



Prof. Dr. Imke Schneider

ehem. Professorin
Theoretische Physik III
Telefon: +49(0)631-2052893

Vertretungsprofessorin am Lehrstuhl Theoretische Physik III im Wintersemester 2020/21 und Sommersemester 2021.


Externer Link: Homepage an der TU Kaiserslautern


Research interests: My general area of research is theoretical quantum many-body physics. My specific interest is in strongly correlated low-dimensional materials where physical properties are dominated by interaction effects.




Lehrveranstaltungen früherer Semester

Keine Vorlesungen vorhanden.


Keine Vorlesungen vorhanden.




Imke Schneider (U Augsburg & OPTIMAS/TU Kaiserslautern): Non-equilibrium Floquet steady states of time-periodic driven Luttinger liquids

Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 16:00
Transregio 80 Seminar
Zoom-Host: Prof. Dr. Liviu Chioncel


Non-equilibrium Floquet steady states of time-periodic driven Luttinger liquids

S. Fazzini, P. Chudzinski, C. Dauer, I. Schneider, S. Eggert

Time-periodic driving facilitates a wealth of novel quantum states and quantum engineering. The interplay of Floquet states and strong interactions is particularly intriguing, which we study using time-periodic fields in a one-dimensional quantum gas, modeled by a Luttinger liquid with periodically changing interactions. By developing a time-periodic operator algebra, we are able to solve and analyze the complete set of nonequilibrium steady states in terms of a Floquet-Bogoliubov ansatz and known analytic functions. Complex valued Floquet eigenenergies occur when integer multiples of the driving frequency approximately match twice the dispersion energy, which correspond to resonant states. In experimental systems of Lieb-Liniger bosons we predict a change from power-law correlations to dominant collective density wave excitations at the corresponding wave numbers as the frequency is lowered below a characteristic cutoff.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 243401 (2021)


Themen für Bachelorarbeiten
