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Meisinger Christa, Freuer Dennis, Schmitz Timo, Ertl Michael, Zickler Philipp, Naumann Markus, Linseisen Jakob. Inflammation biomarkers in acute ischemic stroke according to different etiologies. https://doi.org/10.1111/ene.16006
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Braadt Lino, Fischer Simone, Naumann Markus, Zickler Philipp, Schneider-Axmann Thomas, Mühlich Laura, K?rber Katharina, Lassner Alexander, Strube Wolfgang, R?h Astrid, Hasan Alkomiet, Ertl Michael. Psychological interventions for improvement of symptoms of post-stroke depression – study protocol of the depression-intervention study for optimization of reconvalesence after stroke (DISCOVER). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42466-024-00347-y
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Wiestler Hanni, Zickler Philipp, Erdur Hebun, Abu-Mugheisib Mazen, Kallmünzer Bernd, Klingner Caroline, Müller-Barna Peter, Hubert Gordian, Gumbinger Christoph, Worthmann Hans. Recommendations for the organization of the teleconsultation service in a telestroke network. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42466-024-00318-3
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Kirchberger Inge, Meisinger Christa, Freuer Dennis, Leone Vincenza, Ertl Michael, Zickler Philipp, Naumann Markus, Linseisen Jakob. Association between fatigue and cytokine profiles in patients with ischemic stroke. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2022.1075383
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Fischer Simone, Linseisen Jakob, Kirchberger Inge, Zickler Philipp, Ertl Michael, Naumann Markus, Meisinger Christine. Association of post-stroke-depression and health-related quality of life three months after the stroke event: results from the Stroke Cohort Augsburg (SCHANA) study. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548506.2022.2053175
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Zirnsak Melanie, Meisinger Christine, Linseisen Jakob, Ertl Michael, Zickler Philipp, Naumann Markus, Kirchberger Inge. Associations between pre-stroke physical activity and physical quality of life three months after stroke in patients with mild disability. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0266318
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Kirchberger Inge, Wallner Florian, Linseisen Jakob, Zickler Philipp, Ertl Michael, Naumann Markus, Meisinger Christine. Factors associated with early and late post-stroke fatigue in patients with mild impairment: results from the stroke cohort study Augsburg. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2022.852486
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Braadt Lino, Meisinger Christa, Linseisen Jakob, Kirchberger Inge, Zickler Philipp, Naumann Markus, Ertl Michael. Influence of educational status and migration background on the long‐term health‐related quality of life after stroke. https://doi.org/10.1111/ene.15503
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Kainz Anabelle, Meisinger Christa, Linseisen Jakob, Kirchberger Inge, Zickler Philipp, Naumann Markus, Ertl Michael. Changes of health-related quality of life within the 1st year after stroke – results from a prospective stroke cohort study. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2021.715313
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Langezaal Lucianne C. M., Berlis Ansgar, Maurer Christoph J., Ertl Michael. Endovascular therapy for stroke due to basilar-artery occlusion. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2030297
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Philipp Zickler is a member of the BASICS Study Group
Vollmuth Christoph, Miljukov Olga, Abu‐Mugheisib Mazen, Angermaier Anselm, Barlinn Jessica, Busetto Loraine, Grau Armin J., Guenther Albrecht, Gumbinger Christoph, Hubert Nikolai, Hüttemann Katrin, Klingner Carsten, Naumann Markus, Palm Frederick, Remi Jan, Rücker Viktoria, Schessl Joachim, Schlachetzki Felix, Schuppner Ramona, Schwab Stefan, Schwartz Andreas, Trommer Adrian, Urbanek Christian, Volbers Bastian, Weber Joachim, Wojciechowski Claudia, Worthmann Hans, Zickler Philipp, Heuschmann Peter U., Haeusler Karl Georg, Hubert Gordian Jan. Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on stroke teleconsultations in Germany in the first half of 2020. https://doi.org/10.1111/ene.14787
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Bohmann Ferdinand O., Gruber Katharina, Kurka Natalia, Willems Laurent M., Herrmann Eva, du Mesnil de Rochemont Richard, Scholz Peter, Rai Heike, Zickler Philipp, Ertl Michael, Berlis Ansgar, Poli Sven, Mengel Annerose, Ringleb Peter, Nagel Simon, Pfaff Johannes, Wollenweber Frank A., Kellert Lars, Herzberg Moriz, Koehler Luzie, Haeusler Karl Georg, Alegiani Anna, Schubert Charlotte, Brekenfeld Caspar, Doppler Christopher E. J., Onur ?zgür A., Kabbasch Christoph, Manser Tanja, Steinmetz Helmuth, Pfeilschifter Waltraud. Simulation‐based training improves process times in acute stroke care (STREAM). https://doi.org/10.1111/ene.15093
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Barlinn J., Winzer S., Worthmann H., Urbanek C., H?usler K. G., Günther A., Erdur H., G?rtler M., Busetto L., Wojciechowski C., Schmitt J., Shah Y., Büchele B., Sokolowski P., Kraya T., Merkelbach S., Rosengarten B., Stangenberg-Gliss K., Weber J., Schlachetzki F., Abu-Mugheisib M., Petersen M., Schwartz A., Palm F., Jowaed A., Volbers B., Zickler Philipp, Remi J., Bardutzky J., B?sel J., Audebert H. J., Hubert G. J., Gumbinger C.. Telemedizin in der Schlaganfallversorgung: versorgungsrelevant für Deutschland. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00115-021-01137-6
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Maurer Christoph J., Dobrocky T., Joachimski Felix, Neuberger U., Demerath T., Brehm A., Cianfoni A., Gory B., Berlis Ansgar, Gralla J., M?hlenbruch M. A., Blackham K. A., Psychogios M. N., Zickler Philipp, Fischer S.. Endovascular thrombectomy of calcified emboli in acute ischemic stroke: a multicenter study. https://doi.org/10.3174/ajnr.a6412
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Ertl Michael, Meisinger Christa, Linseisen Jakob, Baumeister Sebastian Edgar, Zickler Philipp, Naumann Markus. Long-term outcomes in patients with stroke after in-hospital treatment: study protocol of the prospective stroke cohort Augsburg (SCHANA study). https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina56060280
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Wolfe Gil I., Zickler Philipp. Long-term effect of thymectomy plus prednisone versus prednisone alone in patients with non-thymomatous myasthenia gravis: 2-year extension of the MGTX randomised trial. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1474-4422(18)30392-2
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Please see the publisher's website for a complete authors list.
Bohmann Ferdinand O., Kurka Natalia, Du Mesnil de Rochemont Richard, Gruber Katharina, Guenther Joachim, Rostek Peter, Rai Heike, Zickler Philipp, Ertl Michael, Berlis Ansgar, Poli Sven, Mengel Annerose, Ringleb Peter, Nagel Simon, Wollenweber Frank A., Kellert Lars, Herzberg Moriz, Koehler Luzie, Haeusler Karl Georg, Alegiani Anna, Schubert Charlotte, Brekenfeld Caspar, Doppler Christopher E. J., Onur Oezguer A., Kabbasch Christoph, Manser Tanja, Pfeilschifter Waltraud. Simulation-based training of the rapid evaluation and management of acute stroke (STREAM): a prospective single-arm multicenter trial. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2019.00969
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additional authors: STREAM Trial Investigators


Wolfe Gil I., Kaminski Henry J., Aban Inmaculada B., Minisman Greg, Kuo Hui-Chien, Marx Alexander, Str?bel Philipp, Mazia Claudio, Oger Joel, Cea J. Gabriel, Heckmann Jeannine M., Evoli Amelia, Nix Wilfred, Ciafaloni Emma, Antonini Giovanni, Witoonpanich Rawiphan, King John O., Beydoun Said R., Chalk Colin H., Barboi Alexandru C., Amato Anthony A., Shaibani Aziz I., Katirji Bashar, Lecky Bryan R.F., Buckley Camilla, Vincent Angela, Dias-Tosta Elza, Yoshikawa Hiroaki, Waddington-Cruz Márcia, Pulley Michael T., Rivner Michael H., Kostera-Pruszczyk Anna, Pascuzzi Robert M., Jackson Carlayne E., Garcia Ramos Guillermo S., Verschuuren Jan J.G.M., Massey Janice M., Kissel John T., Werneck Lineu C., Benatar Michael, Barohn Richard J., Tandan Rup, Mozaffar Tahseen, Conwit Robin, Odenkirchen Joanne, Sonett Joshua R., Jaretzki Alfred, Newsom-Davis John, Cutter Gary R.. Randomized trial of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis. https://doi.org/10.1056/nejmoa1602489
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Philipp Zickler is a member of the MGTX study group


Zickler Philipp, Küry Patrick, Gliem Michael, Hartung Hans-Peter, Jander Sebastian. Differential patterns of local gene regulation in crush lesions of the rat optic and sciatic nerve: relevance to posttraumatic regeneration. https://doi.org/10.1159/000320571
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Kremer David, Heinen André, Jadasz Janusz, G?ttle Peter, Zimmermann Kristin, Zickler Philipp, Jander Sebastian, Hartung Hans-Peter, Küry Patrick. p57kip2 is dynamically regulated in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and interferes with oligodendroglial maturation. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0900204106
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Zickler Philipp, Hartung Hans-Peter, Janssen Hendrik. ‘Bubbles in the brain’: retrograde venous air embolism in the cavernous sinus. https://doi.org/10.1159/000206825
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Schmidt Manfred, Glimm Hanno, Lemke Nina, Muessig Arne, Speckmann Carsten, Haas Sebastian, Zickler Philipp, Hoffmann Gesa, Kalle Christof. A model for the detection of clonality in marked hematopoietic stem cells. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-6632.2001.tb03584.x
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Schroeter Michael, Zickler Philipp, Denhardt David, Hartung Hans-Peter, Jander Sebastian. Increased thalamic neurodegeneration following ischaemic cortical stroke in osteopontin-deficient mice. https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awl094
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Zickler Philipp, Seitz R. J., Hartung H.-P., Hefter H.. Bilateral medullary pyramid infarction. https://doi.org/10.1212/01.wnl.0000148483.84261.49
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Kang Elizabeth, Zickler Philipp, Burns Sean, Langemeijer Saskia, Brenner Sebastian, Phang Oswald, Patterson Noelle, Harlan David, Tisdale John. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation prevents diabetes in NOD mice but does not contribute to significant islet cell regeneration once disease is established. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exphem.2005.03.008
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Küry Patrick, Zickler Philipp, Stoll Guido, Hartung Hans-Peter, Jander Sebastian. Osteopontin, a macrophage‐derived matricellular glycoprotein, inhibits axon outgrowth. https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.04-1777fje
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Schmidt Manfred, Zickler Philipp, Hoffmann Gesa, Haas Sebastian, Wissler Manuela, Muessig Arne, Tisdale John, Kuramoto Ken, Andrews Robert, Wu Tong, Kiem Hans-Peter, Dunbar Cynthia, Kalle Christof. Polyclonal long-term repopulating stem cell clones in a primate model. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2002-02-0407
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Kim Hyeoung Joon, Tisdale John F., Wu Tong, Takatoku Masaaki, Sellers Stephanie E., Zickler Philipp, Metzger Mark E., Agricola Brian A., Malley James D., Kato Ikunoshin, Donahue Robert E., Brown Kevin E., Dunbar Cynthia E.. Many multipotential gene-marked progenitor or stem cell clones contribute to hematopoiesis in nonhuman primates. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.v96.1.1
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