Prof. Dr. Claudia Claridge
Phone: | +49 821 598 - 2758 |
Email: | () |
Room: | 4047 (D) |
Address: | Universit?tsstra?e 10, 86159 Augsburg |
Office Hours
During term:
- Monday, 2:00 - 3:15 pm. ? Please subscribe via Digicampus.
The office hours during term break (via Zoom or possibly by phone, please subscribe via Digicampus) will be announced in the News-Section.
Curriculum Vitae
since 2015 |
Professor of English Linguistics at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg |
2007 - 2015 |
Full Professor at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Duisburg-Essen 2011 - 2015 Dean of Studies, Faculty of Humanities 2011 - 2012?Member of the assessment team of the Wissenschaftsrat zum ? Forschungsrating im Bereich Anglistik / Amerikanistik: 2013 - 2015 Member of Steuerungsgruppe ?Systemakkreditierung“ |
2003 - 2007 |
Junior Professor at the Christian-Albrechts 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Kiel |
1999 - 2003 |
Junior Lecturer (C1) at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Greifswald |
1999 |
Ph.D., 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Chemnitz (Thesis: Multi-word Verbs in Early Modern English) |
1994 - 1999 |
Research Assistant at Chemnitz 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Technology - DFG-funded project "Compilation of an Early Modern English Pamphlet Corpus" (Lampeter Corpus) |
1992 - 1994 |
In-school teacher training course at various Grammar Schools (Second State Exam) |
1985 - 1992 |
Otto-Friedrich 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】, Bamberg: M.A. in English Linguistics, English & American Literature and 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ieval History; Teacher Training degree in English and History (First State Exam) |
Research interests
- Figurative language
- Pragmatics markers
- Historical Pragmatics
Text and Discourse Studies
- Genre evolution
- News discourse
- Development of history writing
- Rhetorical analysis
- Corpus Linguistics
Academic community activities
Member of the Editorial Board
- ICAME Journal
Peer reviewing
- Monographs / collected volumes: Benjamins, Cambridge 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press, Mouton de Gruyter
- Journals: English Language and Linguistics, Discourse Processees, Journal of English Linguistics, Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Historical Pragmatics, Journal of Historical Linguistics, Studia Neophilologia, Text & Talk, Token
- Conferences (scientific committees): Conference of Historical English News Discourse IV, Helsinki (2014); International Conference of English Historical Linguistics 18, Leuven (2014); International Conference of English Historical Linguistics 20, Edinburgh (2018);?ICAME 40, Neuch?tel
Projects and positions reviewing:
- projects / grant-given institutions: British Academy, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Member of the Beirat for the DFG-funded project ?Archivum 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ii Aevi Digitale – 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】i?vistisches Fachrepositorium und Wissenschaftsblog (AMAD)“
- tenure (or similar) processes: 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Helsinki, 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Kansas
Institutional evaluations
- Member of the assessment team of the Wissenschaftsrat zum Forschungsrating im Bereich Anglistik / Amerikanistik (2011/12)
- Member of the assessment team for the Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen: Evaluation of the Faculty of Language and Literature, 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Osnabrück (2010)
Doctoral matters – (inter)national:
- Faculty Examiner at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Uppsala
- External Reviewer at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Helsinki
- Grant assessment for the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Vienna
- Member of the jury for the Ph.D. Prize of the Anglistenverband (2015)
2025 |
Claridge, Claudia (2025). Introduction. In Claudia Claridge (Ed.), News with an attitude: ideological perspectives in the historical press (pp. 1-9). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
Claridge, Claudia (Ed.). (2025). News with an attitude: ideological perspectives in the historical press. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2025). Representing Ireland and the Irish in the 17th- and 18th-century English press. In Claudia Claridge (Ed.), News with an attitude: ideological perspectives in the historical press (pp. 33-55). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2025). That's the understatement of the century: understatement as a meta-rhetorical expression in the Corpus of American Soap Operas. Journal of Pragmatics, 235, 75-87. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2024 |
Bowie, David & Claridge, Claudia (2024). Editors' note. Journal of English Linguistics, 52(2), 107-108. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia, Jonsson, Ewa, & Kyt?, Merja (2024). Intensifiers in Late Modern English: a sociopragmatic approach to courtroom discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2024). Researching understatement in the history of English. In Luisella Caon, Moragh S. Gordon, & Thijs Porck (Eds.), Unlocking the history of English: pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types (pp. 10-32). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2021 |
Claridge, Claudia, Jonsson, Ewa, & Kyt?, Merja (2021). A little something goes a long way: "little" in the Old Bailey corpus. Journal of English Linguistics, 49(1), 89-61. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2021). Book Review: Carey McIntosh: Semantics and cultural change in the British enlightenment: new words and old. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 315. Leiden: Brill, 2020. Journal of British Studies, 60(4), 999-1000. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia & Kyt?, Merja (2021). Degree and related phenomena in the history of English: evidence of usage and pathways of change. Journal of English Linguistics, 9(1), 3-17. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2021). Discourse representation in early modern English historiography. In Peter J. Grund & Terry Walker (Eds.), Speech representation in the history of English: topics and approaches (pp. 212-238). Oxford: Oxford 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2021). Murder in the press: representations of Old Bailey murder trials in newspapers. Nicholas Brownlees (Ed.), The role of context in the production and reception of historical news discourse(pp. 107-127). Bern: Peter Lang. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2021). Rezension: Rodríguez-Puente, Paula: The English phrasal verb, 1650–present: history, stylistic drifts, and lexicalisation (Studies in English Language). Cambridge, 2019. English Language and Linguistics, 25(2), 413-418. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2020 |
Claridge, Claudia, Jonsson, Ewa, & Kyt?, Merja (2020). Entirely innocent: a historical sociopragmatic analysis of maximizers in the Old Bailey Corpus. English Language and Linguistics, 24(4), 855-874. PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2020). Epistemic adverbs in the 'Old Bailey Corpus'. In Ewa Jonsson & Tove Larsson (Eds.), Voices past and present – studies of involved, speech-related and spoken texts (pp. 133-171). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2020). Exclamations marks then and now: Early Modern and present-day textual functions. In Claudia Claridge & Merja Kyt? (Eds.), Punctuation in context - past and present perspectives (pp. 201-225). Berlin: Peter Lang. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2020). Nevalainen, Terttu, Minna Palander-Collin and Tanja S?ily: patterns of change in eighteenth-century English. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics, 6(1), 20190003. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia & Kyt?, Merja (Eds.). (2020). Punctuation in context - past and present perspectives. Berlin: Peter Lang. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2020). Reflections on visuality and textual reception. In Caroline Tagg & Mel Evans (Eds.), Message and medium: English language practices across old and new media (pp. 253-256). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia & Wagner, Sebastian (2020). The footnote in Late Modern English historiographical writing. In Matti Peikola & Birte B?s (Eds.), The dynamics of text and framing phenomena: historical approaches to paratext and metadiscourse in English (pp. 63-90). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2019 |
Claridge, Claudia & Kyt?, Merja (2019). 'A (great) deal of': developments in 19th-century British and Australian English. In Sandra Jansen & Lucia Siebers (Eds.), Processes of change: studies in Late Modern and present-day English (pp. 49-71). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2019). Drinking and crime: negotiating intoxication in courtroom discourse, 1720 to 1913. In Teresa Fanego & Paula Rodríguez-Puente (Eds.), Corpus-based research on variation in English legal discourse (pp. 261-286). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
B?s, Birte & Claridge, Claudia (Eds.). (2019). Norms and conventions in the history of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2018 |
Claridge, Claudia (2018). Lying, metaphor, and hyperbole. In J?rg Meibauer (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of lying (pp. 370-381). Oxford: Oxford 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2018). Now in the historical courtroom: users and functions. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 19(2), 223-242. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2017 |
Claridge, Claudia (2017). Approaching Historical Phraseology : Patterns and Contexts. Anglistik, 28(1), 13-30. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2017). Book Review: Plag et al., Introduction to English linguistics. Anglistik, 28(1), 155-156. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2017). Chapter 8 : The Poor Man’s Guardian ; the linguistic construction of social groups and their relations. In M. Palander-Collin, M. Ratia, & I. Taavitsainen (Eds.), Diachronic developments in English news discourse (pp. 137-155). BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2017). Discourse-based approaches. In Laurel J. Brinton (Ed.), English historical linguistics: approaches and perspectives (pp. 185-217). Cambridge: Cambridge 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2017). Voices in 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ieval History Writing. Nordic Journal of English Studies, 16(1), 7-40. PDF | BibTeX | RIS |
2015 |
Brakensiek, Stefan & Claridge, Claudia (Eds.). (2015). Fiasko - Scheitern in der Frühen Neuzeit : Beitr?ge zur Kulturgeschichte des Misserfolgs. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2015). News in space and time. In B. B?s & L. Kornexl (Eds.), Changing genre conventions in historical English news discourse (pp. 55-80). BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia & Wischer, Ilse (2015). Perspectives on the 18th Century: Introduction. In Rainer Emig & Jana Gohrisch (Eds.), Proceedings : Anglistentag 2014 Hannover (pp. 3-6). Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2015). The Darién Scheme : failure and its treatment in the press. In Stefan Brakensiek & Claudia Claridge (Eds.), Fiasko - Scheitern in der Frühen Neuzeit : Beitr?ge zur Kulturgeschichte des Misserfolgs (pp. 59-84). BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2014 |
Claridge, Claudia & Kyt?, Merja (2014). 'You are a bit of a sneak': exploring a degree modifier in the Old Bailey Corpus. In Marianne Hundt (Ed.), Late Modern English syntax (pp. 239-268). Cambridge: Cambridge 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2014). Book Review: Dossena, Marina & Gabriella del Lungo Camiciotti (eds.), "Letter writing in Late Modern Europe". International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 19(3), 431-435. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2014). Book Review: Schubert, Christoph: "Englische Textlinguistik. Eine Einführung". Anglistik, 25(1), 228-230. BibTeX | RIS |
Taavitsainen, Irma, Kyto, Merja, Claridge, Claudia, & Smith, Jeremy (Eds.). (2014). Developments in English : Expanding Electronic Evidence. Cambridge: Cambridge 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2014). George Herbert’s The Temple: Positioning the Speaker. In Silvia Mergenthal & Reingard M. Nischik (Eds.), Proceedings : Anglistentag 2013 Konstanz (pp. 249-260). Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier. BibTeX | RIS |
2013 |
Claridge, Claudia (2013). Book Review: Roberta Facchinetti, Nicholas Brownlees, Birte B?s & Udo Fries, "News as Changing Texts: Corpora, Methodologies and Analysis". Anglia, 131(1), 141-145. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2013). From page to screen: The relevance of encoded visual features in the Lampeter Corpus. In Anneli Meurman-Solin & Jukka Tyrkk? (Eds.), Principles and Practices for the Digital Editing and Annotation of Diachronic Data Helsinki: Research Unit for Variation, Contacts and Change in English (VARIENG), 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Helsinki. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2013). The evolution of three pragmatic markers: As it were, so to speak/say and if you like. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 14(2), 161-184. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2012 |
Claridge, Claudia (2012). "Upon These Heads I Shall Discourse": Lexicographical and Corpus Evidence for Senses and Phrases. In Merja Kyt? (Ed.), English corpus linguistics : crossing paths (pp. 133-164). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2012). From manuscript to printing: Transformations of genres in the history of English. In Terttu Nevalainen & Elisabeth Closs Traugott (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of English (pp. 304-313). Oxford: Oxford 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2012). Of fox-sized mice and a thousand men: Hyperbole in Old English. In Carla Suhr & Irma Taavitsainen (Eds.), Developing Corpus Methodology for Historical Pragmatics Helsinki: Research Unit for Variation, Contacts and Change in English (VARIENG), 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Helsinki. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2012). Registers, Genres and the Standard : Some Thoughts on the Corpuslinguistic Documentation of the 18th Century. In Anne Schr?der, U. Busse, & R. Schneider (Eds.), Codification, canons and curricula : description and prescription in language and literature (pp. 79-92). Bielefeld: Aisthesis-Verl.. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2012). Styles, registers, genres, text types. In Alexander Bergs & Laurel J. Brinton (Eds.), English historical linguistics : an international handbook ; volume 1 (pp. 237-253). Berlin u.a.: de Gruyter Mouton. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2012). The origins of how come and what … for. In I. Heged?s & A. Fodor (Eds.), English Historical Linguistics 2010 : Selected Papers from the Sixteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 16), Pécs, 23-27 August 2010 (pp. 177-196). BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2011 |
Claridge, Claudia (2011). Hyperbole in English : a corpus-based study of exaggeration. Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 Press. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia, Gurr, Jens Martin, & Vanderbeke, Dirk (2011). Language, Literature and Culture in the 17th century : Introduction. In Joachim Frenk & Lena Steveker (Eds.), Proceedings : Anglistentag 2010 Saarbrücken (pp. 221-226). Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier. BibTeX | RIS |
2010 |
Claridge, Claudia (2010). Book Review: Pfenninger, Simone: "Grammaticalization Paths of English and High German Existential Constructions: A Corpus-based Study". ICAME Journal, 34, 281-285. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
Claridge, Claudia (2010). News discourse. In Andreas H. Jucker & Irma Taavitsainen (Eds.), Historical Pragmatics (pp. 587-620). Berlin u.a.: de Gruyter Mouton. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia & Kyt?, Merja (2010). Non-standard language in earlier English. In R. Hickey (Ed.), Varieties of English in Writing : The written word as linguistic evidence (pp. 15-42). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia & Arnovick, Leslie (2010). Pragmaticalisation and Discursisation. In Andreas H. Jucker & Irma Taavitsainen (Eds.), Historical Pragmatics (pp. 165-192). Berlin u.a.: de Gruyter Mouton. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia & Mindt, Ilka (2010). Spoken English through the centuries : Introduction. In J?rg Helbig & R. Schallegger (Eds.), Proceedings : Anglistentag 2009 Klagenfurt (pp. 3-8). Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier. BibTeX | RIS |
2009 |
Claridge, Claudia (2009). Book Review: Busse, Beatrix, "Vocative Constructions in the Language of Shakespeare". Anglia, 127(2), 323-326. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2009). ‘As Silly as an Irish Teague’: Comparisons in News Discourse. In Andreas H. Jucker (Ed.), Early modern English news discourse : newspapers, pamphlets and scientific news discourse ; [Conference on Historical Discourse (CHINED), ... Kartause Ittingen (Switzerland), on August 31 and September 1, 2007] (pp. 91-114). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co.. BibTeX | RIS |
2008 |
Claridge, Claudia (2008). Historical Corpora. In Anke Lüdeling & Merja Kyt? (Eds.), Corpus linguistics : an international handbook ; volume 1 (pp. 242-259). Berlin [u.a.]: de Gruyter. BibTeX | RIS |
2007 |
Claridge, Claudia (2007). Book Review: Renouf, Antoinette & Andrew Kehoe (eds.). "The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics". ICAME Journal, 31, 192-196. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
Claridge, Claudia (2007). Conditionals in Early Modern English texts. In Ursula Lenker & Anneli Meurman-Solin (Eds.), Connectives in the History of English (pp. 229-254). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2007). Constructing a Corpus from the Web: Message Boards. In Marianne Hundt, Nadja Nesselhauf, & Carolin Biewer (Eds.), Corpus linguistics and the web (pp. 87-108). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2007). The Superlative in Spoken English. In Roberta Facchinetti (Ed.), Corpus linguistics 25 years on (pp. 121-148). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi. BibTeX | RIS |
2006 |
Claridge, Claudia (2006). Comparison in Nineteenth-Century Non-Fictional Prose. In Christoph Houswitschka, Gabriele Knappe, & Anja Müller (Eds.), Proceedings : Anglistentag 2005 Bamberg (pp. 501-514). Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2006). ‘With the Most Superlative Felicitee’: Functions of the Superlative in 19th-Century English. In Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Dieter Kastovsky, & Nikolaus Ritt (Eds.), Syntax, style and grammatical norms : English from 1500 - 2000 (pp. 73-89). Bern [u.a.]: Lang. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2005 |
Claridge, Claudia (2005). Questions in Early Modern English pamphlets. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 6(1), 133-168. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2004 |
Claridge, Claudia (2004). Book Review: Meyer, Charles F. "English Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction". ICAME Journal, 28, 126-131. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
2003 |
Claridge, Claudia (2003). "Life is ruled and governed by opinion": the Lampeter Corpus of Early Modern English Tracts; manual of information. Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen (UiB). BibTeX | RIS | URL |
2002 |
Claridge, Claudia (2002). Book Review: Trotta, Joe, “Wh-clauses in English: Aspects of theory and description”. ICAME Journal, 26, 157-160. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
Claridge, Claudia & Wilson, Andrew (2002). Style evolution in the English sermon. In Teresa Fanego, Belén Méndez-Naya, & Elena Seoane (Eds.), Sounds, Words, Texts and Change : Selected papers from 11 ICEHL, Santiago de Compostela, 7–11 September 2000 ; Volume 2 (pp. 25-44). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
Claridge, Claudia (2002). Translating Phrasal Verbs. In Bernhard Kettemann & Georg Marko (Eds.), Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis : Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Teaching and Language Corpora, Graz 19-24 July, 2000 (pp. 361-373). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi. BibTeX | RIS |
2001 |
Claridge, Claudia (2001). Approaching Irony in Corpora. UCREL Technical Papers, 13, 134-143. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2001). Book Review: B?kken, Bj?rg. “Word Order Patterns in Early Modern English, with Special Reference to the Position of the Subject and the Finite Verb”. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 49(3), 283-285. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia & Walker, Terry (2001). Causal clauses in written and speech-related genres in Early Modern English. ICAME Journal, 25, 31-64. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
Claridge, Claudia (2001). ICAME Conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, 16-20 May 2001. ICAME Journal, 25, 147-150. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
Claridge, Claudia (2001). Sprache und Kommunikation in der Science Fiction. Fremdsprachenunterricht, 1, 57-62. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2001). Structuring Text : Discourse Deixis in Early Modern English Texts. Journal of English Linguistics, 29(1), 55-71. BibTeX | RIS | DOI |
2000 |
Burnard, Lou, Claridge, Claudia, Schmied, Josef, & Siemund, Rainer (2000). Encoding the Lampeter Corpus. In Marilyn Deegan, Jean Anderson, & Harold Short (Eds.), DRH98 : selected papers from DRH98, Digital Resources for the Humanities Conference, 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Glasgow, September 1998 (pp. 29-42). London: Office for Humanities Communication. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2000). Multi-word verbs in early modern English : a corpus based study. Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2000). Pamphlets and Early Newspapers: Political Interaction vs News Reporting. In Friedrich Ungerer (Ed.), English media texts, past and present : language and textual structure (pp. 25-43). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Benjamins. BibTeX | RIS |
Claridge, Claudia (2000). The 20th ICAME Conference in Freiburg, Germany (26-30 May 1999). ICAME Journal, 24, 147-150. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
1998 |
(1998). The Lampeter Corpus of Early Modern English Tracts. Josef Schmied, Claudia Claridge, & Rainer Siemund (Hrsg.), Chemnitz: REAL Centre, Chemnitz 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Technology. BibTeX | RIS | URL |
1997 |
Claridge, Claudia (1997). A century in the life of multi-word verbs. In Magnus Ljung (Ed.), Corpus-based studies in English : papers from the Seventeenth International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 17) ; Stockholm, May 15-19, 1996 (pp. 69-85). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi. BibTeX | RIS |
Schmied, Josef & Claridge, Claudia (1997). Classifying text- or genre-variation in the Lampeter Corpus of Early Modern English Texts. In Raymond Hickey, Merja Kyt?, Ian Lancashire, & Matti Rissanen (Eds.), Tracing the trail of time : proceedings from the Second Diachronic Corpora Workshop ; New College, 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Toronto, Toronto, May 1995 (pp. 119-135). Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi. BibTeX | RIS |
Siemund, Rainer & Claridge, Claudia (1997). The Lampeter Corpus of Early Modern English Tracts. ICAME Journal, 21, 61-70. BibTeX | RIS | URL |