Dr. Tereza Hendl
Telefon: | 0821 598 xx |
E-Mail: | Tereza.Hendl@med.uni-augsburgmed.uni-augsburg.de () |
- Moralische und politische Philosophie, Technologiephilosophie, feministische Philosophie, normative und ?ffentliche Gesundheitsethik
- Theorien der Gerechtigkeit, Verletzlichkeit und Solidarit?t
- Ethische, soziale und regulatorische Aspekte der digitalen Gesundheitstechnologien
- Soziale Erkenntnistheorie und epistemische Gerechtigkeit?
- Philosophische Konzeptualisierungen von Autonomie, Handlungsf?higkeit und Erm?chtigung
- Kritische Wissenschaft zu Rasse, Rassifizierung und Wei?sein, intersektionale und dekoloniale feministische Theorie
- Ethische Aspekte der Geschlechtswahl und Debatten ¨¹ber Geschlecht, Sexualit?t und Behinderung
Tereza Hendl ist Philosophin und Bioethikerin. Ihre Forschungen erstrecken sich ¨¹ber die Bereiche Moral- und politische Philosophie, Technologiephilosophie, feministische Philosophie, normative und ?ffentliche Gesundheitsethik. Sie besch?ftigt sich mit Fragen der Gerechtigkeit, der Verletzlichkeit, der Bef?higung und der Solidarit?t sowie mit der Ethik und Erkenntnistheorie von Gesundheitstechnologien und -interventionen.?
Derzeit arbeitet sie als Postdoktorandin und Co-Leiterin an dem Projekt "META - mHealth: Ethische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte im Technologiezeitalter" an der Universit?t Augsburg und als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der LMU M¨¹nchen. Ihre aktuelle Forschung besch?ftigt sich mit dem Demokratisierungspotenzial digitaler Gesundheitstechnologien sowie mit der Frage, wie diese Technologien ein bestimmtes Selbst, das des autonomen Verbrauchers, st?rken k?nnen. Sie besch?ftigt sich mit der Art und Weise, wie sich dominante soziale Normen, strukturelle Ungleichheiten und Machtasymmetrien in und durch Technologien und Algorithmen manifestieren und welche Auswirkungen dies auf individueller, sozialer und globaler Ebene hat. Sie untersucht, wie digitale Gesundheitstechnologien inklusiver und gerechter werden k?nnen, indem sie sich an den materiellen Bedingungen, den gelebten Erfahrungen und den Bed¨¹rfnissen verschiedener Bev?lkerungsgruppen orientieren und einer breiten Gruppe von Nutzern zugute kommen, einschlie?lich strukturell marginalisierter, unterdr¨¹ckter und gef?hrdeter Gruppen.?
Als Wissenschaftlerin, die sich mit strukturellen Fragen der Gerechtigkeit besch?ftigt, hat sie sich aktiv an Debatten ¨¹ber Kolonialit?t in der Philosophie und Bioethik sowie an Diskussionen ¨¹ber Geschlechter- und Rassengerechtigkeit beteiligt. Sie ist Mitglied des transnationalen Feminist Gender Equality Network (FGEN) und Mitbegr¨¹nderin des CEE Feminist Research Network, das feministische Forscherinnen aus Mittel- und Osteuropa unterst¨¹tzt, der epistemischen Marginalisierung der MOE-Wissenschaft entgegenwirkt und dekoloniale feministische Forschung aus MOE-Perspektive anregt.
Tereza Hendl hat an der Macquarie ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ in Australien in Philosophie promoviert. In ihrer Dissertation besch?ftigte sie sich mit der Ethik der vorgeburtlichen Geschlechtswahl aus sozialen Gr¨¹nden. Zuvor arbeitete sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universit?t Sydney im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts des Australian Research Council (ARC), in dem sie untersuchte, wie junge Menschen mit Beeintr?chtigungen in ihrem ?bergang zum Erwachsensein Behinderungen widerstehen. Sie forschte als Postdoctoral Researcher an der Sydney Health Ethics und als Honorary Fellow an der ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Melbourne im Rahmen des ARC Linkage Project "Regulating autologous stem cell therapies in Australia", einem interdisziplin?ren Projekt, das ethische und sozial verantwortliche Innovationen mit Stammzellen f?rdert. Sie hat an ?ffentlichen ?berpr¨¹fungen der australischen Politik in Bezug auf den Einsatz der assistierten Reproduktionstechnologie in der klinischen Praxis und Forschung sowie an der Regulierung autologer Zell- und Gewebeprodukte mitgewirkt. Sie ist in einer Vielzahl von ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ien aufgetreten, um sich an ?ffentlichen Debatten ¨¹ber Gesundheitstechnologien zu beteiligen und sicherzustellen, dass ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Gesellschaft leistet und in die politische Entscheidungsfindung einflie?t. So hielt sie beispielsweise 2015 einen TEDx-Vortrag an der Macquarie ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿, um das Bewusstsein f¨¹r die ethischen Auswirkungen der Geschlechtsselektion aufgrund von Geschlechtsvorlieben zu sch?rfen.
In Anerkennung ihrer Forschungsarbeiten wurde Tereza Hendl 2015 von der Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law (AABHL) mit dem Max-Charlesworth-Preis in Bioethik ausgezeichnet. Sie war Caroline Miles Visiting Scholarship am Ethox Centre der Universit?t Oxford in Gro?britannien, erhielt eine Residenz der Brocher-Stiftung in der Schweiz und wurde als Visiting Fellow am Humanities Research Institute der Australian National ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ und am wichtigsten amerikanischen Zentrum f¨¹r Bioethik, dem Hastings Center, ausgew?hlt.
2024 |
Hendl Tereza, Burlyuk Olga, O'Sullivan Mila, Arystanbek Aizada.
(En)Countering epistemic imperialism: a critique of "Westsplaining" and coloniality in dominant debates on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Contemporary Security Policy 2024;45(2):171-209.
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Hendl Tereza, Shukla Ayush.
Can digital health democratize health care?.
bioethics 2024;38(6):491-502.
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Kuhn Eva, Saleem Maham, Klein Thomas, K?hler Charlotte, Fuhr Daniela C., Lahutina Sofiia, Minarik Anna, Musesengwa Rosemary, Neubauer Karolin, Olisaeloka Lotenna, Osei Francis, Reinhold Annika Stefanie, Singh Ilina, Spanhel Kerstin, Thomas Neil, Hendl Tereza, Kellmeyer Philipp, B?ge Kerem.
Interdisciplinary perspectives on digital technologies for global mental health.
PLOS Global Public Health 2024;4(2):e0002867.
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Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza, Nocanda Azakhiwe Z..
Patient©\led innovation and global health justice: open©\source digital health technology for type 1 diabetes care.
Bioethics 2024;38(6):511-528.
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Wild Verina, Hendl Tereza, Jansky Bianca.
The ethics of mHealth as a global phenomenon.
Bioethics 2024;38(6):479-480.
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James Daniel, Thompson Morgan, Hendl Tereza.
Who counts in official statistics? Ethical©\epistemic issues in German migration and the collection of racial or ethnic data.
Journal of Applied Philosophy 2024;
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2023 |
Hendl Tereza, Jansky Bianca, Seeliger Victoria, Shukla Ayush, Wild Verina.
Ethical aspects of mHealth technologies: challenges and opportunities.
In: Huss Ralf, editor. Digital medicine: bringing digital solutions to medical practice. New York, NY: Jenny Stanford Publishing; 2023. p. 101-128.
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Baumgartner Renate, Arora Payal, Bath Corinna, Burljaev Darja, Ciereszko Kinga, Custers Bart, Ding Jin, Ernst Waltraud, Fosch-Villaronga Eduard, Galanos Vassilis, Gremsl Thomas, Hendl Tereza, Kropp Cordula, Lenk Christian, Martin Paul, Mbelu Somto, Morais dos Santos Bruss Sara, Napiwodzka Karolina, Nowak Ewa, Roxanne Tiara, Samerski Silja, Schneeberger David, Tampe-Mai Karolin, Vlantoni Katerina, Wiggert Kevin, Williams Robin.
Fair and equitable AI in biomedical research and healthcare: social science perspectives.
Artificial Intelligence in ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine 2023;144:102658.
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2022 |
Hendl Tereza, Roxanne Tiara.
Digital surveillance in a pandemic response: what bioethics ought to learn from indigenous perspectives.
Bioethics 2022;36(3):305-312.
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Hendl Tereza, Chung Ryoa, Wild Verina.
Employing feminist theory of vulnerability to interrogate the implications of COVID-19 apps in racialized subpopulations.
IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2022;15(1):143-145.
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Hendl Tereza, Browne Tamara Kayali.
In: Rogers Wendy A., Leach Scully Jackie, Carter Stacy M., Entwistle Vikki A., Mills Catherine, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics. New York: Routledge; 2022. p. 151-166.
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Hendl Tereza.
Towards accounting for Russian imperialism and building meaningful transnational feminist solidarity with Ukraine.
Gender Studies 2022;(26):62-93.
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2021 |
Ranisch Robert, Nijsingh Niels, Ballantyne Angela, van Bergen Anne, Buyx Alena, Friedrich Orsolya, Hendl Tereza, Marckmann Georg, Munthe Christian, Wild Verina.
Digital contact tracing and exposure notification: ethical guidance for trustworthy pandemic management.
Ethics and Information Technology 2021;23:285-294.
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Hendl Tereza, Jansky Bianca.
Tales of self-empowerment through digital health technologies: a closer look at 'Femtech'.
Review of Social Economy 2021;80(1):29-57.
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Hendl Tereza, Lipworth Wendy, Wiersma Miriam, Ghinea Narcyz, Kerridge Ian, Lysaght Tamra, Munsie Megan, Rudge Chris, Stewart Cameron, Waldby Catherine.
The oversight of clinical innovation in a medical marketplace.
In: Laurie Graeme, Dove Edward, Ganguli-Mitra Agomoni, McMillan Catriona, Sethi Nayha, Postan Emily, Sorbie Annie, editors. The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ Press; 2021. p. 287-295.
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2020 |
Pratt Bridget, Wild Verina, Barasa Edwine, Kamuya Dorcas, Gilson Lucy, Hendl Tereza, Molyneux Sassy.
Justice: a key consideration in health policy and systems research ethics.
BMJ Global Health 2020;5(4):e001942.
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Hendl Tereza, Chung Ryoa, Wild Verina.
Pandemic surveillance and racialized subpopulations: mitigating vulnerabilities in COVID-19 apps.
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2020;17(4):829-834.
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Nore?a Ivan, Shah Nairuti, Ndenkeh Jackson, Hernandez Cecilia, Sitoe Nadia, Sillah Abdou, Shin Anna, Han Wai Wai, Devaera Yoga, Mosoba Maureen, Moonga Given, Hendl Tereza, Wernick Alina, Kiberu Vincent Micheal, Menke Melissa, Guggenbuehl Noller Jessica Michelle, Pritsch Michael.
Proceedings from the CIHLMU symposium 2020 on ¡°eHealth: trends and innovations¡±.
BMC Proceedings 2020;14(S18):17.
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Waldby Catherine, Hendl Tereza, Kerridge Ian, Lipworth Wendy, Lysaght Tamra, Munsie Megan, Stewart Cameron.
The direct-to-consumer market for stem cell-based interventions in Australia: exploring the experiences of patients.
Regenerative ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine 2020;15(1):1238-1249.
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2019 |
Waldby C., Hendl Tereza, Munsie M., Lysaght T., Lipworth W., Kerridge I., Stewart C..
Autologous stem cell-based interventions in Australia: exploring patient experience in light of regulatory exceptionalism.
Cytotherapy 2019;21(5):S22.
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Hendl Tereza, Wild Verina.
Beyond hype: opportunities and challenges in mHealth.
Ethox and the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities, Big Data Institute, ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 29 May 2019 ; 2019.
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Wedgwood Nikki, Smith Louisa, Hendl Tereza, Shuttleworth Russell.
Boy interrupted: biographical disruption during the transition to adulthood.
Sociology of Health and Illness 2019;42(1):20-34.
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Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza.
Countering the suppression of diversity in period and fertility apps: the role of autoethnographic research.
Methods in Questions: Epistemologies of Gender and Sexuality Seminar Series, The ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Cambridge, Centre for Gender Studies, Cambridge, UK, 22 May 2019 ; 2019.
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Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza.
Empowered through an mHealth interface? The epistemology of period and fertility apps.
Interdisciplinary Conference on the Relations of Humans, Machines and Gender, Hochschule f¨¹r Bildende K¨¹nste Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, 19 October 2019 ; 2019.
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Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza.
Empowered through an mHealth interface? The epistemology of period and fertility apps.
Digital Behavioural Technology, Vulnerability and Justice Workshop, TU and LMU M¨¹nchen, 3 July 2019 ; 2019.
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Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza.
Empowered through an mHealth interface? The erasure of diversity in the epistemology of period and fertility trackers.
Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics at the Research Center for Cultures, Politics and Identities (IPAK Center), Belgrade, Serbia, 19 August 2019 ; 2019.
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Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza.
Empowering women through an mHealth interface? The epistemology of period and fertility tracking apps.
Workshop mit Mary Fissell und Paula-Irene Villa, M¨¹nchen, 17. Januar 2019 ; 2019.
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Wild Verina, Akg¨¹l Sarah, Eisenhut Katharina, Hendl Tereza, Jansky Bianca, Machleid Felix, Nijsingh Niels, Peter Nicole, Sauerborn Ela.
Ethical, legal and social aspects of mHealth technologies: navigating the field.
In: B?chle Thomas Christian, Wernick Alina, editors. The futures of eHealth: social, ethical and legal challenges. Berlin: Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society; 2019. p. 19-29.
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Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza.
Ethical, legal and social aspects of mHealth technologies: tackling the jumble.
International and Interdisciplinary Conference: The Futures of eHealth: Social, Legal and Ethical Challenges, Humboldt Graduate School, Berlin, Germany, 29¨C30 April 2019 ; 2019.
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Hendl Tereza, Jansky Bianca, Wild Verina.
From design to data handling: why mHealth needs a feminist perspective.
In: Loh Janina, Coeckelbergh Mark, editors. Feminist philosophy of technology. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler; 2019. p. 77-103.
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Hendl Tereza, Browne Tamara Kayali.
Is 'gender disappointment' a unique mental illness?.
ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine, Health Care and Philosophy 2019;23(2):281-294.
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Hendl Tereza, Jansky Bianca.
Q&A: a patient asks about the use of apps to track their menstrual cycle and fertility: what advice should they be given?.
O&G Magazine of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2019;21(3).
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Wild Verina, Nijsingh Niels, Hendl Tereza.
Taking a step back: the ethical significance of DTC neurotechnology.
AJOB Neuroscience 2019;10(4):170-172.
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Blakely Brette, Hendl Tereza, de Lacey Sheryl.
The Australia experience: cultural and political factors shaping human embryo assessment during IVF.
In: Human Embryos and Preimplantation Genetic Technologies. Elsevier; 2019. p. 103-112.
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2018 |
Jansky Bianca, Hendl Tereza.
Empowered through an mHealth interface? The epistemology of period and fertility tracker apps.
Workshop "Feminist Philosophy of Technology", October 25-26, 2018, Vienna, Austria ; 2018.
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Hendl Tereza.
The ethics of selling the promise of pluripotent stem cells.
In: M¨¹ller Susanne, Rosenau Henning, editors. Stammzellen - iPS-Zellen - Genomeditierung. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and Co. KG; 2018. p. 65-86.
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Hendl Tereza.
Vulnerabilities and the use of autologous stem cells for medical conditions in Australia.
Perspectives in Biology and ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine 2018;61(1):76-89.
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2017 |
Hendl Tereza.
A feminist critique of justifications for sex selection.
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2017;14(3):427-438.
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Hendl Tereza, Browne Tamara K..
Gender equity, not sex selection.
Bioethical Inquiry Blog 2017;(20. June 2017).
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Munsie Megan, Lysaght Tamra, Hendl Tereza, Tan Hui-Yin Lynn, Kerridge Ian, Stewart Cameron.
Open for business: a comparative study of websites selling autologous stem cells in Australia and Japan.
Regenerative ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine 2017;12(7):777-790.
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Hendl Tereza.
Queering the odds: the case against ¡°family balancing¡±.
IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2017;10(2):4-30.
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Lee Tsung-Ling, Lysaght Tamra, Lipworth Wendy, Hendl Tereza, Kerridge Ian, Munsie Megan, Stewart Cameron.
Regulating the stem cell industry: needs and responsibilities.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2017;95(9):663-664.
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Lysaght Tamra, Lipworth Wendy, Hendl Tereza, Kerridge Ian, Lee Tsung-Ling, Munsie Megan, Waldby Catherine, Stewart Cameron.
The deadly business of an unregulated global stem cell industry.
Journal of ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ical Ethics 2017;43(11):744-746.
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2016 |
Hendl Tereza.
The complexity of relational autonomy: a holistic approach to embodiment.
The American Journal of Bioethics 2016;16(2):63-65.
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Ausgew?hlte Publikationen
Hendl, T., and T.?K. Browne. Forthcoming. Gender: Ongoing Debates and Future Directions. Accepted for publication?in?W.?Rogers, S.?Carter, V.?Entwistle, C.?Mills, J.?Leach Scully (eds.),?Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics.?
Hendl, T., and L.?Britton. Forthcoming. Interrogating Oppressive Gender Structures: How to Better Support Transgender People. Accepted for publication in Australian Philosophical Review.?? ?
Hendl, T., Chung, R. and V. Wild.?Forthcoming. Employing Feminist Theory of Vulnerability to Interrogate the Implications of COVID-19 Apps in Racialized Subpopulations. Accepted for publication in IJFAB.?
Hendl, T., and T. Roxanne. 2022. Digital Surveillance in a Pandemic-Response: What Bioethics Ought to Learn from Indigenous Perspectives. Bioethics. DOI: 10.1111/bioe.13013.
Hendl, T., and B. Jansky. 2021. Tales of Self-empowerment through mHealth: A Closer Look at ¡®Femtech.¡¯ Review of Social Economy.?DOI: 10.1080/00346764.2021.2018027.?
Lipworth, W., Wiersma, M., Ghinea, N., Hendl, T., Kerridge, I., Lysaght, T., Munsie, M., Rudge, C., Stewart, C. and C. Waldby. 2021. Overseeing Clinical Innovation in a ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ical Marketplace.?In?G. Laurie,?E. Dove,?A. Ganguli-Mitra,?C. McMillan,?E. Postan,? N. Sethi, A. Sorbie. Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation. Cambridge: Cambridge ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ Press.
Hendl, T., Chung, R., and V. Wild. 2020. Pandemic Surveillance and Racialized Subpopulations: Mitigating?Vulnerabilities?in COVID-19 Apps.?Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. DOI: 10.1007/s11673-020-10034-7.
Ranisch, R., Nijsingh, N., (equal third author), Ballantyne, A., van Bergen, A., Buyx, A., Friedrich, O., Hendl, T., Marckmann, G., Munthe, C., and V. Wild. 2020.?Digital contact-tracing: Ethical guidance for trustworthy surveillance tools.?Ethics and Information Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s10676-020-09566-8.
Pratt, B., Wild, V., Barasa, E., Kamuya, D., Hendl, T., and S. Molyneux. 2020. Justice: A Key Consideration in Health Policy and Systems Research Ethics.?BMJ Global Health. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001942.
Hendl, T., Jansky, B., and V. Wild. 2020. From Design to Data Handling: Why mHealth Needs a Feminist Perspective. Pp. 77-103 in J.?Loh and M.?Coeckelbergh (eds.).?Feminist Philosophy of Technology. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
Ivan Nore?a, Nairuti Shah, Jackson Ndenkeh Jr., Cecilia Hernandez, Nadia Sitoe, Abdou Sillah, Anna Shin, Wai Wai Han, Yoga Devaera, Maureen Mosoba, Given Moonga, Tereza Hendl, Alina Wernick, Vincent Micheal Kiberu, Melissa Menke, Jessica Michelle Guggenbuehl Noller, and Michael Pritsch. Proceedings from the CIHLMU Symposium 2020 on ¡°eHealth: Trends and innovations.¡± BMC Proceedings 2020, 14(Suppl 18):17. DOI:10.1186/s12919-020-00202-3.
Waldby, C., Hendl, T., Kerridge, I., Lipworth, W., Lysaght, T., Munsie, M., and C. Stewart. 2020. The direct-to-consumer market for stem cell-based interventions in Australia: Exploring the experiences of patients.?Regenerative ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine. DOI:?10.2217/rme-2019-0089.
Wild, V., Nijsingh, N., and T. Hendl. 2019. Taking a Step Back: The Ethical Significance of DTC Neurotechnology.?AJOB 10 (4): 170-172. DOI: 10.1080/21507740.2019.1665139.
The META Group (Wild V., Akg¨¹l S., Eisenhut K., Hendl T., Jansky B., Machleid F., Nijsingh N., Peter N., and E. Sauerborn). 2019. Ethical, legal and social aspects of mHealth technologies: Navigating the Field.?In?Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (Eds.):?THE FUTURES OF eHEALTH. Social, legal and ethical challenges.
Blakely, B., Hendl, T., and S. Lacey. 2019. The Australia experience: Cultural & political factors shaping human embryo assessment during IVF.?Pp. 103-112 in E. S.?Sills and G.?D. Palermo (eds.).?Human Embryos and Preimplantation Genetic Technologies: Ethical, Social, and Public Policy Aspects. Cambridge: Elsevier.
Hendl, T. and T. K. Browne. 2019. Is 'Gender Disappointment' a Unique Mental Illness??ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine, Health Care and Philosophy.?DOI: 10.1007/s11019-019-09933-3.
Wedgwood, N., Smith, L., Hendl, T., and R. Shuttleworth. 2019. Boy Interrupted - Biographical Disruption during the Transition to Adulthood.?Sociology of Health and Illness. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12984.
Waldby, C., Hendl, T., Munsie, M., Lysaght, T., Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I., and C. Stewart. 2019. Autologous stem cell-based interventions in Australia: exploring patient experience in light of regulatory exceptionalism.?Cytotherapy?21(5): S22-S22.?
Hendl, T. 2018. Vulnerabilities and the Use of Autologous Stem Cells in Australia.?Perspectives in Biology and ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine 61(1): 76¨C89.?
Hendl, T. 2018. Selling the Promise of Pluripotent Stem Cells: Is It Ethically Justifiable??Pp. 65-85 in S.?M¨¹ller and H.?Rosenau (eds.).?Stammzellen ¨C iPS-Zellen ¨C Genomeditierung. Stem Cells ¨C iPS Cells ¨C Genome Editing. Baden ¨C Baden: Nomos.
Munsie, M., Lysaght T., Hendl T., Tan, H. L., Kerridge, I. H., and Stewart, C. 2017. Open for Business: A Comparative Study of Websites Selling Autologous Stem Cells in Australia and Japan.?Regenerative ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine.?
Lee, T., Lysaght, T., Hendl, T., W. Lipworth, I. Kerridge, I., Munsie, M., and C. Stewart. 2017. Regulating the Stem Cell Industry: Needs and Responsibilities.?WHO Bulletin 95(9): 663-664.?
Lysaght, T., Lipworth, W., Hendl, T., Kerridge, I., Lee, T.-L., Munsie, M., Waldby, C., and C. Stewart. 2017. The Deadly Business of an Unregulated Global Stem Cell Industry.?JME 43(11): 744-746.?
Hendl, T. 2017. Queering the Odds: The Case Against Family Balancing.?IJFAB 10(2): 4-30.?
Hendl, T. 2017. A Feminist Critique of Justifications for Sex Selection.?Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (3): 427-438.?
Hendl, T. 2016. The Complexity of Relational Autonomy: A Holistic Approach to Embodiment.?AJOB 16 (2): 63-65. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2015.1120807.
Hendl T., and B. Katz Rothman. 2016. Sex selection.?In Nancy Naples, et al. (ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.?
Ausgew?hlte Pr?sentationen
Forthcoming: Hendl, T., and B. Jansky. ¡°A Matter of Justice: Why Digital Health Technologies Warrant an Intersectional Transformation.¡± World Congress of Bioethics, Basel, Switzerland, July 20-22, 2022.?
Forthcoming: Hendl, T., and T. Roxanne. ¡°Digital Surveillance in a Pandemic-Response: What Bioethics Ought to Learn from Indigenous Perspectives.¡±?World Congress of Bioethics, Basel, Switzerland, July 20-22, 2022.?
Forthcoming: Hendl, T., Ganguli-Mitra, A., and A. Shahvisi. ¡°Decolonizing Feminist Bioethics.¡± Congress of the Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB), Basel, Switzerland,?July 18-19, 2022.?
Hendl, T. ¡°Examining?Western Dimensions of White ¡®Privilege¡¯ and Supremacy: On the Need for an Intersectional Theory of Whiteness.¡± Online workshop: Migration to/from/within CEE: Decolonial perspectives online workshop, co-organized by Middlesex ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿, England); ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Glasgow, Scotland;?and Cracow ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Economics, Poland, Nov 25, 2021.
Jansky, B., and T. Hendl. ¡°Patient activism in mHeath: by whom and for whom?¡°?Brocher Workshop The Ethics of mHealth as a Global Phenomenon, Oct 28, 2021.?
Hendl, T. and A. Shukla.?¡°Can mHealth Democratize Health?¡° Brocher Workshop The Ethics of mHealth as a Global Phenomenon, Oct 27, 2021.?
Hendl, T. ¡°Examining?Western Dimensions of White ¡®Privilege¡¯ and Supremacy: On the Need for an Intersectional Theory of Whiteness.¡± Workshop?"Race and Racism / 'Rasse' und Rassismus." Heinrich Heine ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ D¨¹sseldorf, Oct 5, 2021.?
Hendl, T. ¡°Examining Western Dimensions of White ¡®Privilege¡¯ and Supremacy: On the Need for an Intersectional Theory of Whiteness.¡° Workshop: Not Quite Equal: Exploring Intersectional Power Relations in the European East-West Divide. ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg, Germany, May 31, 2021.
Hendl, T., and T. Roxanne. ¡°Digital Surveillance in a Pandemic-Response: What Bioethics Ought to Learn from Indigenous Perspectives.¡± CEPE/IACAP Joint Conference. Universit?t Hamburg, Germany, July 5-9, 2021.
Hendl, T., and T. Roxanne. ¡°Digital Surveillance in a Pandemic-Response: What Bioethics Ought to Learn from Indigenous Perspectives.¡± The?Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference,?June 28-30, 2021.
Hendl, T., and B. Jansky. ¡°A Matter of Justice: Why Digital Health Technologies Warrant an Intersectional Feminist Perspective.¡± The?Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference,?June 28-30,?2021.
Hendl, T. ¡°Theorising Western Dimensions of White ¡®Privilege¡¯ and Supremacy: On the Need for an Intersectional Theory of Whiteness.¡° Workshop: Not Quite Equal: Exploring Intersectional Power Relations in the European East-West Divide. ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg, Germany, May 31, 2021.
Hendl, T. Brocher caf¨¦: Covid-19 and Injustice. Brocher?Foundation, Switzerland, May 27, 2021.
Hendl T., and T. Kayali Browne. ¡°Is ¡®Gender Disappointment¡¯ a Justification for Sex Selection?¡° Reproductive Ethics Conference, ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Texas ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ical Branch, Galveston, Texas, April 8, 2021.
Hendl, T., and T. Roxanne. ¡°Digital Surveillance in a Pandemic-Response: What Bioethics Needs to Learn from Indigenous Perspectives.¡± Ethical Governance of Surveillance Technologies in Times of Crisis. Utrecht ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿, the Netherlands, Nov 2020.
Hendl, T., Jansky, B., and V. Wild. ¡°Beyond ¡®Femtech¡¯: mHealth Warrants a Feminist Perspective.¡° Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (FAB) Conference, Philadelphia, the US, June 2020.
Hendl, T. ¡°Beyond the hype: Opportunities and challenges in mHealth.¡°?eHealth Trends and Innovations symposium. LMU Center for Advanced Studies, Munich, Germany, March 6, 2020.?
Hendl, T. ¡°mHealth, Self-Management and Empowerment: Digital Health Technologies From a Public Health Perspective.¡± European Society for Philosophy?of ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine and Healthcare (ESPMH), Oslo, Norway, August 2019.
Hendl, T., Wild, V: "Beyond Hype: Opportunities and Challenges in mHealth." In the Ethox and the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities Seminar, the Big Data Institute, ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Oxford, UK, May 2019.
Hendl, T. and B. Jansky. "Countering the Suppression of Diversity in Period and Fertility Apps: The Role of Autoethnographic Research." Methods in Questions: Epistemologies of Gender and Sexuality Seminar Series, ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies, UK, May 2019.
Hendl, T. ?"Health, Self-management and Empowerment: mHealth Technologies from a Public Health Perspective."?New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar, St Cross College of the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Oxford, UK, May 2019.
Hendl, T. and B. Jansky. "Empowered through an mHealth interface? The Epistemology Of Period and Fertility Apps." Interdisciplinary Conference on the Relations of Humans, Machines and Gender, the Braunschweig ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Art, Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019.
Ausgew?hlte ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ienauftritte
Tereza Hendl was interviewed for the 2021 Euronews report ? Google's new AI skincare tool may not work on patients with darker skin tones.¡°?
Hendl, T., and T. K. Browne. 2020. " Sad about having a boy not a girl? Your distress might be real but ¡®gender disappointment¡¯ is no mental illness." The Conversation.
In 2020, Tereza Hendl contributed to discussions on Facebook's "suicide prevention service", published by:?welt.de,?science medica center germany,?msn-news.
Hendl. T., Jansky, B. 2019. " Q&A: a patient asks about the use of apps to track their menstrual cycle and fertility. What advice should they be given?" O&G Magazine of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Browne, T.K. and Hendl, T. 2017. ¡° Gender Equity, Not Sex Selection.¡± Journal of Bioethical Inquiry Blog.
TEDx Talk 2016. ¡° Challenging Gender Selection.¡±
Hendl, Tereza. 2015. ¡° Choosing Children¡¯s Sex is an Exercise in Sexism.¡± The Conversation.
Debate: Professor Gab Kovacs and?Dr Tereza Hendl in a Lateline debate on the ethics of sex selection?and whether it should be allowed in Australia. Lateline, ABC Australia, February 7, 2017. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is Australia's major national broadcaster.?