Ohl, U., Backhouse, M., Schl?gl-Flierl, K., Kalch, A., & Bilandzic, H. (in print)
Bioplastics – an alternative to conventional plastics? An analysis from a sociological, ethical and educational perspective. In: Matthias Schmidt, Simone Müller, Kirsten Twelbeck (Eds.) Ambivalences of Ecological Transformation: Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities.
Sch?fer, S. K., Fritz, J., Sopp, R., Kunzler, A., von Boros, L., Tüscher, O., G?ritz, A. S., Lieb, K. & Michael, T. (in press)
Interrelations of resilience factors and their incremental impact for mental health: Insights from network modeling using a prospective study across seven timepoints. Translational Psychiatry.
Malecki, W. P., Bilandzic, H., Kowal, M., & Sorokowski, P. (2023)
威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia experiences during the Ukraine war and their relationships with distress, anxiety, and resilience. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 165.
Bilandzic. H. & Myrick, J. (in print)
Information seeking and avoidance in the Covid-19 pandemic as a function of political ideology and national context: A survey comparing the US and Germany. Health Communication.
Schl?gl-Flierl, K. (2023)
Resilience – normatively conceived, transformatively developed. Ethics and Armed Forces(1), 8-14.
Current publications by members related to resilience:
- Ohl, U., Backhouse, M., Schl?gl-Flierl, K., Kalch, A., & Bilandzic, H. (in print). Bioplastics – an alternative to conventional plastics? An analysis from a sociological, ethical and educational perspective. In: Matthias Schmidt, Simone Müller, Kirsten Twelbeck (Eds.) Ambivalences of Ecological Transformation: Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities.
- Schl?gl-Flierl, K. (2023). Resilience – normatively conceived, transformatively developed. Ethics and Armed Forces(1), 8-14.
- Malecki, W. P., Bilandzic, H., Kowal, M., & Sorokowski, P. (2023). 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia experiences during the Ukraine war and their relationships with distress, anxiety, and resilience. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 165, 273-281.
- Schug, M., Bilandzic, H., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023). Covid-19 Research in Alternative News 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia: Evidencing and Counterevidencing Practices. 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia and Communication, 11(1), 323-334.
- Huber, T., Weitz, K., André, E., & Amir, O. (2021). Local and global explanations of agent behavior: Integrating strategy summaries with saliency maps. Artificial Intelligence, 301, 103571.? (open access)
- Heimerl, A., Weitz, K., Baur, T., & André, E. (2020). Unraveling ml models of emotion with NOVA: Multi-level explainable ai for non-experts.?IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing,?13(3), 1155–1167.
- Backhouse, M., Lühmann, M., & Tittor, A. (2022). Global Inequalities in the Bioeconomy: Thinking Continuity and Change in View of the Global Soy Complex. Sustainability, 14(9), 5481.
- Backhouse, M., & Lorenzen, K. (2021). Knowledge production and land relations in the bioeconomy: a case study on the Brazilian sugar-bioenergy sector. Sustainability, 13(8), 4525. (open access)
- Beck, S., & Oomen, J. (2021). Imagining the corridor of climate mitigation–What is at stake in IPCC’s politics of anticipation? Environmental Science & Policy, 123, 169–178.
- Beck, S. & Mahony, M. (2018). The IPCC and the new map of science and politics. WIREs Climate Change, 9(5), e547.
- Buchner, B. (2022). Artificial intelligence as a challenge for the law: the example of "Doctor Algorithm", International Cybersecurity Law Review, 3, 181–190. (open access)
- Buchner, B. (2020). Informed Consent: Germany. In T. Vansweevelt & N. Glover-Thomas (Eds.), Informed Consent and Health (pp. 216–234). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Tobisch, A., & Dresel, M. (2022). Automatic and controlled information processing in the context of students’ ethnic and social background: An eye-tracking study about teacher students’ judgment formation. Social Psychology of Education, 25, 1325–1349.
- Daumiller, M., Rinas, R., Hein, J., Janke, S., Dickh?user, O., & Dresel, M. (2021). Shifting from face-to-face to online teaching during COVID-19: The role of university faculty achievement goals for attitudes towards this sudden change, and their relevance for burnout/engagement and student learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 118, 106677. ?
- Fontana, S. (2019). Environmental Protection by Means of Pulic-Law Contract. In G. Duttge & J.-Y. Jun (Eds.), Comparative Law in a Changing World (pp. 29–35). Universit?tsverlag G?ttingen
- Rockstroh, C., Blum, J., & G?ritz, A. S. (2021). A mobile VR-based respiratory biofeedback game to foster diaphragmatic breathing. Virtual Reality, 25, 539–552.
- Th?rel, E., Pauls, N., & G?ritz, A. S. (2022). The association of work-related extended availability with recuperation, well-being, life domain balance and work: A meta-analysis. Organizational Psychology Review, 12(4), 387–427.
- Kalch, A., Bilandzic, H., Sappler, A., & Stellinger, S. (2021). Am I responsible? The joint effect of individual responsibility attributions and descriptive normative climate messages on climate mitigation intentions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 78, 101711.
- Kalch, A., & Naab, T. (2017). Replying, disliking, flagging: how users engage with uncivil and impolite comments on news sites. SCM Studies in Communication and 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia, 6(4), 395–419.
- Keck, M, & Sakdapolrak, P. (2013). What is social resilience? Lessons learned and ways forward. Erdkunde: Archive for Scientific Geography, 67(1), 5–18.
- Keck, M., & Flachs, A. (2022). From Necrocene to Naíocene – promising pathways toward sustainable agri-food systems. Sustainability Science, 17(6), 2177–2185.
- Kinnebrock, S., & Bilandzic, H. (2023). Stories about Villains, Mad Scientists and Failure? Patterns of Evidence Criticism in 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia Coverage of Genomic Research. In K. Zachmann et al. (Eds.), Evidence Contestation: Dealing with Dissent in Knowledge Societies (pp. 303–325). Routledge. (open access)
- Nitsch, C., & Kinnebrock, S. (2021). Well-known phenomenon, new setting: Digital stress in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. SCM - Studies in Communication and 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia, 10(4), 533–556.
- Greisel, M., Wekerle, C., Wilkes, T., Stark, R., & Kollar, I. (2023). Pre-service teachers’ evidence-informed reasoning: Do attitudes, normative beliefs, and self-efficacy facilitate the use of scientific theories while analyzing teaching problems? Psychology Learning and Teaching, 22(1), 20–38. (open access)
- Csanadi, A., Kollar, I., & Fischer, F. (2021). Pre-service teachers’ evidence-based reasoning during pedagogical problem-solving: better together? European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36(1), 147–168. (open access)
- Sch?nbauer S, & Müller R. A. (2021). Risky Object? How Microplastics Are Represented in the German 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia. Science Communication, 43(5), 543–569.
- Müller, R., & Kenney, M. A. (2021). Science of Hope? Tracing Emergent Entanglements between the Biology of Early Life Adversity, Trauma-informed Care, and Restorative Justice. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 46(6), 1230–1260.
- Penkler, M., Müller, R.; Kenney, M. & Hanson, M. (2020): Back to normal? Building community resilience after COVID-19. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 8(8), 664–665.
- Müller, S. M. (2023). The Toxic Ship. The Voyage of the Khian Sea and the Global Waste Trade. Washington 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press.
- Müller, S. M. (2023). Dirty New Natures. Infrastructures and the Global Waste Economy. In G. Bonan & K. Occhi (Eds.), Environment and Infrastructure (pp. 141–160). De Gruyter.
- Binder, S., & Nuscheler, R. (2017). Risk-taking in vaccination, surgery, and gambling environments: Evidence from a framed laboratory experiment. Health Economics, 26, 76–96.
- Nuscheler, R., & Roeder, K. (2016). To Vaccinate or to Procrastinate? That is the Prevention Question. Health Economics, 25(12), 1560–1581.
- Oels, A. (2019). The promise and limits of participation in adaptation governance: moving beyond participation towards disruption. In E. C. H. Keskitalo & B. L. Preston (Eds.), Research handbook on climate change adaptation policy (pp. 138–156). Edward Elgar.
- Methmann, C., & Oels, A. (2015). From 'fearing' to 'empowering' climate refugees: governing climate- induced migration in the name of resilience. Security Dialogue, 46(1), 51–68.
- Brumann, S., Ohl, U., & Schulz, J. (2022). Inquiry-based learning on climate change in upper secondary education: a design-based approach. Sustainability, 14(6), 3544. (open access)
- Streitberger, S., Haltenberger, M., & Ohl, U. (2022). Intervention research design in the context of professionalizing future geography teachers: specific potentials of qualitative and quantitative designs using the example of two empirical studies. In E. Artvinli, I. Gryl, J. Lee & J. T. Mitchell (Eds.), Geography teacher education and professionalization (pp. 25–46). Springer.
- Gahler, M., Klein, J. F., & Paul, M. (2023). Customer Experience: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Application in Omnichannel Environments. Journal of Service Research, 26(2), 191-211. (free access)
- Kralj, S. N., Lechner, A.T., & Paul, M. (2019). Subtle but spotted? Influencing factors of customer-perceived weight discrimination. Journal of Services Marketing, 33(5), 532–546.
- Scherr, S., Arendt, F., & Haim, M. (2022). Algorithms without frontiers? How language-based algorithmic information disparities for suicide crisis information sustain digital divides over time in 17 countries. Information, Communication & Society.
- Scherr, S., & Leiner, D. (2021). The populist hotbed: How political attitudes, resentment, and justice beliefs predict both exposure to and avoidance of specific populist news features in the United States. PLOS ONE, 16(10), e0258220.
- Schl?gl-Flierl, K. (2021). Die Forderung nach Klimaresilienz – umweltethisch betrachtet. Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics, 29(1), 103–116.
- Qian, K., Schmitt, M., Zheng, H., Koike, T., Han, J., Liu, J., Ji, W., Duan, J., Song, M., Yang, Z., Ren, Z., Liu, S., Zhang, Z., Yamamoto, Y., & Schuller, B. W. (2021). Computer Audition for Fighting the SARS-CoV-2 Corona Crisis—Introducing the Multitask Speech Corpus for COVID-19. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(21), 16035–16046.
- Schuller, B. W., Batliner, A., Bergler, C., Mascolo, C., Han, J. et al. (2021). The INTERSPEECH 2021 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: COVID-19 Cough, COVID-19 Speech, Escalation & Primates. Interspeech 2021.
- Schwarzenegger, C., & Wagner, A. (2023). Commemorative Populism in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Strategic (Ab)use of Memory in Anti-Corona Protest Communication on Telegram. International Journal of Communication, 17, 2138–2156.
- Schwarzenegger, C. (2022). Understanding the Users of Alternative News 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia—威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia Epistemologies, News Consumption, and 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia Practices. Digital Journalism, 1–19.
- Schwarzenegger, C. (2020). Personal epistemologies of the media: Selective criticality, pragmatic trust, and competence–confidence in navigating media repertoires in the digital age. New 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia & Society, 22(2), 361–377.
- Elmezeny, A., Edenhofer, N., & Wimmer, J. (2018). Immersive storytelling in 360 degree-videos: An analysis of interplay between narrative and technical immersion. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 11(1).
- Schweiger, M., & Wimmer, J. (2022): Methodological reflections on capturing augmented space: Insights from an augmented reality (AR) field study. 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia and Communication, 10(3), 290–303. (open access)
- Bilandzic.?H. &?Myrick, J. (in print).?Information seeking and avoidance in the Covid-19 pandemic as a function of political ideology and national context: A survey comparing the US and Germany.?Health Communication.