academic career
Professor M?llers studied law at the Johannes Gutenberg 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 in Mainz and at the universities of Dijon, Berkeley, Florence and Munich from 1982 to 1993. He also obtained his doctorate there in 1989 under the guidance of his doctoral supervisor Professor Dr. Walther Hadding. This was followed by his habilitation (postdoctoral lecture qualification) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 in Munich under Professor Dr. Wolfgang Fikentscher. In 1996 Professor M?llers was then appointed Professor of Civil Law, Commercial Law, European Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law as well as Managing Director of the Institute for European Legal Systems at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg. In the same year he was also appointed Managing Director of the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELOS). The Summer School "European and International Business Law" was founded in the following year and along with it the exchange program with various US and Chinese universities commenced.
In 2000, Professor M?llers was the head of a research group on the topic " Enforcement of Competition Law" of the Common Core Project in European Private Law in Trento (Italy), and in the same year, the development of a specialist database on European Business Law (Caplaw) followed.
In 2003, Professor M?llers was co-founder of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC) and in 2008 he was appointed Vice Dean for International Relations of the Law Faculty in Augsburg. Finally, in 2016, the two research centers: "Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between Europe and China" (Rice) and the "Augsburg Research Centre of European and American Law" (AREA) were founded.
Main research interests
Legal research requires a connection to the reality of life and has to take into account economic and sociological circumstances in an interdisciplinary way. Proposed legal solutions are indispensable in order to strike a binding balance between the interests of different parties. The globalisation of national economies requires an approach to research that is based on national, European and international law. The research institutions CELOS, RICE, AREA and the CAPLAW database as well as the Jean Monnet Research Project INspiRE can be used for this purpose.
Basics: civil law, legal methodology and work techniques
In addition to contract and tort law, the foundations of law include legal skills and, above all, legal methodology. Used as a theory of argumentation, it helps to develop and justify legal decisions in difficult cases. More than 100 argumentation figures are recognized worldwide. Legal arguments should not only be used in court decisions, but also to a greater extent than before to accelerate political decision-making processes.
European law and European commercial law
European law and European economic law are in a constant flux - the principle of subsidiarity stands in the way of greater harmonisation: fundamental issues for the future are European integration, legal harmonisation and enforcement and, above all, the further development of the European Union. Prof. Dr. M?llers is Director of CELOS; he has been awarded two Jean Monnet Chairs and is speaker of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Enforcement in the field of European Economic Law (consumer, capital market, corporate, state aid and antitrust law).
Capital market and corporate law
Professor?Dr. M?llers has helped shape the case law and legislation in German and European capital market law. The dynamics of capital market law force lawyers to constantly fine-tune between insufficient and overshooting law enforcement.
Most relevant works and papers
Principles of the law
- Legal Methods – How to succesfully work with legal arguments (Juristische Methodenlehre), XLIV, 585 pages,?( Verlag C.H. Beck/Hart Publisher -?Munich/Oxford), 2020.
- Legal Technique and Scientific Work (Juristische Arbeitstechnik und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten), ed. 1 -? 11, (Verlag Franz Vahlen – München), 2001 - 2024. Chinesische edition: 法律研习方法——作业、考试和论文写作, 1. ed./Nachdruck (Peking 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press – Peking), 2019.
Capital Market Law
- Annotations §§ 12, 13, 23 Wp?G, in: Heribert Hirte/Sebastian Mock (Hrsg.), Cologne Commentary on the Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act (K?lner Kommentar zum Wertpapiererwerbs- und ?bernahmegesetz – Wp?G - Gro?kommentar), 1 st – 3rd. ed. (Verlag Carl Heymanns – K?ln), 2003/2010/2022.
- Cologne Commentary on the Securities Trading Act (K?lner Kommentar zum Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (WPHG - Gro?kommentar)) edited by Heribert Hirte/Thomas M. J. M?llers, 1 st - 2 nd ed., 20LVI, 3857 pages,?(Verlag Carl Heymanns -?Cologne), 2007/2014.
- Ad-hoc-Publication,?A Compendium of the Rights and Duties of Listed Corporations and Investors (Ad-hoc-Publizit?t. Handbuch der Rechte und Pflichten von b?rsennotierten Unternehmen und Kapitalanlegern) edited by Thomas M. J. M?llers/Klaus Rotter, LI, 535 pages,?(Verlag C. H. Beck -?Munich), 2003.
European Union and European Economic Law
- European Company Law for Smaller and Mid-Sized Enterprises (Europ?isches Gesellschafts- und Unternehmensrecht, kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen) in: Reiner Schulze/Stefan Kadelbach/André Janssen?(eds.), European Law, (Europarecht), 1 st – 4 th ed., 2.731 pages,?(Nomos Verlag), Baden-Baden, 2006 -? 2020.
- The Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe edited by Thomas M.J. M?llers/Andreas Heinemann, 713 pages,?(Cambridge 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press -?Cambridge), 2007.
- The Role of Law in European Integration The Necessity of a European Legislative Theory and Methodology (Die Rolle des Rechts im Rahmen der Europ?ischen Integration) VII, 119 pages,?(Verlag Mohr Siebeck - Tübingen), 1999; English translation: The Role of Law in European Integration. In Search of a European Identity, XIII, 127 pages?(Nova Science Publishers - New York), 2003.?
Bibliography????? via SSRN????? Publications with download possibility
Excerpt of the lectures of the last three years
? 12. November 2024 |
? 21. September 2024 |
26. April 2024 |
? 22. M?rz 2024 |
? ? ? 27. Oktober 2023 |
9. Oktober 2023 |
16. September 2023 |
? 15./16. Mai 2023 ? |
19. Oktober 2022 |
4. April 2022 |
30. M?rz 2022 |
Honours and awarded membership
2024 ?
- Appointment as an honorary professor of Central South 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】, Changsha, Hunan, P.R. China
- Establishment of a Jean-Monnet Centre of Excellence??European Integration – Rule of Law and Enforcement (INspiRE)” by the European Union, in cooperation with the professors:?Camilleri (Palermo), Ferrand (Lyon), Gsell (Munich), Wollenschl?ger (Augsburg), Wurmnest (Augsburg) as well as Zhang (Peking)
- Permanent Visiting Professor at the China 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing and at the Lanzhou 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Political Science and Law (LUPL) in Lanzhou
- Member of the Academia Europaea, Section Law (
- Member of the European Academy of Science and Arts, Section Social Sciences, Law and Economics (
- Jean-Monnet-Chair ad personam
- Jean-Monnet-Chair for European Law, Business, Capital Market and Competition Law
As well as appointment as visiting professor at the Universities of Sydney, Pittsburgh, North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Pepperdine, Hobart, Washington, Peking, Lyon.
Professional Services
Positions in scientific societies and bodies
- Chairman of the "Money and Currency" Foundation Board of the Deutsche Bundebank
- Expert consultant for various institutions (German Bundestag, German Research Foundation, Science Council etc.)
- Member of the Management Board and Scientific Board of MIPLC (Munich Intellectual Property Law Center)