




Filip Simonovski completed both his bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Würzburg, with his master's focusing on internet technologies. After finishing his master's, Filip began his PhD at the same university, working within the Department of Communication Networks in the research group for User-Centric Networks. As of the winter semester 2024, he has joined the newly founded Chair of Networked Embedded Systems and Communication Systems, led by Prof. Dr. Michael Seufert.

Research Focus

  • Energy-aware resource allocation in Cloud computing
  • Quality of Experience (QoE) of Internet applications
  • Traffic measurements and modelling

Courses / teaching

(applied filters: semester: current | lecturers: Filip Simonovski | course types: all)
name semester type
Projektmodul winter semester 2024/25 Projekt
?bungsgruppe1 Kommunikationssysteme - Mo 17:30-19:00 winter semester 2024/25 ?bung
?bungsgruppe3 Kommunikationssysteme - Mi 14:00-15:30 winter semester 2024/25 ?bung
Kommunikationssysteme winter semester 2024/25 Vorlesung
?bungsgruppe2 Kommunikationssysteme - Di 10:00-11:30 winter semester 2024/25 ?bung
Seminar Vernetzte Systeme und Kommunikationsnetze (Bachelor) winter semester 2024/25 Seminar
Seminar Vernetzte Systeme und Kommunikationsnetze (Master) winter semester 2024/25 Seminar
?bungsgruppe4 Kommunikationssysteme - Mi 15:45-17:15 winter semester 2024/25 ?bung
Oberseminar Vernetzte Systeme und Kommunikationsnetze winter semester 2024/25 Oberseminar
?bung zu Kommunikationssysteme winter semester 2024/25 ?bung


2025 | 2024


Nikolas Wehner, Theo Karagioules, Emir Halepovic, Filip Simonovski, Tobias Ho?feld and Michael Seufert. in press. To cap or not to cap: bandwidth capping effects on network interactions and QoE of competing short video streams.
BibTeX | RIS


Kien Nguyen, Filip Simonovski, Frank Loh, Tobias Ho?feld and Nguyen Huu Thanh. 2024. Investigation of container network function deployment costs in the edge cloud. DOI: 10.1109/ICIN60470.2024.10494438
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI
