With setting up the Faculty of 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】icine at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg, the Chair of Anatomy and Cell Biology was awarded for the first time. Since May 1, 2019, Prof. Dr. Marco Koch?holds the chair with belongs to the Institute of Theoretical 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】icine (ITM). In October 2021 Prof. Dr. Peter Wieghofer?joined as a Professor for Cellular Neuroanatomy and? since January 2024 Prof. Dr. Katrin Willig?holds the professorship for Cellular and Molecular Imaging in Anatomy.

Prof. Dr. Marco Koch, Head of Chair

Prof. Dr. Katrin Willig - Professorship for Cellular and Molecular Imaging in Anatomy

Prof. Dr. Marco Koch, Head of Chair

Prof. Dr. Peter Wieghofer - Professorship of Cellular Neuroanatomy