MNTF Graduate Center
MNTF Graduate Center

Supporting Program for Young Scientists by the MNTF Graduate Center
Possible Support by the MNTF Graduate Center
The possible types of support are MNTF-GZ events, which can be organized and attended by all members of the MNTF-GZ, as well as individual funding for MNTF-GZ.
A. Events
In order to be funded by the MNTF-GZ, events must be scientific or otherwise relevant to the careers of young researchers, or must benefit intramural networking; furthermore, they should be of cross-institutional interest in MNTF. The precise content and focus of an event should be conceived by the respective organizers, with support from the MNTF-GZ available, e.g. using experience from past activities. Young researchers will receive a statement regarding the support from MNTF-GZ. Applications need to contain the following:
- Project description including preliminary program
- Preliminary breakdown of costs
- Proof of sufficient interest in the event (e.g. preliminary list of participants)
- Interdisciplinary scientific symposia with invited speakers
- Laboratory tours or industry visits
- Scientific retreats
- MNTF-specific workshops on scientific topics and/or soft skills
- Scientific guest lectures, in particular at the colloquia of the MNTF institutes
- Cross-institute networking meetings
B. Individual funding
Individual funding includes resources for independent scientific projects, contributions to travel costs, and subscriptions to scientific software that are not provided by the chair or university. Young researchers who have received individual funding must present their results in a short presentation at a network event of the MNTF-GZ.
- Dransfeld-Calder¨®n Award
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Dransfeld-Calder¨®n retired in 1994 as Professor of Experimental Physics at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Konstanz and received an honorary doctorate from the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg in 1996. Before that, he had played a key role in establishing the subject of physics at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg and thus in developing the faculty. This award is intended to preserve the memory of Professor Dransfeld-Calder¨®n, who passed away in April 2024.
The MNTF-GZ annually awards the Dransfeld-Calder¨®n Award for innovative, independent scientific projects by young researchers. The call for applications is always made with a deadline in the first half of the year. The award is endowed with up to 5,000?€, which must be used and accounted for by the end of November of the same year. The award can also be awarded to several projects. Submitted projects must be independent of dissertations/habilitations of applicants and their topics. In contrast to the usual decision-making process, the MNTF-GZ board appoints a commission which, if necessary after obtaining external reports, decides on the winners. The award is awarded at an MNTF-GZ event. The following must be submitted with the application:
- Project description including intended goal and provisional timetable
- Declaration of support from the supervisor
- Cost overview, including, if applicable, details of other financial sources
- CV of the applicant
- Travel support
A financial contribution to travel costs can be granted for participation in conferences, meetings, summer/winter schools, etc.; where possible an own scientific presentation such as a poster or lecture should be planned. The amount of possible financial support depends on the travel destination (similar to the support of young researchers by the central Graduate Center):
The following must be submitted with the application:
- max. 300?€ within Germany
- max. 600?€ within Europe
- max. 1,200?€ outside Europe
- Conference program and justification of the relevance of the content
- Preliminary cost breakdown
- Statement from the supervisor or supervisor
- Brief summary of the contribution, if possible at the conference
The university travel application can/should in general be submitted as early as possible (with a cost center independent of the MNTF-GZ). When filing the university travel expense report after the trip, a written approval by the MNTF-GZ board of the covered partial costs should be included and clearly explained.
- Scientific software tools
The MNTF-GZ can issue individual or institutional licenses for scientific software tools, such as Overleaf or AI tools, or co-finance them. The support is capped at a maximum of 300?€ per person per year. For successful applications, MNTF-GZ approval letters will be issued to be attached to reimbursement applications (for use in reimbursement applications). The following must be submitted with the application:
- Name and short description of the program
- Justification of the scientific relevance and the proposed license model
- Statement regarding the extent to which the chair/institute/others will cover proportionate costs
Bylaws of the MNTF Graduate Center
The MNTF Graduate Center (MNTF-GZ) provides financial and logistical support for the implementation of scientific and non-scientific activities organized by doctoral students and postdocs. These activities aim to promote additional professional skills that go beyond the mandatory academic program.
Supported activities include events for young researchers as well as financial support for individuals at the MNTF. The organized events can have a scientific focus, promote additional soft skills or serve to build networks. The individual support concerns specific scientific projects, travel expenses, and scientific software.
Members of the MNTF-GZ comprise all doctoral students registered at the MNTF as well as all postdocs (not permanently) employed at the MNTF. The members of the MNTF-GZ meet once a year in a general assembly, which should ideally take place in January of each year, and elect six young researchers to the MNTF-GZ board for a term of one year, including at least one doctoral candidate and at least one postdoc, furthermore each of the MNTF institutes must be represented by at least one person. The MNTF-GZ board also includes a board spokesperson. This person should be permanently employed at the MNTF and is proposed jointly by the MNTF-GZ board and the members of MNTF-Fakult?tsrat representing the group of scientific employees. He or she is appointed by the MNTF research dean for a term of one year. The young researchers on the MNTF-GZ board elect a deputy spokesperson from among them.
The members of the MNTF-GZ can submit applications for funding projects as described in the concept. The MNTF-GZ board decides at least twice a year on the approval of applications by a simple majority. At least four board members must be involved in these decisions.
All additional qualifications offered by the MNTF-GZ are optional and not part of doctoral or habilitation programs. Separate membership is not required. If there are opoen spots in MNTF-GZ events, young researchers from other faculties are invited to take part in the activities. The MNTF-GZ also provides information about similar events in other faculties.
Save the dates
[2025-t.b.d.] Visit of the Institute of Physics (org.: Manuel Zahn)
[2025-t.b.d.] Visit of the MRM Institute (org.: Kevin Postler)
[2025-t.b.d.] Next installment of the Hacky Hour (org.: Marcus Kollar, Michele Pini)
Next Events
Coming soon.
Past Events
Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson of the Board of the MNTF Graduate Center
Board of the MNTF Graduate Center
- Phone: +49 821 598-69235
- Phone: +49 (0)821 598-2232
Webmaster, Group Representatives
- Phone: +49 821 598 - 2303
Please send additions, corrections, or questions regarding this website to Marcus Kollar. |