Prof. Dr. Barbara Verfürth
Professorin, Universit?t Bonn
Numerische Mathematik
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Seit Juni 2020 bin ich Nachwuchsgruppenleiter am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Diese Seite wird nicht mehr aktualisiert, bitte besuchen Sie meine neue Homepage am KIT.
- Mehrskalen (Finite Elemente) Methoden
- (Numerische) Homogenisierung
- (zeitharmonische) Wellenprobleme: Helmholtz- und Maxwell-Gleichungen
- quasilineare PDEs
Kurzer Lebenslauf
10/10 - 02/15 | ? ? | Mathematikstudium (Bachelor und Master, Nebenfach Physik), WWU Münster |
03/15 - 09/18 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, WWU Münster; Promotion 06/18 | |
01/17 - 04/17 | Teilnahme am Trimester-Programm Multiscale problems, Hausdorff-Institut Bonn | |
seit 10/18 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PostDoc), Universit?t Augsburg |
Preise und Auszeichnungen
- Dissertationspreis der WWU Münster 2018
- Dr.-Klaus-K?rper-Preis der GAMM 2019
Lehre (aktuelles Semester)
Keine Vorlesungen vorhanden.
Lehre (vorherige Semester)
Winter 2019/20 | Vorlesung: Spezielle Kapitel der Numerik - Numerische Analysis akustischer und elektromagnetischer Streuprobleme |
? ? | Seminar: Exponentielle (Zeit)integratoren (Bachelor) |
SoSe 2019 | Vorlesung: Numerik gew?hnlicher Differentialgleichungen (zusammen mit D. Peterseim) |
? ? | Seminar: Numerische Verfahren und ihre Anwendungen (Bachelor) (zusammen mit D. Peterseim) |
? ? | Seminar: Seminar zur Numerik (Master) |
WiSe 2018/19 | Seminar: Einführung in Differentialgleichungen in 1D (Bachelor) |
? ? | ?bungen zur Vorlesung: Einführung in die Numerik (Numerik I) |
SoSe 2018 (WWU Münster)? ?? | ?bungen zur Numerischen Analysis |
Submitted Preprints
[Pre1]? ? | R.?Altmann, B.?Verfürth. A multiscale method for heterogeneous bulk-surface coupling. ArXiv Preprint 2005.06320, 2020. |
[Pre2]? ? | T.?Chaumont-Frelet, B.?Verfürth. A generalized finite element method for problems with sign-changing coefficients. ArXiv Preprint 2002.10818, 2020. |
[Pre3] | B.?Verfürth. Numerical homogenization for non-linear monotone elliptic problems. ArXiv Preprint 1907.01883, 2019. |
Journal articles
[A1]? ? | D.?Peterseim, B.?Verfürth. Computational high frequency scattering from high contrast heterogeneous media. Math. Comp., 2020, online first. |
[A2]? ? | M. Ohlberger, B. Schweizer, M. Urban, B. Verfürth. Mathematical analysis of transmission properties of electromagnetic meta-materials. Netw. Het. 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2020, pp. 29–56. |
[A3]? ? | P. Hennig, R. Maier, D. Peterseim, D. Schillinger, B. Verfürth, M. K?stner. A diffuse modeling approach for embedded interfaces in linear elasticity. To appear in GAMM Mitteilungen, 2019. |
[A4]? ? | B. Verfürth. Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Maxwell equations with high contrast. ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., Vol. 53, No. 1, 2019, pp. 35–61. |
[A5]? ? | D. Gallistl, P. Henning, B. Verfürth. Numerical homogenization of H(curl)-problems. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2018, pp. 1570–1596. |
[A6]? ? | M. Ohlberger, B. Verfürth. A new Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Helmholtz equation with high contrast. Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 16, No. 1, 2018, pp. 385–411. |
[A7]? ? | M. Ohlberger, B. Verfürth. Localized Orthogonal Decomposition for two-scale Helmholtz-type problems. AIMS Mathematics, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2017, pp. 458–478. |
[A8]? ? | P. Henning, M. Ohlberger, B. Verfürth. A new Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for time-harmonic Maxwell's equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 454, No. 6, 2016, pp. 3493–3522. |
Conference proceedings
[Proc1]? ? | D. Peterseim, D. Varga, B. Verfürth. From Domain Decomposition to Homogenization Theory. To appear in DD25 proceedings, 2019. |
[Proc2]? ? | B. Verfürth. Computational multiscale method for nonlinear monotone elliptic equations. Oberwolfach Reports 35, 2019. |
[Proc3]? ? | B. Verfürth. Numerical homogenization for indefinite H(curl)-problems. In Proceedings of Equadiff 2017 conference, edited by K. Mikula, D. Sevcovic, J. Urban, pp. 137–146, 2017. |
[Proc4]? ? | P. Henning, M. Ohlberger, B. Verfürth. Analysis of multiscale methods for time-harmonic Maxwell's equations. In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16, pp. 559–560, 2016. |
[Th1]? ? | B. Verfürth. Numerical multiscale methods for Maxwell's equations in heterogeneous media. Dissertation, WWU Münster, 2018. |
[Th2] | B. Verfürth. Numerical analysis of multiscale methods for Maxwell equations. Masterarbeit, WWU Münster, 2015. |
[Th3] | B. Verfürth. Homogenisierung für nichtlineare Hindernisprobleme. Bachelorarbeit, WWU Münster, 2013. |
03/20 | ? | Seminar Numerical Analysis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. (Invited seminar talk) |
01/20 | ? | Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. (Invited talk) |
10/19 | ? | ENUMATH, Egmond an Zee, The Netherlands. (Invited Talk in the minisymposium "Recent advances in modelling and numerics of wave phenomena" by V. Nikolic, W. D?rfler) |
10/19 | ? | Organisation eines Minisymposiums (zusammen mit D. Gallistl, M. Schlottbom), ENUMATH, Egmond an Zee, The Netherlands. |
09/19 | ? | 9th Singular Days, Kassel. (Contributed talk) |
09/19 | ? | Annual meeting of the GAMM workgoup on Numerical Analysis, Essen. (Contributed talk) |
07/19 | ? | Oberwolfach workshop "Computational multiscale methods" (by B. Engquist, D. Peterseim). (Invited talk) |
06/19 | ? ? | MAFELAP, Brunel 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 London. (Invited talk in the minisymposium "High-frequency wave problems in heterogeneous media" by E. Spence, S. Nicaise, S. Sauter) |
05/19 | ? ? | Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Chalmers 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden. (Invited seminar talk) |
02/19 | ? ? | GAMM Jahrestagung, Wien. (Invited talk in a section) |
10/18 | ? | GAMM workshop on numerical analysis, Augsburg. |
10/18 | ? ? | 3rd German–Russian–American workshop on numerical methods and mathematical modelling in geophysical and biomedical sciences, Herrsching am Ammersee. |
06/18 | ? ? | Workshop on Interplay of multiscale data assimilation and data science with advanced PDE discretizations, Erwin-Schr?dinger-Institut Wien. (Invited talk) |
06/18 | ? | European Finite Element Fair, Heidelberg. (Contributed talk) |
03/18 | ? | 4th Applied Math Symposium Münster. |
03/18 | ? | (Co-)Organisation des 4th Applied Math Symposium Münster. |
03/18 | ? | Joint annual meeting of GDMV and DMV, Paderborn. |
01/18 | ? | Universit?t Augsburg. (Invited seminar talk) |
09/17 | ? ? | ENUMATH 2017, Voss, Norway. (Invited talk in the minisymposium "Numerical methods for simulating processes in porous media" by I.S. Pop, R. Schulz, P. Knabner, B. Wohlmuth) |
07/17 | ? | (Co-)Organisation eines Minisymposiums, Equadiff 2017, Bratislava. |
07/17 | ? | Equadiff 2017, Bratislava. (Minisymposium talk) |
07/17 | ? | Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT). (Invited seminar talk) |
03/17 | ? | Hausdorff-Institut Bonn. (Seminar talk) |
11/16 | ? ? | METAMATH workshop, Cargèse, Corse, France. (Invited talk) |
05/16 | ? | European Finite Element Fair, Bonn. (Contributed talk) |
03/16 | ? | Joint annual meeting of GAMM and DMV, Braunschweig. (Contributed talk) |