Clusters and Professors
The professors of the Faculty of Business and Economics are organized in clusters in research and teaching. The professors of the Business Analytics & Operations, Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation?as well as Strategy, Marketing & Management?cluster belong to the Institute of Business Administration and partly to the Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Economic Theory. The professors of the Economics cluster are members of the Institute of? Economics.
Business Analytics & Operations
Analytics & Optimization
Digital Health & 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ical Decision Making
Health Care Operations / Health Information Management
Production & Supply Chain Management
Quantitative Methods
Resilient Operations
Statistics and Data Science
Business & Information Systems Engineering – Management Support
Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation
Business Taxation
Climate Finance
Management Accounting and Management Control
Financial Data Analytics
Finance and Banking
Economic Policy and Industrial Economics
Statistics and Data Science
Accounting & Controlling
Strategy, Marketing & Management
Global Business & Human Resource Management
Information Systems and Management
Management, Innovation and Sustainable Business
Management & Organization
Value Based Marketing
Economics | Institute of Economics
Applied Microeconomics
Empirical Macroeconomics
Public Economics
Public Economics and Health Economics
Economic Policy and Industrial Economics
Environmental and Resource Economics
Environmental Economics
Professors Emeriti
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Atteslander
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Günter Bamberg ( Homepage)
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Blum
- Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Buhl ( Homepage)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Adolf G. Coenenberg
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Fleischmann ( Homepage)
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gahlen
- Prof. Dr. Horst Hanusch
- Prof. Dr. Hans A. Hartmann
- Prof. Dr. Michael Heinhold
- Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hoffmann
- Prof. Dr. Heinz Lampert
- Prof. Dr. Alfred Mau?ner
- Prof. Dr. Paul W. Meyer
- Prof. Dr. Oswald Neuberger
- Prof. Dr. Otto Opitz
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Louis Perridon
- Prof. Dr. Anita Pfaff
- Prof. Dr. Martin Pfaff
- Prof. Dr. Horst Reimann
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich K. Schittko
- Prof. Dr. Manfred Steiner