
About the Project
AVASAG (Avatar-basierter Sprachassistent zur automatisierten
Digital communication is subject to a fast moving change. But does it take everyone with it? There are about 70 million deaf people worldwide. For most of them, text language is a foreign language. Digital accessibility is becoming increasingly important in order to communicate content dynamically and suitably prepared for all target groups. Automated instruments help to ensure barrier-free communication. The AVASAG joint project is developing a real-time controlled 3D sign language avatar for the automatic translation of German texts into sign language. The aim is to create a qualitatively realistic representation of a 3D sign language avatar to enable digital and barrier-free communication, thus providing added value for deaf people to better participate in the digital society. AVASAG offers companies the opportunity to generate content automatically and dynamically, thus optimizing interaction and communication on digital channels. As a demonstrator, a sign language avatar for automated translation in the field of travel information and services with a focus on traffic and tourism will be realized.