesis and Optimization of Wire Robots. ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: Volume 2: 32nd Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B, Brooklyn, New York, USA, August 3–6, 2008(pp. 59-66). New York, NY: ASME. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Brandt, Thorsten, Hiller, Manfred, & Schramm, Dieter (2008). Wire Robots Part I: Kinematics, Analysis & Design. In Jee-Hwan Ryu (Ed.), Parallel Manipulators: New Developments (pp. 109-132). Rijeka: InTech. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Brandt, Thorsten, Hiller, Manfred, & Schramm, Dieter (2008). Wire Robots Part II: Dynamics, Control & Application. In Jee-Hwan Ryu (Ed.), Parallel Manipulators: New Developments (pp. 133-152). Rijeka: InTech. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2007 |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Hiller, Manfred, & Schramm, Dieter (2007). A new force calculation algorithm for tendon-based parallel manipulators. In Roland Siegwart & Brad Nelson (Eds.), 2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 4-7 Sept. 2007, Zurich, Switzerland (pp. 1-6). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Bruckmann, Tobias, Mikelsons, Lars, Schramm, Dieter, & Hiller, Manfred (2007). Continuous workspace analysis for parallel cable-driven Stewart-Gough platforms. PAMM, 7(1), 4010025-4010026. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |