Climate hotspots in India

"Drought and dryness - Is Bavaria running out of water?"

Low groundwater levels in Bavaria & the national water strategy

Warm winter in Bavaria: no more skiing in the future?
Interview by SAT1 Bayern with Prof. Harald Kunstmann about the effects of climate change on skiing in Bavaria.

Climate crisis and no way out? Climate researcher Prof. Harald Kunstmann explains the most important findings of the research
Prof. Harald Kunstmann as a guest on Augsburg TV in "Zeit zu Reden"

"All show and no substance"? Bavaria has a new climate protection law
Post by BR24 on the possible effects of the new climate protection law with an interview with Prof. Harald Kunstmann.

Researchers from the Centre for Climate Resilience at the UN Climate Conference COP27
Augsburg researchers working in climate science, climate politics and environmental medicine share their views on COP27

The alps need more protection
BR24 interview with Prof. Harald Kunstmann on the effects of climate change in the Alpine region
Stories about the future: My personal Agenda 2030
Interview with Dr. Cecilia Scorza-Lesch and Prof. Harald Kunstmann on the German Foundation Day about the climate suitcase and climate change
Of loess and silt and why drought is not just drought
SZ article about drought and its various types with Prof. Harald Kunstmann.
Is it just heat or has the climate already changed, Professor Kunstmann?
Interview of the Augsburger Allgemeine with Prof. Harald Kunstmann about the current heat wave
After the Ice Fall in Italy: How did it happen?
SAT1 Bavaria on the fatal accident in the Dolomites in conversation with Prof. Harald Kunstmann