




Wissenschaftlicher Artikel | Teil eines Buches (Kapitel) | Buch (Monographie) | Dissertation

Wissenschaftlicher Artikel

Patric Papenfu?, Amelie Schischke and Andreas Rathgeber
Factors of predictive power for metal commodities

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Amelie Schischke, Patric Papenfu? and Andreas Rathgeber
The three co's to jointly model commodity markets: co-production, co-consumption and co-trading

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Bartosz Kabaciński, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Jacek Piotr Mizerka, Andreas Rathgeber, Agnieszka Stró?yńska-Szajek and Miko?aj Nowicki
Real earnings management and quality of corporate governance: a meta-regression analysis

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Minoo Tehrani, Andreas Rathgeber, Edward Dougherty, Lawrence Fulton and James Fournier
Dow Jones sustainability indices and ESG scores: do they tell the same story?

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Florian Schmid, Herbert Mayer, Markus Wanner and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Rebalancing effects of commodity indices on open interest, volume and prices

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Amelie Schischke, Patric Papenfu?, Markus Brem, P. Kurz and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Sustainable energy transition and its demand for scarce resources: insights into the German Energiewende through a new risk assessment framework

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Andrea Thorenz, Axel Tuma and Andreas Rathgeber
Commodity Markets und Ressourcenmanagement [Editorial]

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Markus Hang, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Stefan St?ckl
Rather complements than substitutes: firm value effects of capital structure and financial hedging decisions

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Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Determinants of the WTI-Brent price spread revisited

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Markus Ulze, Johannes Stadler and Andreas W. Rathgeber
No country for old distributions? On the comparison of implied option parameters between the Brownian motion and variance gamma process

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Thomas Wimmer, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Marie Hütter, Florian Schmid and Andreas W. Rathgeber
The impact of speculation on commodity prices: a meta-Granger analysis

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Minoo Tehrani, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Lawrence Fulton and Bryan Schmutz
Sustainability & CSR: the relationship with Hofstede cultural dimensions

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Markus Hang, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Clémence Alasseur and Lena Wichmann
Interaction effects of corporate hedging activities for a multi-risk exposure: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

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Stefan St?ckl, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Johannes Stadler
The impact of the leverage effect on the implied volatility smile - evidence for the German option market

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Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Markus Hang and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Corporate financial hedging and firm value: a meta-analysis

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Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Markus Hang and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Meta-analysis in finance research: opportunities, challenges, and contemporary applications

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Bryan Schmutz, Minoo Tehrani, Lawrence Fulton and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Dow Jones sustainability indices, do they make a difference? The U.S. and the European Union companies

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Tobias Gaugler, Stefan Stoeckl and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Global climate impacts of agriculture: a meta-regression analysis of food production

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Jair Santillán‐Saldivar, Tobias Gaugler, Christoph Helbig, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Guido Sonnemann, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Design of an endpoint indicator for mineral resource supply risks in life cycle sustainability assessment: the case of Li‐ion batteries

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Matthias Schlipf, Carlos Keller, Fabian Lutzenberger, Stefan Pfosser and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Measuring life cycle costs for complex B2B products: a novel, integrated and practical methodology across disciplines for pricing maintenance contracts

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Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Markus Hang and Andreas W. Rathgeber
What drives financial hedging? A meta-regression analysis of corporate hedging determinants

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Shivenes Shammugam, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Thomas Schlegl
Causality between metal prices: is joint consumption a more important determinant than joint production of main and by-product metals?

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Andreas W. Rathgeber, J. Stadler and S. St?ckl
Financial modelling applying multivariate Lévy processes: new insights into estimation and simulation

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Markus Hang, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg and Andreas W. Rathgeber
It is merely a matter of time: a meta-analysis of the causality between environmental performance and financial performance

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Shivenes Shammugam, Estelle Gervais, Thomas Schlegl and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Raw metal needs and supply risks for the development of wind energy in Germany until 2050

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Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Markus Hang, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Stefan St?ckl and Matthias Walter
What do we really know about corporate hedging? A meta-analytical study

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Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Markus Hang, Matthias Walter and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Do stock markets react to soccer games? A meta-regression analysis

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B. Seitz, Tam P. Dinh Thi' and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Understanding loan loss reserves under IFRS 9: a simulation-based approach

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Markus Hang, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Stefan St?ckl
Measurement matters: a meta-study of the determinants of corporate capital structure

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Markus Hang, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Stefan St?ckl
Economic development matters: a meta-regression analysis on the relation between environmental management and financial performance

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Stefan B?schen, Markus Vogt, Claudia R. Binder and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Resilienz - Analysetool sozialer Transformationen?

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Stefan B?schen, Claudia R. Binder and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Resilienzkonstruktionen: Divergenz und Konvergenz von Theoriemodellen - eine konzeptionell-empirische Analyse = Construction of resilience: divergence and convergence of theoretical models - conceptual and empirical Analysis

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Michael Ludwig, Herbert G. Mayer, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Christina Spriegel and Florian Vogg
A truly market-value weighted commodity index

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Fabian Lutzenberger, Benedikt Gleich, Herbert G. Mayer, Christian Stepanek and Andreas W. Rathgeber
威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】s: resources or financial assets? A multivariate cross-sectional analysis

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H. Fock and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Die Bewertung von Genussscheinen zwischen Fremd- und Eigenkapitalcharakteristika

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Andreas W. Rathgeber, Johannes Stadler and Stefan St?ckl
Fitting Generalized Hyperbolic processes - new insights for generating initial values

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Herbert G. Mayer, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Markus Wanner
Financialization of metal markets: does futures trading influence spot prices and volatility?

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Andreas W. Rathgeber, Johannes Stadler and Stefan St?ckl
Modeling share returns - an empirical study on the Variance Gamma model

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Matthias Walter, Bj?rn H?ckel and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Market pricing of credit linked notes: the influence of the financial crisis

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Andreas W. Rathgeber, David Rudolph and Stefan St?ckl
Pricing anomaly at the first sight: same borrower in different currencies faces different credit spreads - an explanation by means of a quanto option

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Markus Wanner, Tobias Gaugler, Benedikt Gleich and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Determinants of the price of high-tech metals: an event study

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Alexander Friesenegger, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Stefan St?ckl
Recovery rate in the event of an issuer’s insolvency?— empirical study on implications for the pricing of credit default risks in german corporate bonds

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A. Leonhardt, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Johannes Stadler and Stefan St?ckl
Pricing fx forwards in OTC markets – new evidence for the pricing mechanism when faced with counterparty risk

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Jonathan Josef Leicht and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Guaranteed stop orders as portfolio insurance – an analysis for the German stock market

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Matthias M. Arnold, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Stefan St?ckl
Determinants of corporate hedging: a (statistical) meta-analysis

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Patrick Afflerbach, Gilbert Fridgen, Robert Keller, Andreas W. Rathgeber and Florian Strobel
The by-product effect on metal markets – new insights to the price behavior of minor metals

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Gilbert Fridgen, Christian K?nig, Philipp Mette and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Die Absicherung von Rohstoffrisiken — eine Disziplinen über greifende Herausforderung für Unternehmen

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Christian Stepanek, Matthias Walter and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Is the convenience yield a good indicator of a commodity's supply risk?

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Benedikt Gleich, Benjamin Achzet, Herbert G. Mayer and Andreas W. Rathgeber
An empirical approach to determine specific weights of driving factors for the price of commodities: a contribution to the measurement of the economic scarcity of minerals and metals

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Stephan Krohns, Peter Lunkenheimer, Simon Mei?ner, Armin Reller, Benedikt Gleich, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Tobias Gaugler, Hans Ulrich Buhl, D. C. Sinclair and Alois Loidl
The route to resource-efficient novel materials

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Yun Wang
Market pricing of credit-linked notes: the case of retail structured products in Germany

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Martin Wallmeier
Regionales Clustering im Ausschüttungsverhalten von Sparkassen

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Manfred Steiner and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Die Ausschüttungen von Sparkassen - rechtliche und empirische Bestandsaufnahme

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Andreas W. Rathgeber
Optionsbewertung unter Lévy-Prozessen: eine Analyse für den deutschen Aktienindex

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Harriet Rathgeber
Why Germany was supposed to be drawn in the group of death and why it escaped

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and M. Wallmeier
Die Eigenmittelunterlegung nach Basel II aus Sicht der Kapitalstrukturtheorie

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Andreas W. Rathgeber, Manfred Steiner and C. Willinsky
Die Entwicklung des Kreditrisikomanagements in deutschen Banken 2000-2003 – eine empirische Untersuchung

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Andreas W. Rathgeber, Matthias Wagatha and Christian Willinsky
Kreditrisikomanagement in deutschen Banken: eine aktuelle Vertiefung der Untersuchung aus dem Jahr 2000

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Marcus Wagner
Realoptionen und mehrere Preisprozesse

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Christian Willinsky
Kreditrisikomanagement in deutschen Banken

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Marcus Wagner
Wert des Humankapitals

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Christian Willinsky, Thomas Dittmar and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Marktorientierte Leistungsverrechnung

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Marcus Wagner
Wert des Humankapitals

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J. Hrynko and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Bewertung kreditsensitiver Derivate

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Teil eines Buches (Kapitel)

Andreas Rathgeber

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Andreas W. Rathgeber

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Wolfgang Brütting, Mirjam Dür, Ulrich Eckern, Urs Frauenfelder, Malte A. Peter and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Die Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakult?t: immer auch die Anwendung im Blick

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Stefan B?schen, Claudia R. Binder and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Resilience constructions: how to make the differences between theoretical concepts visible?

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Hermann-Josef Tebroke
Unternehmenswert und Ausfallrisiko: zur ?bereinstimmung CAPM- und OPM-basierter Bewertung im einperiodigen Trinomialmodell

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Christoph J. Strobl, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Achim Wixforth, C. Gauer and J. Scriba
Planar microfluidic processors

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Andreas W. Rathgeber and Marcus Wagner
Realoptionen bei Immobilien: Wert- und Risikomanagement

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Andreas W. Rathgeber
Auslandsgesch?ft der Kreditinstitute

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Buch (Monographie)

Louis Perridon, Manfred Steiner and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung

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Martin T. Schulz, Andreas W. Rathgeber, Stefan St?ckl and Marc Wagner
?bungen zur Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung

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Louis Perridon, Manfred Steiner and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung

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Louis Perridon, Manfred Steiner and Andreas W. Rathgeber
Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung

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Andreas W. Rathgeber (ed.)
Finanzwirtschaft, Kapitalmarkt und Banken: Festschrift für Professor Dr. Manfred Steiner zum 60. Geburtstag

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Andreas W. Rathgeber
Mehrere Preisprozesse und Ausübungsbedingungen bei der Bewertung von Optionen

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Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 2005
