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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Angeregte Molek¨¹le: die Trennung von Ladungen kann ihren Transport in ultrad¨¹nnen Halbleitermaterialien auf ultrakurzen Zeitskalen beeinflussen

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Der Artikel wurde zuerst im Heft 8/9 2023 des Physik Journals ver?ffentlicht.

Anulekha De, Akira Lentfert, Laura Scheuer, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Georg von Freymann, Martin Aeschlimann und Philipp Pirro
Coherent and incoherent magnons induced by strong ultrafast demagnetization in thin permalloy films

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Wiebke Bennecke, Andreas Windischbacher, David Schmitt, Jan Philipp Bange, Ralf Hemm, Christian S. Kern, Gabriele D¡¯Avino, Xavier Blase, Daniel Steil, Sabine Steil, Martin Aeschlimann, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Marcel Reutzel, Peter Puschnig, G. S. Matthijs Jansen und Stefan Mathias
Disentangling the multiorbital contributions of excitons by photoemission exciton tomography

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Anulekha De, Julius Schlegel, Akira Lentfert, Laura Scheuer, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Phillip Pirro, Georg von Freimann, Ulrich Nowak und Martin Aeschlimann
Nutation: separating the spin from its magnetic moment

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Olena Fedchenko, Jan Min¨¢r, Akashdeep Akashdeep, Sunil Wilfred D¡¯Souza, Dmitry Vasilyev, Olena Tkach, Lukas Odenbreit, Quynh Nguyen, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Nils Wind, Lukas Wenthaus, Markus Scholz, Kai Rossnagel, Moritz Hoesch, Martin Aeschlimann, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Mathias Kl?ui, Gerd Sch?nhense, Tomas Jungwirth, Anna Birk Hellenes, Gerhard Jakob, Libor ?mejkal, Jairo Sinova und Hans-Joachim Elmers
Observation of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the band structure of altermagnetic RuO2

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B. Arnoldi, S. L. Zachritz, S. Hedwig, M. Aeschlimann, O. L. A. Monti und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Revealing hidden spin polarization in centrosymmetric van der Waals materials on ultrafast timescales

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Angeregte Molek¨¹le: die Trennung von Ladungen kann ihren Transport in ultrad¨¹nnen Halbleitermaterialien auf ultrakurzen Zeitskalen beeinflussen

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Simon H?user, Sebastian T. Weber, Christopher Seibel, Marius Weber, Laura Scheuer, Martin Anstett, Gregor Zinke, Phillip Pirro, Burkard Hillebrands, Hans C. Schneider, B?rbel Rethfeld, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Competing signatures of intersite and interlayer spin transfer in the ultrafast magnetization dynamics

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J. Briones, M. Weber, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, H. C. Schneider und B. Rethfeld
Effect of iron thicknesses on spin transport in a Fe/Au bilayer system

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Lu Lyu, Tobias Eul, Wei Yao, Jin Xiao, Zakaria M. A. El-Fattah, Mostafa Ashoush, Ignacio Piquero-Zulaica, Johannes V. Barth, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Giant confinement of excited surface electrons in a two-dimensional metal-organic porous network

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Hendrik Meer, Stephan Wust, Christin Schmitt, Paul Herrgen, Felix Fuhrmann, Steffen Hirtle, Beatrice Bednarz, Adithya Rajan, Rafael Ramos, Miguel Angel Ni?o, Michael Foerster, Florian Kronast, Armin Kleibert, Baerbel Rethfeld, Eiji Saitoh, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann und Mathias Kl?ui
Laser©\induced creation of antiferromagnetic 180©\degree domains in NiO/Pt bilayers

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Simon H?user, Matthias R. Schweizer, Sascha Keller, Andres Conca, Moritz Hofherr, Evangelos Papaioannou, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Burkard Hillebrands, Martin Aeschlimann und Mathias Weiler
Spin transport and magnetic proximity effect in CoFeB/normal metal/Pt trilayers

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M. Baljozovi?, B. Arnoldi, S. Grass, J. Lacour, M. Aeschlimann, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und K.-H. Ernst
Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of heptahelicene layers on Cu(111) surfaces

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Lu Lyu, Martin Anstett, Ka M. Yu, Azadeh Kadkhodazadeh, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Tailoring the ferromagnetic surface potential landscape by a templating two-dimensional metal-organic porous network

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Lu Lyu, Jin Xiao, Zakaria M. A. El-Fattah, Tobias Eul, Mostafa Ashoush, Jun He, Wei Yao, Ignacio Piquero-Zulaica, Sina Mousavion, Benito Arnoldi, Sebastian Becker, Johannes V. Barth, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Temperature-driven confinements of surface electrons and adatoms in a weakly interacting 2D organic porous network

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Sina Mousavion, Ka Man Yu, Mahalingam Maniraj, Lu Lyu, Johannes Knippertz, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Atomic and mesoscopic structure of Dy-based surface alloys on noble metals

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Tobias Eul, Eva Prinz, Michael Hartelt, Benjamin Frisch, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Coherent response of the electronic system driven by non-interfering laser pulses

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Christopher Seibel, Marius Weber, Martin Stiehl, Sebastian T. Weber, Martin Aeschlimann, Hans Christian Schneider, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Baerbel Rethfeld
Control of transport phenomena in magnetic heterostructures by wavelength modulation

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Martin Aeschlimann, Tobias Brixner, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Feidt, Norman Haag, Matthias Hensen, Bernhard Huber, Tristan Kenneweg, Jobynson Kollamana, Christian Kramer, Walter Pfeiffer, Stefano Ponzoni, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Philip Thielen
Observation of optical coherence in a disordered metal-molecule interface by coherent optical two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy

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Martin Stiehl, Marius Weber, Christopher Seibel, Jonas Hoefer, Sebastian T. Weber, Dennis M. Nenno, Hans Christian Schneider, Baerbel Rethfeld, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Role of primary and secondary processes in the ultrafast spin dynamics of nickel

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Eva Prinz, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Twisted light affects ultrafast demagnetization

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Chetana Badala Viswanatha, Johannes St?ckl, Benito Arnoldi, Sebastian Becker, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Vectorial electron spin filtering by an all-chiral metal¨Cmolecule heterostructure

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Michael Hartelt, Pavel N. Terekhin, Tobias Eul, Anna-Katharina Mahro, Benjamin Frisch, Eva Prinz, Baerbel Rethfeld, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Energy and momentum distribution of surface plasmon-induced hot carriers isolated via spatiotemporal separation

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Miriam Raths, Christina Schott, Johannes Knippertz, Markus Franke, You-Ron Lin, Anja Haags, Martin Aeschlimann, Christian Kumpf und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Growth, domain structure, and atomic adsorption sites of hBN on the Ni(111) surface

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Simon Aeschlimann, Lu Lyu, Sebastian Becker, Sina Mousavion, Thomas Speck, Hans©\Joachim Elmers, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann, Ralf Bechstein und Angelika K¨¹hnle
Mobilization upon cooling

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Florian Haag, Tobias Eul, Lisa Grad, Norman Haag, Johannes Knippertz, Stefan Mathias, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Momentum and energy dissipation of hot electrons in a Pb/Ag(111) quantum well system

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Tobias Eul, J¨¹rgen Braun, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Hubert Ebert und Martin Aeschlimann
Spectroscopic evidence for a new type of surface resonance at noble-metal surfaces

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J. Lloyd-Hughes, P. M. Oppeneer, T. Pereira dos Santos, A. Schleife, S. Meng, M. A. Sentef, M. Ruggenthaler, A. Rubio, I. Radu, M. Murnane, X. Shi, H. Kapteyn, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, K. M. Dani, F. H. da Jornada, E. Prinz, M. Aeschlimann, R. L. Milot, M. Burdanova, J. Boland, T. Cocker und F. Hegmann
The 2021 ultrafast spectroscopic probes of condensed matter roadmap

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By Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller: Chapter 8: Ultrafast Momentum Microscopy ¨C A new approach for ultrafast band structure imaging

Sebastian Emmerich, Sebastian Hedwig, Mirko Cinchetti, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in potassium-doped endohedral metallofullerene Sc3N@C80 thin films

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M. Maniraj, L. Lyu, S. Mousavion, S. Becker, S. Emmerich, D. Jungkenn, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, S. R. Barman, S. Mathias, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und M. Aeschlimann
Aperiodically ordered nano-graphene on the quasicrystalline substrate

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Simon Aeschlimann, Sebastian V. Bauer, Maximilian Vogtland, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann, Andrea Floris, Ralf Bechstein und Angelika K¨¹hnle
Creating a regular array of metal-complexing molecules on an insulator surface at room temperature

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Sven Aeschlimann, Antonio Rossi, Mariana Ch¨¢vez-Cervantes, Razvan Krause, Benito Arnoldi, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann, Stiven Forti, Filippo Fabbri, Camilla Coletti und Isabella Gierz
Direct evidence for efficient ultrafast charge separation in epitaxial WS2/graphene heterostructures

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Norman Haag, Daniel L¨¹ftner, Florian Haag, Johannes Seidel, Leah L. Kelly, Giovanni Zamborlini, Matteo Jugovac, Vitaliy Feyer, Martin Aeschlimann, Peter Puschnig, Mirko Cinchetti und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Signatures of an atomic crystal in the band structure of a C60 thin film

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Simon Aeschlimann, Lu Lyu, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann und Angelika K¨¹hnle
Tailoring molecular island shapes: influence of microscopic interaction on mesostructure

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Sebastian Emmerich, Sebastian Hedwig, Benito Arnoldi, Johannes St?ckl, Florian Haag, Ralf Hemm, Mirko Cinchetti, Stefan Mathias, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Ultrafast charge-transfer exciton dynamics in C60 thin films

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Yuting Liu, Ute Bierbrauer, Cinja Seick, Sebastian T. Weber, Moritz Hofherr, Natallia Y. Schmidt, Manfred Albrecht, Daniel Steil, Stefan Mathias, Hans Christian Schneider, Baerbel Rethfeld, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Mn-doped L10 FePt with spatial inhomogeneity

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M. Hofherr, S. H?user, J. K. Dewhurst, P. Tengdin, S. Sakshath, H. T. Nembach, S. T. Weber, J. M. Shaw, T. J. Silva, H. C. Kapteyn, M. Cinchetti, B. Rethfeld, M. M. Murnane, D. Steil, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, S. Sharma, M. Aeschlimann und S. Mathias
Ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in ferromagnetic alloys

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Johannes Knippertz, Leah L. Kelly, Markus Franke, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Vertical bonding distances and interfacial band structure of PTCDA on a Sn-Ag surface alloy

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M. Maniraj, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, D. Jungkenn, M. D¨¹vel, S. Emmerich, W. Shi, J. St?ckl, L. Lyu, J. Kollamana, Z. Wei, A. Jurenkow, S. Jakobs, B. Yan, S. Steil, M. Cinchetti, S. Mathias und M. Aeschlimann
A case study for the formation of stanene on a metal surface

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Andreas Gebauer, Sergej Neb, Walter Enns, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann und Walter Pfeiffer
Equivalence of RABBITT and streaking delays in attosecond-time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy at solid surfaces

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Lisa Grad, Johannes Seidel, Florian Haag, Norman Haag, Mirko Cinchetti und Martin Aeschlimann
Modification of Pb quantum well states by the adsorption of organic molecules

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Sebastian Emmerich, Dominik Jungkenn, Norman Haag, Markus Rollinger, Steffen Eich, Mahalingam Maniraj, Martin Aeschlimann, Mirko Cinchetti und Stefan Mathias
Strong modification of the transport level alignment in organic materials after optical excitation

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Lu Lyu, Maniraj Mahalingam, Sina Mousavion, Sebastian Becker, Han Huang, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Thermal-driven formation of 2D nanoporous networks on metal surfaces

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Florian Haag, Tobias Eul, Philip Thielen, Norman Haag, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Time-resolved two-photon momentum microscopy ¡ª a new approach to study hot carrier lifetimes in momentum space

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Highlighted in Scilight 2019, 411103 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0000135


Johannes Seidel, Leah L. Kelly, Markus Franke, Gerben van Straaten, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann und Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller
Adsorption-induced pyramidal distortion of the trimetallic nitride core inside the endohedral fullerene Sc3N@C80 on the Ag(111) surface

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Jobynson Kollamana, Zheng Wei, Lu Lyu, Manuel Zimmer, Fabian Dietrich, Tobias Eul, Johannes St?ckl, Mahalingam Maniraj, Stefano Ponzoni, Mirko Cinchetti, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Markus Gerhards und Martin Aeschlimann
Control of cooperativity through a reversible structural phase transition in MoMo©\Methyl/Cu(111)

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M. Hofherr, S. Moretti, J. Shim, S. H?user, Nataliia Y. Safonova, M. Stiehl, A. Ali, S. Sakshath, J. W. Kim, D. H. Kim, H. J. Kim, J. I. Hong, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, M. Cinchetti, D. Steil, S. Mathias, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Manfred Albrecht, D. E. Kim, U. Nowak und M. Aeschlimann
Induced versus intrinsic magnetic moments in ultrafast magnetization dynamics

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Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Serguei Soubatch, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, David A. Duncan, Tien-Lin Lee, F. Stefan Tautz und Christian Kumpf
Role of the central metal atom in substrate-mediated molecular interactions in phthalocyanine-based heteromolecular monolayers

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Johannes St?ckl, Anatol Jurenkow, Nicolas Gro?mann, Mirko Cinchetti, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Martin Aeschlimann
Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission study of the Alq3/Co interface

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M. Maniraj, D. Jungkenn, W. Shi, S. Emmerich, L. Lyu, J. Kollamana, Z. Wei, B. Yan, M. Cinchetti, S. Mathias, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und M. Aeschlimann
Structure and electronic properties of the (¡Ì3¡Á¡Ì3) R30¡ã SnAu2/Au(111) surface alloy

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Steffen Eich, Moritz Pl?tzing, Markus Rollinger, Sebastian Emmerich, Roman Adam, Cong Chen, Henry Cornelius Kapteyn, Margaret M. Murnane, Lukasz Plucinski, Daniel Steil, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, Claus M. Schneider und Stefan Mathias
Band structure evolution during the ultrafast ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition in cobalt

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Anu Baby, Marco Gruenewald, Christian Zwick, Felix Otto, Roman Forker, Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Christian Kumpf, Gian Paolo Brivio, Guido Fratesi, Torsten Fritz und Egbert Zojer
Fully atomistic understanding of the electronic and optical properties of a prototypical doped charge-transfer interface

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M. Hofherr, P. Maldonado, O. Schmitt, M. Berritta, U. Bierbrauer, S. Sadashivaiah, A. J. Schellekens, B. Koopmans, D. Steil, M. Cinchetti, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, P. M. Oppeneer, S. Mathias und M. Aeschlimann
Speed and efficiency of femtosecond spin current injection into a nonmagnetic material

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Ute Bierbrauer, Sebastian T. Weber, David Schummer, Moritz Barkowski, Anna-Katharina Mahro, Stefan Mathias, Hans Christian Schneider, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann und Baerbel Rethfeld
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Nickel: impact of pump photon energy

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Norman Haag, Johannes Seidel, Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti und Martin Aeschlimann
Adsorption heights and bonding strength of organic molecules on a Pb-Ag surface alloy

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K. Sch?nauer, S. Weiss, V. Feyer, D. L¨¹ftner, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, D. Schwarz, T. Sueyoshi, C. Kumpf, P. Puschnig, M. G. Ramsey, F. S. Tautz und S. Soubatch
Charge transfer and symmetry reduction at the CuPc/Ag(110) interface studied by photoemission tomography

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Nicolas Gro?mann, Andrea Magri, Martin Laux, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Philip Thielen, Bernhard Sch?fer, Olaf Fuhr, Mario Ruben, Mirko Cinchetti und Martin Aeschlimann
Controlled manipulation of the Co¨CAlq3 interface by rational design of Alq3 derivatives

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Andrea Droghetti, Philip Thielen, Ivan Rungger, Norman Haag, Nicolas Gro?mann, Johannes St?ckl, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Aeschlimann, Stefano Sanvito und Mirko Cinchetti
Dynamic spin filtering at the Co/Alq3 interface mediated by weakly coupled second layer molecules

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N. Haag, M. Laux, J. St?ckl, J. Kollamana, J. Seidel, N. Gro?mann, R. Fetzer, L. L. Kelly, Z. Wei, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, M. Cinchetti und M. Aeschlimann
Epitaxial growth of thermally stable cobalt films on Au(111)

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Roman Fetzer, Hong-xi Liu, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Tetsuya Uemura, Masafumi Yamamoto, Martin Aeschlimann und Mirko Cinchetti
Impact of CoFe buffer layers on the structural and electronic properties of the Co2MnSi/MgO interface

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Johannes Seidel, Norman Haag, Lisa Grad, Christian Tusche, Gerben van Straaten, Markus Franke, J¨¹rgen Kirschner, Christian Kumpf, Mirko Cinchetti und Martin Aeschlimann
Modifying the surface of a Rashba-split Pb-Ag alloy using tailored metal-organic bonds

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Jobynson Kollamana, Zheng Wei, Martin Laux, Johannes St?ckl, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Mirko Cinchetti und Martin Aeschlimann
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of ordered C60 submonolayer films on Co/Au(111)

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Ingo Kr?ger, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller und Christian Kumpf
Submonolayer and multilayer growth of titaniumoxide-phthalocyanine on Ag(111)

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J. Sforzini, L. Nemec, T. Denig, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, T.-L. Lee, C. Kumpf, S. Soubatch, U. Starke, P. Rinke, V. Blum, F.?C. Bocquet und F.?S. Tautz
Approaching truly freestanding graphene: the structure of hydrogen-intercalated graphene on 6H?SiC(0001)

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Sebastian Jakobs, Awadhesh Narayan, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Andrea Droghetti, Ivan Rungger, Yew S. Hor, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Dominik Jungkenn, Johannes St?ckl, Martin Laux, Oliver L. A. Monti, Martin Aeschlimann, Robert J. Cava, Mario Ruben, Stefan Mathias, Stefano Sanvito und Mirko Cinchetti
Controlling the spin texture of topological insulators by rational design of organic molecules

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Martin Willenbockel, Reinhard J. Maurer, Christopher Bronner, Michael Schulze, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Serguei Soubatch, Petra Tegeder, Karsten Reuter und F. Stefan Tautz
Coverage-driven dissociation of azobenzene on Cu(111): a route towards defined surface functionalization

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Sonja Schr?der und Christian Kumpf
Heteromolecular metal¨Corganic interfaces: electronic and structural fingerprints of chemical bonding

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Martin Willenbockel, Sonja Schr?der, Christoph Kleimann, Eva M. Reinisch, Thomas Ules, Sergey Soubatch, Michael G. Ramsey, F. Stefan Tautz und Christian Kumpf
Modification of the PTCDA-Ag bond by forming a heteromolecular bilayer film

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Roman Fetzer, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Yusuke Ohdaira, Hiroshi Naganuma, Mikihiko Oogane, Yasuo Ando, Tomoyuki Taira, Tetsuya Uemura, Masafumi Yamamoto, Martin Aeschlimann und Mirko Cinchetti
Probing the electronic and spintronic properties of buried interfaces by extremely low energy photoemission spectroscopy

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Caroline Henneke, Serguei Soubatch, F. Stefan Tautz und Christian Kumpf
Tailoring metal¨Corganic hybrid interfaces: heteromolecular structures with varying stoichiometry on Ag(111)

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M. Willenbockel, D. L¨¹ftner, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, G. Koller, C. Kumpf, S. Soubatch, P. Puschnig, M. G. Ramsey und F. S. Tautz
The interplay between interface structure, energy level alignment and chemical bonding strength at organic¨Cmetal interfaces

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Binghai Yan, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Norman Haag, Sebastian Jakobs, Johannes Seidel, Dominik Jungkenn, Stefan Mathias, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann und Claudia Felser
Topological states on the gold surface

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Sonja Schr?der, Fran?ois C. Bocquet, Caroline Henneke, Christoph Kleimann, Serguei Soubatch, Martin Willenbockel, Blanka Detlefs, J?rg Zegenhagen, Tien-Lin Lee, F. Stefan Tautz und Christian Kumpf
Adsorption height alignment at heteromolecular hybrid interfaces

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Christoph Kleimann, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Sonja Schr?der und Christian Kumpf
Electrostatic interaction and commensurate registry at the heteromolecular F16CuPc¨CCuPc interface

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Marco Gruenewald, Julia Peuker, Roman Forker, Torsten Fritz und Christian Kumpf
Molecular exchange in a heteromolecular PTCDA/CuPc bilayer film on Ag(111)

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Daniel L¨¹ftner, Martin Willenbockel, Eva M. Reinisch, Tomoki Sueyoshi, Georg Koller, Serguei Soubatch, Michael G. Ramsey, Peter Puschnig, F. Stefan Tautz und Christian Kumpf
Unexpected interplay of bonding height and energy level alignment at heteromolecular hybrid interfaces

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M. Willenbockel, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, K. Sch?nauer, F. C. Bocquet, D. L¨¹ftner, E. M. Reinisch, T. Ules, G. Koller, C. Kumpf, S. Soubatch, P. Puschnig, M. G. Ramsey und F. S. Tautz
Energy offsets within a molecular monolayer: the influence of the molecular environment

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Tomoki Sueyoshi, Georgy Kichin, Ingo Kr?ger, Sergey Soubatch, Ruslan Temirov, F. Stefan Tautz und Christian Kumpf
Commensurate registry and chemisorption at a hetero-organic interface

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, M. Willenbockel, E. M. Reinisch, T. Ules, F. C. Bocquet, S. Soubatch, P. Puschnig, G. Koller, M. G. Ramsey, F. S. Tautz und C. Kumpf
Orbital tomography for highly symmetric adsorbate systems

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Ingo Kr?ger, Patrick Bayersdorfer, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Christoph Kleimann, Giuseppe Mercurio, Friedrich Reinert und Christian Kumpf
Submonolayer growth of H2-phthalocyanine on Ag(111)

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Ingo Kr?ger, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Christian Wagner, Christian Weiss, Ruslan Temirov, F. Stefan Tautz und Christian Kumpf
Modeling intermolecular interactions of physisorbed organic molecules using pair potential calculations

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Ingo Kr?ger, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Christoph Kleimann, Parasmani Rajput und Christian Kumpf
Normal-incidence x-ray standing-wave study of copper phthalocyanine submonolayers on Cu(111) and Au(111)

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Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Ingo Kr?ger, Friedrich Reinert und Christian Kumpf
Submonolayer growth of CuPc on noble metal surfaces

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Isabella Gierz, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Johannes Vuorinen, Matti Lindroos, Fabian Meier, J. Hugo Dil, Klaus Kern und Christian R. Ast
Structural influence on the Rashba-type spin splitting in surface alloys

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Ingo Kr?ger, Benjamin Stadtm¨¹ller, Christoph Stadler, Johannes Ziroff, Mario Kochler, Andreas Stahl, Florian Pollinger, Tien-Lin Lee, J?rg Zegenhagen, Friedrich Reinert und Christian Kumpf
Submonolayer growth of copper-phthalocyanine on Ag(111)

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