100 years of “resistance”? Continuity and change in right-wing populist and far-right communication
About the project
The project examines the change and continuity of right-wing populist and right-wing extremist self-articulation and enemy image construction from a communication science perspective. This involves a comparative analysis of communications from the 1920s and the early 2020s in terms of their content patterns and communication strategies.
Project Duration: 2024–2027
Rue?, H., Kinnebrock, S., & Schwarzenegger, C. (2024). Towards an empty signifier? Unraveling the dynamics and manipulations of the ‘resistance’ narrative across the political spectrum. Pr?sentation auf der 9th?European Communication Conference (ECREA) vom 24.-27. September in Ljublijana, Slowenien.
Rue?, H., Kinnebrock, S., & Schwarzenegger, C. (2024). Women between power and powerlessness. Gender and power performances as an analytical frame to research defensive publics such as the far-right. Presentation at the ICA 2024 postconference "P?: Power, Propaganda, Polarisation" from the 26th until 27th of june in Brisbane, Australia.?
Rue?, H., Schwarzenegger, C., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023).?#reinweiblich - The Far-Right’s Binary and Trans-exclusive Construction of Femininity through Hashtags. Presentation at the joint annual conference "(Non-)binarity in Binary Structures" of the DGPuK divisions "Digital Communication" and "威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia, Public Spheres, and Gender"?from the 8th until the 10th of November in Vienna, Austria.
Rue?, H., Schwarzenegger, C., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023). A kaleidoscope of lies – Partisan realities and adaptable conspiracy myths in the 1920s German Nationalist Press. Presentation at the?annual IAMCR Conference from the 09th?until the 13th?of July?2023 in Lyon/France.
Rue?, H., Wagner, A., Johann, M. & Schwarzenegger, C. (2023).?Deformed, Devalued and Distorted: Transfigurations of Memory in Far-Right Commemorative Populism. Presentation at the Workshop “Far-right Memory in Digital Age” at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Leipzig from the 8th until the 10th of June in Leipzig.?
Rue?, H., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023). Zwischen Frauenbewegung und Nationalismus: Die Zeitschrift ?Frau und Nation“ (1924-1925) als Alternativmedium und doppelte Gegen?ffentlichkeit. Presentation on the annual DGPuK Section Conference for Communication History "Von Emanzipation zu Desinformation? Gegen?ffentlichkeiten und ihre Bewertung im Wandel" on the 31st of March in 2023 in Leipzig.
Schwarzenegger, C., Rue?, H., & Kinnebrock, S. (2022).?Propaganda and Phantasmagorias of “Resistance” in Right-Wing Counter-Publics. A Diachronic Comparison of the 1920s and 2020s. Presentation on the ECREA-precon of the Communication History Division, 07th October 2022 (online).
- Phone: +49 821 598 5665
Email: susanne.kinnebrock@phil.uni-augsburgphil.uni-augsburg.de ()
Email: schwarzenegger@uni-bremenuni-bremen.de ()
- Phone: +49 821 598 5836
Email: hanna-sophie.ruess@phil.uni-augsburgphil.uni-augsburg.de ()