


An open book
Fakten zum Studiengang
Name: English and American Studies
Studienabschluss: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Studienform: Vollzeit
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Studienbeginn: Wintersemester, Sommersemester
Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester
Zulassungsmodus: Zulassungsfrei
Deutschkenntnisse (Mindestanforderungen): A 1 Und
Fremdsprachenkenntnisse (Mindestanforderungen): Englisch C 1/ C 2
Hinweise: Zugangsvoraussetzungen gem?? §§ 4, 24 der Prüfungsordnung in der aktuellen Fassung. Einführungsveranstaltungen finden kurz vor Beginn der Vorlesungszeit statt: www.uni-augsburg.de…. Vorlesungsbeginn: https://www.uni-aug…
Bewerbungsschluss Sommersemester: 01. M?rz
Bewerbungsschluss Wintersemester: 01. September
Study Content:
Our Master’s programme in English and American Studies offers students the unique opportunity to combine different fields of Anglophone studies within a high-level single study programme. This interdisciplinary degree programme covers Anglophone World Literature(s) and Linguistics, 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia, Performance and Popular Culture Studies, as well as Teaching English with a strong focus on research as well as practical methodology. Students can choose between a major in Linguistics or Anglophone World Literature(s), as well as a minor area in either Anglophone Popular Culture Studies, Teaching English, Linguistics or Literary studies. Note that if you are already majoring in linguistics or literary studies, you cannot choose the same subject as a minor. This allows the creation of a specialised, personal profile.
During the standard duration of four semesters, Master’s students acquire in-depth technical skills and academic methodology within the field of Anglophone Studies. This provides them with high-level discourse proficiency in spoken and written English, intercultural competence, as well as expertise in the analysis and interpretation of socio-cultural phenomena by emphasising independent thinking, interdisciplinary research, and critical reflection. The curriculum includes a mandatory practical component to prepare students for various job opportunities or a career in academia. Additionally, we encourage students to spend a semester abroad to expand their academic and cultural horizons. The programme is completed with the writing of a Master’s thesis based on a research topic of the student’s choice. All lectures and seminars of the Master’s programme are held in English. Therefore, in addition to a bachelor’s degree in a subject related to English and American Studies, proof of a sound knowledge of English is a prerequisite for admission.
Career Prospects:
  • Journalism and 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia
  • Publishing Industry
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Market Research
  • Cultural Management
  • Museums and Exhibitions
  • Public Relations
  • Adult Education
  • Academia
  • Trend and Data Analysis
  • Internationally oriented businesses
  • International organisations
  • Tourism





News - Practical Area

The practical area is a compulsory component of the MA EAS degree. Students are expected to earn a total of 10 credit points by completing one or several internships (duration: 6 weeks) in institutions or companies in an area touching on literature, language or culture, international exchange, or English-language teaching. Such work can likewise include internships at Chairs or departments at universities as long as this academic work is clearly related to identifiable work on specific academic projects.


Note that the use of English as a means of communication during your internship or work experience is a welcome but not a necessary requirement of the module; neither is the use of English alone a justification for the internship or work experience's suitability. You will need to find and organize these activities yourselves, and to obtain certificates of occupation and duration.


Please contact Dr. Christian Hoffmann in your second semester to discuss your internship plans and sign the mandatory practical area agreement. This way, you can ensure that your internship project(s) will be accepted.

for further information about the practical area, please consult our respective website

Application and Registration

  • You have a?Bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree with a significant focus on English linguistics and/or English and American literary studies?
  • You are interested in deepening your skills and knowledge even further?
  • You want to achieve a high standard MA degree with a specialized profile?

Our Master English and American Studies is the perfect choice for you!

Structure and Organization

You are one of our new students? Welcome!


Do you have any questions about...

  • the structure of the study program?
  • which courses to attend?
  • how to create your course schedule?
  • how to register for courses in the first place?
First Semester Students

Practical Area


Job-market experience outside the university is an important factor in your resume and will improve your chances of finding a job in the area of your choice.

In our program, you therefore need to complete a practical module.


  • What does this contain?
  • What can I do for that module?
  • How long must the internship/work experience be to get the 10 ECTS?
  • When shall I do it?
  • How do I register for it?
You find the answers to these and similar questions here:

Department of English and American Studies

The Master English and American Studies belongs to the English Department.


  • Into which sections is it organized?
  • Which chairs are there and what is their special interest of research?
  • How can I specialize myself and/or extend my knowledge in certain areas?
  • What if I wish to go abroad?
  • Where do I find literature for my term papers?
  • Are there any extracurricular activities I might join?
  • Are there any ways to network with my fellow students?

You find answers to these and similar questions on our English and American Studies website!


Module Structure

The module tables contain all modules for each major and minor.

Module Tables (all majors and minors)
Study Guide

The Study Guide informs about everything there is to know about applying, registration, enrollments, the study program, courses, exams, and much more. Have a look, it's worth it!

Study Guide MA EAS
Stylesheets & Templates

Each study field has its own style sheet for written assignments. Our faculty provides you with an overview of style sheets as well as templates.

Stylesheets & Templates

Study Counseling


You are a MA student and do not know who to contact with questions, problems and the like? No worries, the text below provides you with the respective contact information:


Dr. Christian Hoffmann is the program coordinator and Viktoria Rossi the MA tutor for all MA students. You can and should reach out to the two of them with any problems you might encounter, questions you might have or anything else you need help with. You can reach them via this mail address. They will answer you as soon as possible.

You can, however, also contact them by visiting their office hours, the MA tutorial?or making an appointment via mail.



Going Abroad

Going abroad -?in form of an internship or studying -?is not mandatory but strongly recommended! You find more information here.??????


The contact person(s) for counseling and further information on options on how you can transfer your credit points are listed below.


Neue Englische Literaturen und Kulturwissenschaft


