



Thesis Projects (Bachelor's Thesis, Master's Thesis) and Practical Modules (Research Module, Practical Module, Project Module

If you are interested in carrying out a practical project (research module, practical module, project module) or writing your Bachelor's or Master's Thesis at our department, we would be delighted to receive an email from you. As we are currently still a small team and strive to provide intensive and high-quality supervision, we only supervise a limited number of theses simultaneously.


We expect to be able to offer further supervision from August onwards.

Current Topics

  • Session QoE
    Extension and implementation of a subjective user study to determine the influence of different stimuli on the overall session QoE of a user, based on content and duration of the session.

  • Design and Evaluation of Subjective Methodologies to Assess QoE Fairness
    Creation and evaluation of a survey regarding QoE fairness. A subjective survey will be used to determine the meaning of fairness between different applications for different users on the Internet.

  • Validation of a Python-based Video Streaming QoE Simulation with Paired Experiments
    In this work, an already programmed bottleneck link simulation will be validated.

  • Historical vs Peer Baseline: A Comparison in User and Entity Behaviour Analytics for Zero Trust Networks using Machine Learning (collaboration with genua GmbH)
    This project aims to develop a machine learning-based anomaly detection system based on an industrial data set in cooperation with a regional partner (genua GmbH from Kirchheim near Munich).
If you have any questions regarding the process of a thesis at our chair or any of the mentioned topics, please do not hesitate to contact us via? email.

Completed Theses



Master Theses:

  • Design and Evaluation of Active-Learning-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems

    Student: Leo Stumpf B.Sc.
    Supervisor: Johannes Schleicher M.Sc.


Bachelor Theses:

  • Assessing the Quality of Experience of Short Video Services using Crowdsourcing Studies
    Student: Alperen Sayin
    Supervisor: Filip Simonovski M.Sc.

  • Understanding the Influence of Session and Stimuli Characteristics on Webs Session QoE
    Student: Johannes Bulun
    Supervisor: Johannes Schleicher M.Sc.




Research Assistant
Networked Embedded Systems and Communication Systems


