



"Best Student Paper Award" for Matthias Stüben, Alexander Poeppel und Wolfgang Reif

The paper "External Torque Estimation for Mobile Manipulators: A Comparison of Model-based and LSTM Methods" by Matthias Stueben, Alexander Poeppel and Wolfgang Reif received the Best Student Paper Award at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, which took place from 5 - 7 December in Naples, Italy. The award is given to the best submission with a bachelor's, master's or PhD student as its first author.


The focus of the IRC lies on the interaction of computing technologies and robotic technologies. The 6th edition of the conference in 2022 was attended by 362 authors from 29 countries. For further information please visit https://www.ieee-irc.org/.

The paper deals with the online monitoring of external forces on mobile manipulators. This problem plays an important role in interaction, manipulation and safety. Classical, model-based methods as well as machine learning techniques have been employed and evaluated in experiments.
