



Poem from Anne-Sophie Balzer about the Schneefernerhaus published at webpage from Elitenetzwerk Bayern

Excerpt of the author's personal impressions of the Schneefernerhaus:

"In the con?text of the mas?ter's semi?nar “Is Win?ter still Com?ing?”, I had the op?por?tunity to talk about glaci?er poetry with the stu?dents on site and then stay a little longer on my own. The poem was writ?ten dur?ing a two-day stay in Janu?ary 2025. I sat on the fresh?ly glazed ter?race with my heart pounding due to the alti?tude and watched the hustle and bustle fur?ther down the moun?tain, where the ski slope be?gins. The mys?teri?ous cho?reog?raphy of the snowplows and the bru?tally rush?ing wind were par?ticu?larly mem?ora?ble."

You can find the poem and further informationen about the author at the webpage of the Elitenetzwerk Bayern.

