



PD Dr. Georg Eickerling

Privatdozent / Akademischer Rat
Chemische Physik und Materialwissenschaften
Telefon: +49 821 598 3362
Raum: 386 (S)
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Adresse: Universit?tsstra?e 1 (Physik Süd), 86159 Augsburg

Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen

(Angewandte Filter: Semester: aktuelles | Dozenten: Georg Eickerling | Vorlesungsarten: Vorlesung, Vorlesung + ?bung, Pflichtvorlesung, Anmeldung, ?bung, Begleitübung, Tutorium, Seminar, Pflichtseminar, Proseminar, Proseminar mit ?bung, Hauptseminar, Hauptseminar mit ?bung, Oberseminar, Einführungskurs, Einführungskurs mit ?bung, Grundkurs, Hauptkurs, Examenskurs, Kernkurs, Kurs, Wahlpflichtveranstaltung, Kolloquium, Forschungsgruppe, Praktikum, Begleitveranstaltung zum Praktikum, Exkursion, Arbeitsgemeinschaft, ProfiLehre, sonstige, ProfiLehre a, ProfiLehre b, ProfiLehre c, ProfiLehre d, ProfiLehre e, Projektseminar, Fallbesprechung, Projektstudium, Projekt, Unterricht am Patienten, Blockpraktikum, Hospitation, Mentoring)
Name Semester Typ
Moderne Diffraktionsmethoden in den Materialwissenschaften Wintersemester 2024/25 Vorlesung
?bung zu Moderne Diffraktionsmethoden in den Materialwissenschaften Wintersemester 2024/25 ?bung
Computational Chemistry Wintersemester 2024/25 Vorlesung
Erstsemester Einführungsveranstaltung Materialchemie Wintersemester 2024/25 Einführungskurs
Materialchemische Methoden Wintersemester 2024/25 Praktikum
?bung zu Computational Chemistry Wintersemester 2024/25 ?bung
Seminar Materialchemie Wintersemester 2024/25 Seminar


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002


Jan Langmann, Georg Eickerling, Lilian Prodan, Alexander A. Tsirlin, Maximilian Winkler, Sándor Bordács, Vladimir Tsurkan und István Kézsmárki
Atomic-scale polar helix in inorganic crystals

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Jan Langmann, Marcel V?st, Andreas Fischer, Hasan Kepenci, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer, Luigi Paolasini, Alexei Bosak, Leila Noohinejad und Martin Tolkiehn
Peierls-type structural phase transition in the low-dimensional superconductor Sc3CoC4

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Jan Langmann, Hasan Kepenci, Georg Eickerling, Kilian Batke, Anton Jesche, Mingyu Xu, Paul Canfield und Wolfgang Scherer
Experimental x-ray charge-density studies ─ a suitable probe for superconductivity? A case study on MgB2

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Andreas Fischer, Jan Langmann, Marcel V?st, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
HTD2: a single-crystal X-ray diffractometer for combined high-pressure/low-temperature experiments at laboratory scale

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Jia Zhang, Achintya Kundu, Thomas Elsaesser, Piero Macchi, Marcel Kalter, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
Ultrafast vibrational response of activated C–D bonds in a chloroform–platinum(II) complex

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Korbinian Geirhos, Jan Langmann, Lilian Prodan, Alexander A. Tsirlin, A. Missiul, Georg Eickerling, Anton Jesche, Vladimir Tsurkan, Peter Lunkenheimer, Wolfgang Scherer und István Kézsmárki
Cooperative cluster Jahn-Teller effect as a possible route to antiferroelectricity

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Jihaan Ebad-Allah, Serto Rojewski, Marcel V?st, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer, E. Uykur, Raman Sankar, L. Varrassi, C. Franchini, K.-H. Ahn, J. Kune? und Christine A. Kuntscher
Pressure-induced excitations in the out-of-plane optical response of the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS

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Andreas Fischer, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
The effects of chemical bonding at subatomic resolution: a case study on α-Boron

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Jan Langmann, Marcel V?st, Dominik Schmitz, Christof D. Haas, Georg Eickerling, Anton Jesche, Michael Nicklas, Arianna Lanza, Nicola Casati, Piero Macchi und Wolfgang Scherer
The structure of the superconducting high-pressure phase of Sc3CoC4

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Jan Langmann, Christof D. Haas, Emmanuel Wenger, Dominik Schaniel, Wolfgang Scherer und Georg Eickerling
Evidence for a soft phonon mode driven Peierls-type distortion in Sc3CoC4

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Markus Krottenmüller, Marcel V?st, N. Unglert, Jihaan Ebad-Allah, Georg Eickerling, Dirk Volkmer, J. Hu, Y. L. Zhu, Z. Q. Mao, Wolfgang Scherer und Christine A. Kuntscher
Indications for Lifshitz transitions in the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiTe induced by interlayer interaction

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Dominik Schmitz, Marcel Kalter, Andrew C. Dunbar, Marcel V?st, Andreas Fischer, Kilian Batke, Georg Eickerling, Klaus Ruhland, Jihaan Ebad-Allah, Christine A. Kuntscher und Wolfgang Scherer
Pressure-enhanced C-H bond activation in chloromethane platinum(II) complexes

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Christof D. Haas, Andreas Fischer, Christoph Hauf, Christian Wieser, Andreas P. Schmidt, Georg Eickerling, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Jan G. Schiffmann, Olaf Reckeweg, Francis J. DiSalvo, Ute C. Rodewald, Rainer P?ttgen, Leo van Wüllen und Wolfgang Scherer
The color of the elements: a combined experimental and theoretical electron density study of ScB2C2

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Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Andreas Fischer, O. Wybranski, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer, M. Baenitz, Franz Mayr, B. Heying und R. P?ttgen
Complex magnetic order from multiple Ce-sites in Ce3Pd4Sn6

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Petra Meixner, Kilian Batke, Andreas Fischer, Dominik Schmitz, Georg Eickerling, Marcel Kalter, Klaus Ruhland, Klaus Eichele, José E. Barquera-Lozada, Nicola P. M. Casati, Fabio Montisci, Piero Macchi und Wolfgang Scherer
J(Si,H) coupling constants of activated Si–H bonds

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Kilian Batke und Georg Eickerling
Communication: determination of relativistic effects from X-ray structure factors

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Wolfgang Scherer, Petra Meixner, Kilian Batke, José E. Barquera-Lozada, Klaus Ruhland, Andreas Fischer, Georg Eickerling und Klaus Eichele
J(Si,H) coupling constants in nonclassical transition-metal silane complexes

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Kilian Batke und Georg Eickerling
Relativistic effects on x-ray structure factors

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Mingquan He, Chi Ho Wong, Dian Shi, Pok Lam Tse, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer, Ping Sheng und Rolf Lortz
1D to 3D dimensional crossover in the superconducting transition of the quasi-one-dimensional carbide superconductor Sc3CoC4

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Wolfgang Scherer, Andrew C. Dunbar, José E. Barquera-Lozada, Dominik Schmitz, Georg Eickerling, Daniel Kratzert, Dietmar Stalke, Arianna Lanza, Piero Macchi, Nicola P. M. Casati, Jihaan Ebad-Allah und Christine A. Kuntscher
Anagostic interactions under pressure: attractive or repulsive?

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Witali Beichel, Nils Trapp, Christoph Hauf, Oliver Kohler, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer und Ingo Krossing
Charge-scaling effect in ionic liquids from the charge-density analysis of N,N′-dimethylimidazolium methylsulfate

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Iryna M. Kurylyshyn, Thomas F. F?ssler, Andreas Fischer, Christoph Hauf, Georg Eickerling, Manuel Presnitz und Wolfgang Scherer
Probing the Zintl-Klemm concept: a combined experimental and theoretical charge density study of the Zintl phase CaSi

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Wolfgang Scherer, Andreas Fischer und Georg Eickerling
The experimental density perspective of chemical bonding

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Georg Eickerling, Christoph Hauf, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Lena Reichardt, Christian Schneider, Alfonso Mu?oz, Sinhué Lopez-Moreno, Aldo Humberto Romero, Florence Porcher, Gilles André, Rainer P?ttgen und Wolfgang Scherer
On the control parameters of the quasi-one dimensional superconductivity in Sc3CoC4

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Christoph Hauf, José E. Barquera-Lozada, Petra Meixner, Georg Eickerling, Sandra Altmannshofer, Dietmar Stalke, Thomas Zell, David Schmidt, Udo Radius und Wolfgang Scherer
Remanent Si-H interactions in late transition metal silane complexes

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Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer, Thomas Fickenscher, Ute C. Rodewald und Rainer P?ttgen
Structure and chemical bonding of ScNiB4

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Kilian Batke und Georg Eickerling
Topology of the electron density of d0 transition metal compounds at subatomic resolution

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Christian Gold, M. Uffinger, Michael Herzinger, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer, H. Michor und Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt
Influence of competing energy scales on the effective spin degeneracy in CeNi9?xFexGe4

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C. Gold, P. Gross, L. Peyker, Georg Eickerling, G. G. Simeoni, O. Stockert, E. Kampert, F. Wolff-Fabris, H. Michor und Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt
Interplay between crystal field splitting and Kondo effect in CeNi9Ge4?xSix

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Dmytro Denysenko, Tamas Werner, Maciej Grzywa, Angela Puls, Volker Hagen, Georg Eickerling, Jelena Jelic, Karsten Reuter und Dirk Volkmer
Reversible gas-phase redox processes catalyzed by Co-exchanged MFU-4l(arge)

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Andreas Fischer, D. Tiana, Wolfgang Scherer, Kilian Batke, Georg Eickerling, H. Svendsen, N. Bindzus und B. B. Iversen
Experimental and theoretical charge density studies at subatomic resolution

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Wolfgang Scherer, Georg Eickerling, Christoph Hauf, Manuel Presnitz, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Volker Eyert und Rainer P?ttgen
On the interplay between real and reciprocal space properties

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Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Christoph Hauf, Florian Reiner, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
Possible indicators for low dimensional superconductivity in the quasi-1D carbide Sc3CoC4

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Jelena Jenter, Nils Meyer, Peter?W. Roesky, Sven K.-H. Thiele, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
Borane and borohydride complexes of the rare-earth elements: synthesis, structures, and butadiene polymerization catalysis

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Wolfgang Scherer, David J. Wolstenholme, Verena Herz, Georg Eickerling, Andreas Brück, Paul Benndorf und Peter?W. Roesky
On the nature of agostic interactions in transition-metal amido complexes

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Wolfgang Scherer, Christoph Hauf, Manuel Presnitz, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Georg Eickerling, Volker Eyert, Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann, Ute?C. Rodewald, Adrienne Hammerschmidt, Christian Vogt und Rainer P?ttgen
Superconductivity in quasi one-dimensional carbides

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Christian Vogt, Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann, Ute C. Rodewald, Georg Eickerling, Manuel Presnitz, Volker Eyert, Wolfgang Scherer und Rainer Po?ttgen
High- and low-temperature modifications of Sc3RuC4 and Sc3OsC4 — relativistic effects, structure, and chemical bonding

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G. Sean McGrady, Peter Sirsch, Nicholas P. Chatterton, Andreas Ostermann, Carlo Gatti, Sandra Altmannshofer, Verena Herz, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
Nature of the bonding in metal-silane σ-complexes

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Nils Meyer, Jelena Jenter, Peter W. Roesky, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
Unusual reactivity of lanthanide borohydride complexes leading to a borane complex

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Daniel Himmel, Nils Trapp, Ingo Krossing, Sandra Altmannshofer, Verena Herz, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer

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Georg Eickerling und Markus Reiher
The shell structure of atoms

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Karin Kiewisch, Georg Eickerling, Markus Reiher und Johannes Neugebauer
Topological analysis of electron densities from Kohn-Sham and subsystem density functional theory

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Benjamin Rohrmoser, Georg Eickerling, Manuel Presnitz, Wolfgang Scherer, Volker Eyert, Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann, Ute C. Rodewald, Christian Vogt und Rainer P?ttgen
Experimental electron density of the complex carbides Sc3[Fe(C2)2] and Sc3[Co(C2)2]

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Alexander Zeller, Georg Eickerling, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Martin U. Schmidt und Thomas Strassner
Polymorphism of a nickel polymerization catalyst

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Georg Eickerling, Remigius Mastalerz, Verena Herz, Wolfgang Scherer, Hans-J?rg Himmel und Markus Reiher
Relativistic Effects on the Topology of the Electron Density

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Nicole Hebben, Hans-J?rg Himmel, Georg Eickerling, Carmen Herrmann, Markus Reiher, Verena Herz, Manuel Presnitz und Wolfgang Scherer
The electronic structure of the tris(ethylene) complexes [M(C2H4)3] (M=Ni, Pd, and Pt): a combined experimental and theoretical study

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Rudolf Herrmann, Klaus Tr?ster, Georg Eickerling, Christian Helbig, Christoph Hauf, Robert Miller, Franz Mayr, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt und Wolfgang Scherer
Ceramic methyltrioxorhenium

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Andreas Fischbach, Christian Meermann, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer und Reiner Anwander
Discrete lanthanide aryl(alk)oxide trimethylaluminum adducts as isoprene polymerization catalysts

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Wolfgang Scherer, Georg Eickerling, Maxim Tafipolsky, G. Sean McGrady, Peter Sirsch und Nicholas P. Chatterton
Elucidation of the bonding in Mn(η2-SiH) complexes by charge density analysis and T1NMR measurements: asymmetric oxidative addition and anomeric effects at silicon

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R. Miller, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Georg Eickerling, Christian Helbig, Franz Mayr, Rudolf Herrmann, Wolfgang Scherer, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, Volker Eyert und P. Schwab
Poly-methyltrioxorhenium {(CH3)0.92ReO3}∞: a conducting two-dimensional organometallic oxide

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Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, R. Miller, Christian Helbig, Georg Eickerling, Franz Mayr, Rudolf Herrmann, P. Schwab und Wolfgang Scherer
Possible localization behavior of the inherent conducting polymer

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Wolfgang Scherer, Georg Eickerling, Dmitry Shorokhov, Emanuel Gullo, G. Sean McGrady und Peter Sirsch
Valence shell charge concentrations and the Dewar–Chatt–Duncanson bonding model

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Georg Eickerling
?ber die Natur ligandeninduzierter Ladungskonzentrationen in Molekül- und Festk?rperverbindungen

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Robert Miller, Christian Helbig, Georg Eickerling, Rudolf Herrmann, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt und Wolfgang Scherer
Design of the electronic structure of poly-MTO

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Part of special issue: Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Franz Mayr, Georg Eickerling, P. Rogl und E. Bauer
Double specific heat anomaly of the superconducting state of CPt3Si [Letter]

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G. Sean McGrady, Arne Haaland, Hans Peter Verne, Hans Vidar Volden, Anthony J. Downs, Dmitry Shorokhov, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
Valence shell charge concentrations at pentacoordinate d0 transition-metal centers: non-VSEPR structures of Me2NbCl3 and Me3NbCl2

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Robert Horny, Stefan Klimm, Matthias Klemm, Stefan G. Ebbinghaus, Georg Eickerling und Siegfried R. Horn
Electronic transport and structural properties of electronically correlated CuV2S4

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J?rg Fridgen, Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Georg Eickerling, Ana M. Santos und Fritz E. Kühn
Molybdenum(VI)-complexes with chiral N,O-ligands derived from carbohydrates: synthesis, structure and catalytic properties in asymmetric olefin epoxidation

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Andreas Fischbach, Georg Eickerling, Wolfgang Scherer, Eberhardt Herdtweck und Reiner Anwander
Synthesis and derivatization of homoleptic dinuclear lanthanide siloxide complexes

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Uwe Killer, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Georg Eickerling, H. Michor, J. Sereni, Thomas Pruschke und Stefan Kehrein
Unusual single-ion non-fermi liquid behavior in Ce1-xLaxNi9Ge4

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Frank Estler, Georg Eickerling, Eberhardt Herdtweck und Reiner Anwander
Organo-rare-earth complexes supported by chelating diamide ligands

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Andreas Fischbach, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Reiner Anwander, Georg Eickerling und Wolfgang Scherer
Reactivity of trimethylaluminum with lanthanide aryloxides:?adduct and tetramethylaluminate formation

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Fritz E. Kühn, Wen-Mei Xue, Ahmad Al-Ajlouni, Ana M. Santos, Shuliang Zang, Carlos C. Rom?o, Georg Eickerling und Eberhardt Herdtweck
Synthesis and catalytic application of octahedral Lewis base adducts of dichloro and dialkyl dioxotungsten(VI)

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