



AI Production Network Augsburg

We research AI-based production technologies at the interface between materials, manufacturing technologies & data-based modelling. You want to make your production fit for the future with AI? Are you looking for AI experts? Then get in touch with us!
Die Wortmarke zeigt in einem schwarzen Balken das Wort KI-Poruduktionsnetzwerk, wobei das KI sehr gro? dargestellt ist. Darunter sind die Logos der vier Partner Universit?t Augsburg, DLR ZLP Augsburg, Fraunhofer IGCV und der Hochschule Augsburg.
Universit?t Augsburg/KI-Produktionsnetzwerk


March 26, 2024

AI-based control systems for machines, plants, and process chains

Over the next three years, the Bavarian research alliance ¡°Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Closed-Loop Production¡± (FORinFPRO) will be researching fundamental concepts for process-specific sensor and condition monitoring, as well as the data-based modelling, control, and optimisation of manufacturing processes. The project has been funded by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung to the tune of around €2 million. Tobias Gotthardt, Bavarian State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Regional Development, and Energy, handed over the confirmation of funding today.

?bergabe FORinFPRO
Dec. 20, 2023

Cobots as a door opener into industry for people with autism spectrum disorder?

In an initial study, researchers from the AI Production Network at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg investigated the behavioral patterns of neurotypical employees and employees with autism spectrum disorder in direct collaboration with cobots in an industrial context. Several Italian partners were involved, such as the Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato (STIIMA-CNR), the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Milan, the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Bologna and the scientific institute Eugenio MEDEA project. The results show the advantages of a workplace adapted to the respective needs and are intended to be the starting point for greater attention to physical and mental health in Industry 4.0. They were published in the international journal "Frontiers in Psychology".

Pooja Prajod discusses the experimental setup with Matteo Lavit Nicora
June 19, 2023

New AI research facility opens

The AI Production Network at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg has reached an important milestone with the opening of Halle 43 on the 19th of June 2023. The university will use the new hall for researching the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in manufacturing. It aims to make the regional economy fit for the future.

Opening of hall 43



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Motivation and Vision

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

We preserve resources.

Through minimization of material and energy use in production.

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

We place the human beeing in the centre of attention.

By supporting technologies for people and increasing customer satisfaction through quality

improvement and individualization.

? KI-Produktionsnetzwerk

We are moving Bavaria forward as a business location.

Through innovations around the consistent avoidance of waste and increased efficiency in production.

The AI Production Network at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg

Our Offers

Whether for companies, schools or those interested in founding a company - we have offers for everyone.

Personen vor einer Showtafel

Our Research

Find out about our research priorities and fields of development.

Symbolbild Forschungi/ Technik

Our Research Partners

Get to know our network and our regional industry partners.

Partnerwand des KI-Produktionsnetzwerks im Showroom

Our Office

Our office will be happy to assist you with all your concerns.

Au?enansicht eines B¨¹rogeb?udes

Our Showroom

Get in touch with AI in production interactively and learn more about our research.

Mehre Personen unterhalten sich bzw laufen durch den Showroom. Zentral ist das Ausstellungsst¨¹ck "Getriebedemonstrator" zu sehen.

Our Location

In the south of Augsburg we are easily accessible by public transport and by car.

Handy mit Maps

Our Organisational Structure

Here you will find our organisation chart and the respective contact persons.

Verrwaltungsgeb?ude mit Wegweisern davor
Portrait Ulrich Huggenberger, Gesch?ftsf¨¹hrer XITASO
XITASO has been combining AI and production for a long time - We have a strong research cooperation with the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg for innovative solutions.

Ulrich Huggenberger, CEO XITASO (? XITASO)

Portrait Harald Wenger, Gesch?ftsf¨¹hrer Soffico GmbH
The AI Production Network offers our region and soffico, as an innovative technology company in the field of enterprise-wide data integration, the opportunity to help shape the transformation towards competitive, future-proof production and to make research insights in the field of AI accessible to regional companies.

Harald Wenger, CEO Soffico GmbH (? Soffico GmbH)

Portrait Dr. Kristina Wagner, Senior Vice President von Technology & Innovation Center und Program Director von iiQKA
As a local ecosystem of startups, SMEs, industry and research the AI Production Network accelerates the introduction of state-of-the-art automation, making an important contribution to shaping the future of industry.

Dr. Kristina Wagner, Senior Vice President Technology & Innovation Center and Program Director iiQKA (? Kuka)


We look forward to getting in touch with you. For general inquiries, please use our e-mail address:?




Here?you will find our contact persons for specific concerns.

Funded By

The AI Production Network Augsburg is being funded with 92 million euros from the Bavarian state government's Hightech Agenda program.


The AI Production Network at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg is funded by the Bayerische Staatsministerium f¨¹r Wissenschaft und Kunst.?

Logos F?rderung Zusammengefasst
? Bayerische Staatsregierung / StMWi / StMWK
