Associated Publications
The following publications are by scholars associated with the RECODE network:
Bader, Veit, 2012.
"Moral, ethical, and realist dilemmas of transnational governance of migration." American Behavioral Scientist published online 7 May 2012.
Bader, Veit, 2011.
"Beyond secularisms of all sorts." Immanent Frame (blog), October 11. Retrieved September 2012 (
Bader, Veit, 2010.
"Complex legitimacy in compound politics: The EU as example." Representation, 46(3): 261-279.
Bader, Veit, 2010. "Constitutionalizing secularism, alternative secularisms or liberal democracy? A critical reading of some Turkish, ECtHR and Indian supreme court cases on 'secularism'." Utrecht Law Journal, 6/3, 8-35.
Bader, Veit, 2007.
"Defending differentiated policies of multiculturalism." National Identities, 9(3): 197-215.
Banting, Keith and Will Kymlicka, 2012.
"Is there really a backlash against multiculturalism policies? New evidence from the Multiculturalism Policy Index." Queen's 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】.
Colom González, Francisco, 2013.
"Cultures, Norms and Beliefs in the Legal Arena. The Normative Problems of Legal Pluralism in a Context of Ethno-religious Diversity". Pp. 125-142 in Cultural Challenges of Migration in Canada, edited by K.-D. Ertler, P. Imbert. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Colom González, Francisco, 2013.
"Intercultural Justice. Cutting Across the Cultural Boundaries of Legal Norms". Pp. 217-226 in Spheres of Global Justice, edited by L. Foisneau, C. Hiebaum, J.-C. Merle, J. C. Velasco. Dordrecht: Springer.
Colom González, Francisco, 2012.
"Entre el Credo y la Ley. Procesos de ‘interlegalidad’ en el pluralismo jurídico de base religiosa." Revista de Estudios Políticos, 72(152): 83-103.
Colom González, Francisco and Ana López Sala (eds.), 2011:
"Towards a post-secular society? Public management of the new religious diversity.
Summary (in English).
Kraus, Peter A., 2011.
"The multilingual city: The cases of Helsinki and Barcelona." Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 1(1): 25-36.
Kraus, Peter A., 2012. "The politics of complex diversity: A European perspective." Ethnicities, 12(1): 3-25.
Me?i?, Ned?ad and Aleksandra ?lund, 2011. "Asymmetric partnership: Migrant organisations, trade unions and the equality ombudsman." Revija za Sociologiju, 41(1): 51-76.
Schierup, Carl-Ulrik and Aleksandra ?lund, 2011. "The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion." Race & Class, 53:45.
Siim, Birte and Mokre, Monika (eds.), 2013. "Negotiating Gender and Diversity in an Emergent European Public Sphere." Basinstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Triadafilopoulos, Triadafilos, 2011.
"Illiberal means to liberal ends? Understanding recent immigrant integration policies in Europe." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(6): 861-880.