Lehramt Geographie
Geography is a broad-based discipline and combines social and natural science issues and methods. Accordingly, it is divided into two main branches and deals with human geographical as well as physical geographical content. Especially the interactions between humans and space characterise current geography as an integrative spatial and environmental science, which considers natural and social science aspects equally. Due to its interdisciplinary alignment, geography tuition is particularly suitable for dealing with future-relevant global issues and of making complex relationships understandable. Contemporary geography teaching enables school students to acquire a deeper spatial understanding and active space design.

SteckbriefCourse language: german Restriction on admission: no, (exception: Lehramt Grundschule) End of application winter semester: middle of May End of application summer semester: The current deadlines can be found here |
LehrerInnenbildung an der Uni Augsburg
You can study all teacher training courses in geography at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg. In the following you will find information on the structure of the teacher training courses and on the planned teaching events according to the relevant examination regulations:
Modulhandbücher für das Fach Geographie:
Lehramtsprüfungsordnungen der Universit?t Augsburg (LPO UA)
Further information on the Geography teacher training course is also provided on the webpages of the Chair for the Didactics of Geography. The course representative and first contact is Martin Xaver Müller. You are also welcome to call into the Secretary’s office?of the Didactics of Geography. Many questions arise repeatedly and can therefore be answered competently, directly and easily by our team of secretaries. In addition, on the webpages of the Faculty for Applied Informatics?you will find information on examination registration as well as important application forms (e.g. for the dissertations or on the crediting of coursework).
Portfolio schedule
The portfolio schedules for the teacher training courses can be found on the page of the Institute for Geography: Notes and Downloads?under the Portfolio Schedule section: Teaching profession