



team location development

employees at the chair

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PD Dr. Markus Hilpert

Head of the Location Development Section


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Niklas V?lkening M.Sc.

Research assistant


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Christina Gra? M.Sc.

Research assistant


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Shanice Powell
student assistant


assistant teachers

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Dipl.-Geogr. Markus Epple

usiness Development Manager in Pforzheim


Dr. Andreas Huber

Dr. Andreas Huber

Business Development City of Augsburg - Founders and Start-ups - Basic questions

Prof. Klaus Kellner

Prof. Dr. habil. Klaus Kellner

Hochschule Augsburg, Professor for International Marketing Management and General Business Administration

Dr. Bernhard Kr?u?lich

Dr. Bernhard Kr?u?lich

Managing Director of the Economic Development and Location Marketing Corporation of the Sigmaringen District (WIS)

Dr. Peter Markert

Dr. Peter Markert
Managing director of imakomm AKADEMIE GmbH (municipal consulting)


Matthias Sch?ferling

Dipl.-Geogr. Matthias Sch?ferling
City Planning Office Augsburg


Daniela Schneider, M.A.

Institute for Empirical Social Economics (INIFES)


Dipl.-Ing. Ulf Gnauert-Jende

City Planning Office Augsburg

