



Neuerscheinung: Richard B?sch: Observing conflict escalation in world society

B?sch, Richard: Observing Conflict Escalation in World Society, Augsburg: Universit?t Augsburg, Philosophisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakult?t, Open Access:?

In seiner jetzt Open Access erschienenen Dissertation zeigt Richard B?sch, wie sich mithilfe einer systemtheoretischen Analyse die Eskalationsprozesse in weltgesellschaftlichen Konflikten, u.a. in Mali 2010-12 und bei den Maidan-Protesten in der Ukraine 2013-2014, besser verstehen lassen.


How do conflicts escalate? This is one of the major and overarching questions in conflict research. The present study makes a contribution in order to offer further answers to this question. Therefore, it has a tripartite agenda: First, it develops an empirical research strategy including a contructivist methodology for the study of conflict escalation. This strategy is embedded in a Luhmannian systems theoretical world society perspective; argues that conflicts can be understood as social systems in their own right; looks at the process of conflict escalation by analysing communication; follows a reconstructive approach informed by grounded theory and the documentary method. Second, to probe the plausibility of the approach, this study analyses two processes of conflict escalation prior to violent conflict within the framework of two systematic case studies (Maidan protests/Ukraine 2013-2014; Mali’s crisis/2010-2012). Third, on the basis of the case study insights gained and the experiences made with the empirical research strategy developed here, the present work gives some impulses and ideas on how this kind of systems theoretical research can further on be beneficial for Peace and Conflict Studies and conflict analysis in general.

