




The goals of the new licensing regulations and the new National Competency-Based Learning Objectives Catalogue for 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】icine NKLM are already being integrated into the dermatology teaching formats. The content is being taught in a much more competency-based manner. The skin chapter is taught here in the early stages of the course in conjunction with the topics of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and medical psychology. In concrete terms, this means that, for example, pathophysiological references to scaling and redness are taught in the anatomy of the skin, itching and sensory perception in physiology and psychology, and skin immunology, allergies and autoimmune diseases in biochemistry. Students should be able to apply their knowledge to be able to interpret skin diseases based on an exact description of the skin findings.


Student teaching is designed using modern learning methods as blended learning with asynchronous and synchronous sections, partly virtual, partly in the form of classic teaching units (lectures, seminars, bedside teaching). Dermatology in particular, as a subject in which visual diagnosis plays a major role, is suitable for virtual visits and other eLearning formats. We develop and evaluate digital 3D teaching methods on patients as well as a virtual and hybrid suture course.




Here you will find a list of the courses offered by the Department of Dermatology or in which Dermatology is involved. Please note that curriculum development is a continuous process. The list is therefore updated regularly.

  • Participation in the clinical longitudinal course.
  • Participation in the scientific longitudinal course (Scientific block internship)
  • Maturitas mentoring
  • PJ teaching
  • Participation in courses for medical informatics
  • Elective Course: Dermoscopy

Semesters 1+2

Participation in the seminars on the histology of epithelia.


Clinical longitudinal course:

Small group lessons: Professional Appearance and Hygiene?


Semesters 3+4


Module: Contact

  • Lecture on the structure and function of the skin and skin appendages
  • Online unit: Skin lesions( efflorescences)
  • Seminar on interpreting skin findings
  • Small group lessons on describing skin findings?
Clinical longitudinal course:
Online unit: Skin examination
Small group teaching: Skin examination

Semesters 5 + 6


Module: neoplastic

  • Online unit: All about?melanoma
  • Lecture: All about melanoma
  • Seminar on melanoma therapy
  • Small group lessons: melanoma diagnostics
  • UaP-3: melanoma

Module: immunological/inflammatory

  • Online unit: Introduction to Immunology
  • Online unit: Atopic eczema and Allergies
  • Small group lessons on allergy diagnostics
  • Small group lessons on hyposensitization
  • UaP-3 Atopy
  • UaP-3 Allergy?consultation
  • Lecture on psoriasis
  • Seminar on psoriasis pharmacotherapy
  • UaP-6 psoriasis
  • Online unit: Quiz
  • Online unit: Final immunology session

Module: infectious

  • Online unit:?herpes virus infections
  • Lecture: bacterial skin infections
  • Seminar on erysipelas
  • Seminar on herpesvirus infections
  • UaP-6 Bacterial skin infections
  • UaP-6 Herpesvirus infections

Semesters 7-10


Sensory medicine

  • Systematics of the entire field of dermatology
  • Infectious, immunological, degenerative and tumorous skin diseases
  • Diagnostics, therapy, prevention and management of skin diseases
  • Differential diagnoses, comorbidities, interdisciplinary and interprofessional treatment of skin diseases

Practical year

Deepening knowledge and skills in the field of treating skin diseases, clinical decisions in a protected environment
