Wissenschaftskommunikation über und mit kommunikativer künstlicher Intelligenz: Emotionen, Engagement, Effekte (Wiss-KKI).?Projektleiterin: Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic
Wissenschaftliche Aktivit?ten und Funktionen
The Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) network
International Communication Association (ICA)
Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia (Avanciencia).
2023: Universit?t Antwerpen?– Postdoctoral Scholarship
2021: Pu?tea Tautoko Student Fund, Universit?t Otago
2018 - 2021: Universit?t Otago, PhD Scholarship
2015 - 2016: Chevening Scholarship
2009 - 2011: Koc? Universit?t, M.A. Scholarship
Dozent, Vertiefung Journalismus, 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ien- und O?ffentlichkeitsarbeit, Lesen, Interpretieren und Pr?sentieren von Daten, Department für Wissenschafts?kommunikation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. 2022.
Gastdozent, The Craft of Storytelling, Zentrum für Wissenschaftskommunikation, Universit?t Otago, Dunedin, 2019/2020/2021.
Fachzeitschriften (peer-reviewed)
Silva Luna, D., Bering J.M., & Halberstadt, J.B. (2022). The value and distinctiveness of awe in science communication: Comparing the incidence and content of ‘awesome’ representations in science and non-science picture books. International Journal of Science Education, Part B.
Silva Luna, D., Bering, J.M. (2022). Varieties of awe in science communication: Reflexive thematic analysis of practitioners’ experiences and uses of this emotion. Science Communication.
Silva Luna, D., Bering, J.M. & Halberstadt, J.B. (2021). Public faith in science in the United States through the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Health in Practice, 2, 100103. ??
Silva Luna, D., & Bering, J.M. (2020). The construction of awe in science communication. Public Understanding of Science, 30(1), 2–15.
Wissenschaftliche Vortr?ge
Silva, Luna, D. Hughes, S., Humm, S., Massarani, L.M., Trench, B., & Vitting-Seerup, S. (2023). Roundtable: What do emotions ‘do’ in science communication? Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) 2023
Silva, Luna, D. (2023). A constructed mind approach for science communication research. Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) 2023
Silva, Luna, D. (2021). The nature and varieties of awe in science communication. London Public Understanding of Science Seminar
Silva, Luna, D. (2021). Learning awe from science picture books: The role of emotion in children’s science communication. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation
Silva, Luna, D. (2021). Varieties of awe in science communication. Science Public Engagement Partnership (SciPEP) Conference. Communicating the Future: Engaging the Public in Basic Science
Silva Luna, D. (2021). Is science awesome? Reframing the use of awe in science communication. Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference 2020+1
Silva Luna, D., (2021). Cultural varieties of awe: The case of science communication. Awe & Resilience Symposium
04/2023 -?01/2024 |
Postdoktorand, Department of Communication, Universit?t Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgien |
05/2022 -?10/2022 |
Postdoktorand, Department für Wissenschafts?kommunikation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Deutschland |
06/2021 -?12/2021 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Teilzeit), Department für Psychologie, Universit?t Otago, Dunedin, Neuseeland |
02/2021 -?06/2021 |
Lehrbeauftragter (Teilzeit), Zentrum für Wissenschaftskommunikation, Universit?t Otago, Dunedin, Neuseeland |
02/2020 -?06/2020 |
Lehrbeauftragter (Teilzeit), Zentrum für Wissenschaftskommunikation, Universit?t Otago, Dunedin, Neuseeland |
02/2019 -?06/2019 |
Lehrbeauftragter (Teilzeit), Zentrum für Wissenschaftskommunikation, Universit?t Otago, Dunedin, Neuseeland |
2018 -?2021 |
PhD in Wissenschaftskommunikation, Universit?t Otago, Dunedin, Neuseeland |
2015 -?2016 |
MSc in Wissenschaftskommunikation, Imperial College London, London, UK |
2009 -?2011 |
MA in Internationalen Beziehungen, Ko? Universit?t, Istanbul, Türkei |
2003 -?2008 |
BA in Politikwissenschaft, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Kolumbien |
2002 -?2007 |
BA in Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Kolumbien |