




Structural optimization

This course is offered every summer term for Master's students from WING and MSE. It is tought in English and is structured as follows:?

  1. Introduction?
  2. Unconstrained optimizaiton
  3. Constrained optimization
  4. Optimization using local approximations
  5. Trusses in a nutshell
  6. Optimization of truss structures?
  7. Finite element analysis in a nutshell?
  8. Optimization of continuum structures
The course involves many exercises to pratically solve structural optimization in your own code. Sucess is evaluated in a 30 minute oral examination, to which you should bring a sample of your code. The entire course material is available Open Source on GitHub.
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Materials Engineering

This course is offered every winter term for MSE Master's students and tought in English. We discuss fundamentals of structural materials:?

  1. Mechanical properties of materials
  2. Failure of materials?
  3. Atomic structures and crystal structures
  4. Imperfections in solids and strengthening
  5. Phase diagrams
  6. Phase transformations
  7. 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】s
  8. Polymers
  9. Ceramics and glasses
  10. Composites?
  11. Natural materials and bio-based materials?
  12. Materials selection and sustainable design
During the second half of the course, students solve engineering tasks, e.g. designing a bicycle light with choice of materials and manufacturing technologies. Sucess is evaluated in a 30 minute oral examination.
