



Emmanuel Adeleke

Research assistant at the Chair of Regional Climate Change and Health
Centre for Climate Resilience
Phone: +49 821 598 71004
Room: EG A007 (Faculty of 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】icine / Gutenbergstra?e 7)
Address: Gutenbergstra?e 7, 86356 Neus??
Postal address: Universit?tsstra?e 2, 86159 Augsburg

Topic of my doctoral thesis/project title

STOP-MBDs: Short-term operational projections for mosquito-borne disease control



About me

I am a geographer interested in studying the relationships between regional climate patterns and human health. My research focuses on identifying large-scale climatic conditions that influence mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases (MBDs) as well as how these conditions change through time. My research aims at developing decision support tools to strengthen human health resilience to mosquito and MBD risks. In my PhD, I’m working on the project titled “Short-term operational projections for the control of mosquito-borne diseases (STOP-MBDs)”. In this project, I am investigating the impacts of large-scale teleconnection patterns and smaller-scale weather patterns on the seasonal abundance, distribution and life cycle of mosquitoes and consequently MBD risks.



My Motivation - Why climate resilience?

Climate change is expected to create new (and amplify existing) environmental conditions that increase human health risks to mosquito-borne diseases over the 21st century. ?Climate resilience is a major pathway towards mitigating risks and strengthening our resilience against the outbreaks of malaria, Zika virus, West Nile virus, yellow fever, chikungunya and dengue. Through climate protection, environmental sustainability and reducing greenhouse emissions and carbon footprints, we limit the likelihood of climate-related risks and hazards which facilitate the outbreaks and transmission of several mosquito-borne infectious diseases.



Looking back

Master’s degree in Global Change Ecology at 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Bayreuth // Master thesis on wind speed impacts on the establishment potential of the disease vector mosquito Aedes albopictus within its climatic niche in Europe // Intern and Student Assistant at Climate Analytics GmbH // Student Research Assistant at Department of Computational Landscape Ecology, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research // Bachelor’s degree in Geography?



