Europa serà mediterrània o no serà

Peter A. Kraus, "Europa serà mediterrània o no serà. L'eix de la política global en què ens movem s'està despla?ant cap al sud. Una conversa amb Diana Riba," in: eines34, Barcelona: Fondació Josep Irla, 2019, pp. 60-77.
?La UE es troba en un dels moments de major qüestionament intern des de la seva creació. EI Brexit, l'auge dels populismes de dretes o les limitacions a l'hora de fer front a crisis com la dels refugiats han posat en entredit un actor que havia d'exercir de pol alternatiu a uns EUA més hostils des de l'ascens de Donald J. Trump (1946). Les enquestes preveuen un auge de l'euroescepticisme en les eleccions del 26 de maig, però, en aquesta complicada conjuntura, Peter A. Kraus (1960) i Diana Riba (1975) conversen sobre els reptes per redre?ar la situaciò des de postures transformadores. Kraus és catedràtic de cièncis política i director de l'Institut d'Estudis Canadencs a la Augsburg Universit?t, expert en sociologia política, teoria democràtica, pluralisme cultural i integració europea, així com gran coneixedor de la realitat catalana. Al seu torn, Riba és pedagoga, fundadora de l'Associació Catalana pels Drets Civils un cop van empresonar el seu marit, Raül Romeva, i ara és candidata d'Ara Repúbliques a les eleccions europees. Ha treballat també en projectes internacionals, des de la Fundació Centre d'lniciatives i Recerques Europees a la 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】iterrània o el Fòrum Universal de les Cultures de Barcelona [...]
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The Informal Construction of Europe

The Informal Construction of Europe
1st Edition
Edited by Lennaert van Heumen, Mechthild Roos
Routledge, 2019. 238 pages.
Informal dimensions of European integration have received limited academic attention to date, despite their historical and contemporary importance. Particularly studies in European integration history, while frequently mentioning informal processes, have as yet rarely conceptualised the study of informality in European integration, and thus fail usually to systematically analyse conditions, impact and consequences of informal action.
Including case studies that discuss both successful and failed examples of informal action in European integration, this book assembles cutting-edge research by both early-career and more experienced scholars from all over Europe to fill this lacuna.
MIME Vademecum

The MIME Vademecum
Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe,
hg. von Grin, Fran?ois u. a.
June 2018, ISBN: 978-2-8399-2402-3.
Download kostenlos auf der MIME-Projektseite (pdf-Datei)
Zitat aus der
Pressemitteilung der Universit?t Augsburg vom 18.09.2018:
?Praxisnah aufbereitet und kostenlos verfügbar pr?sentiert das europ?ische Forschungsverbundprojekt MIME seine Ergebnisse zum Thema ?Mobilit?t und Inklusion im mehrsprachigen Europa“. Mobilit?t und Inklusion im mehrsprachigen Europa?. [...]
Der Augsburger Politikwissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Peter A. Kraus war ?Interdisciplinarity Manager“ des Verbundprojekts, dessen 25 Teams für das MIME Vademecum ihre Ergebnisse in Form praxistauglicher Hintergrundinformationen zu 72 im weitesten Sinne sprachenpolitischen Fragen aufbereitet haben. [...]
Das Vademecum richtet sich vor allem an Menschen, die in ihrem Berufsleben mit den konkreten Herausforderungen, die Mehrsprachigkeit mit sich bringt, konfrontiert sind. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, Grafiken und Beispiele aus verschiedenen europ?ischen L?ndern wurden auf je zwei Seiten pro Frage miteinander verbunden, um Menschen aus der Praxis einen Einblick in den Forschungsstand zu mehrsprachigen Gesellschaften zu liefern und ihnen zu helfen, ihre eigenen Antworten auf die verschiedenen Problemstellungen zu entwickeln.“
Beitr?ge des Augsburger Teams:
Kraus, Peter A., Núria Garcia, Melanie Frank & Vicent Climent-Ferrando, 2018: ?Why may it not be enough to learn only one of the official languages in multilingual settings?“, in: Grin, Fran?ois et. al. (Hrsg.): Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe. The MIME Vademecum, Grandson, S. 68-69.
Kraus, Peter A., Núria Garcia, Melanie Frank & Vicent Climent-Ferrando, 2018: ?Which principles should we use to tailor language policies?“, in: Grin, Fran?ois et. al. (Hrsg.): Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe. The MIME Vademecum, Grandson, S. 88-89.
Kraus, Peter A., Núria Garcia, Melanie Frank & Vicent Climent-Ferrando, 2018: ?How should national language policies be adapted to a specific city?“, in: Grin, Fran?ois et. al. (Hrsg.): Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe. The MIME Vademecum, Grandson, S. 100-102.
Politics of Multilingualism

The Politics of Multilingualism
Europeanisation, globalisation and linguistic governance
Edited by Peter A. Kraus and Fran?ois Grin
Universit?t Augsburg / Université de Genève
Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2018. xix, 367 pp.
This book proposes a multidisciplinary assessment of the impact of complex diversity on language politics and policies, analysing how the legacies of the old interact with the challenges of the new. Its main focus is on the interplay of multilingualism on the one hand, and the dynamics of transnationalism, globalisation, and Europeanisation on the other. This interplay confronts contemporary societies with unprecedented questions, as they face the need to come to grips with increasingly varied and pervasive manifestations of linguistic and cultural diversity. This volume develops an integrative approach that identifies the key social and political dimensions at hand, offering an innovative contribution to the ongoing conversation on the manifestations and management of multilingualism.
Between Minority Protection and Linguistic Sovereignty

Peter A. Kraus: "Between Minority Protection and Linguistic Sovereignty", in: Revista de Llengua i Dret / Journal of Language and Law 69, June 2018, 6-17.
Open access (pdf oder epub)
Twenty-five years after the Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, it is imperative to thoroughly reassess the status of language groups against the background of, first, the massive changes that have taken place in the framework of European politics since 1992 and, second, the normative deficits of approaches that may well have been designed with good intentions, yet end up reproducing entrenched structures of domination and subalternity. On the side of European politics, one can hardly say that recent developments bear witness to the emergence of a post-national order. In an environment characterized by the growing impact of identity politics played out by and for majorities, the generosity European governments were formerly willing to express towards minority concerns – however rhetorical it may have ultimately been – has nowadays become an exceptional phenomenon. [...]
Autonomy; Catalonia; Committee of the Regions; Council of Europe; equal dignity; European Charter;
European Union; majority/majorities; minority/minorities; minority politics; minority protection; nation-state;
recognition/unequal recognition; sovereignty.
The Catalan Process

Peter A.Kraus & Joan Vergés Gifra (eds.)
The Catalan Process. Sovereignty, Self-Determination and Democracy in the 21st Century.
Generalitat de Catalunya. Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern: 2017.
Recent developments in Europe suggest that the dynamic of globalization and transnational integration rather fuels than obstructs aspirations to alter political borders drawn in pre-democratic times. All evidence at hand at present indicates that self-determination will continue to be one of the most pressing issues on the world's political agenda. The demands for sovereignty articulated over the last ten years in Catalonia are an obvious manifestation of this trend. However, the Catalan "process" is a complex phenomenon. This book aims at helping the reader to grasp and interpret this complexity. It brings into focus those political events and constellations in Catalonia's recent history that are central for an appropriate understanding of the process. The book also shows that the process has a political relevance that goes way beyond the Spanish-Catalan context and relates to key issues concerning the interplay of democracy, sovereignty and statehood in the 21st century. The main rationale underlying the different views presented in this volume is precisely the conviction that what has been, and still is, going on in Catalonia opens up important insights when it comes to grasping some of the most salient challenges democratic governance faces in an age that – in Europe as in other parts of the world – combines identity politics and globalism in often surprising ways.