




Summer Term 2024 | Registration and Application Periods | Dates

Dear students,


the summer term 2024 is now online?on Digicampus.


Please note the following registration and application periods as well as dates for the courses of the Chair of Information Systems and Management.


? 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg




(applied filters: semester: SS 2024 | institute: Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit – Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Information Systems und Management | field of study: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakult?t | course types: Vorlesung, Vorlesung + ?bung, Seminar)

Post-Exam Review Winter Term 2023/2024

Dear students,


the review for examinations of the winter term 2023/2024 of the chair of Prof. Veit will take place on the 15th of April 2024, from 05:30 pm until 07:00 pm in-person in room J 1101/1102.


It is mandatory to register for participation in the exam review via email to Moritz Bruckner (moritz.bruckner@uni-a.de), stating your name, matriculation number and module(s), by Thursday, 11th of April 2024, 12:00 pm latest.

You will then be assigned a time slot in which you review your exam. Please note that we cannot accommodate requests for a time slot.


You can review the exams for the following modules:

  • ??? Digital Government Management (DGM)
  • ??? Electronic Commerce (ECO)
  • ??? Global E-Business and Electronic Markets (GEB)
  • ??? Information Systems and Business Modeling (ISB)
  • ??? Management Information Systems (MIS)?


Further, you will receive your assigned time slot and information about the exam review process via email on Friday, 12th of April 2024.

Preliminary correction and correction deadline

Dear students,


the Chair of Information Systems and Management does not offer any preliminary corrections. Information regarding "passed" and "failed" will not be published in advance. The grades will not be published on a notice board or individually. All participants of our exams will receive their exam results at the same time and thus fairly via Studis.


We also do not publish information about the progress of corrections. Therefore, please refrain from making any enquiries regarding this matter. The grades will be passed on to the examination office in accordance with the deadlines by our faculty and published in Studis. The results will not be displayed anywhere else and individual information will not be provided.


Since we do not only check in the MC-procedure, the corrections represent an enormous effort. We always want to ensure that the necessary diligence is taken in the correction process.


We ask you to refrain from making enquiries, as this prevents us from working and does not speed up the corrections.

We will inform you here in time regarding the date for the post-exam reviews.


Thank you very much for your understanding!


