Errors are an integral part of school learning processes and can provide valuable information on a current (mis)understanding of curricular content. Empirical studies with secondary school pupils revealed positive effects of adaptively dealing with errors on learning outcomes and identified individual and contextual determinants thereof. However, there is little evidence on how primary school pupils learn from errors, individual differences in dealing with errors, and how these learning processes develop. However, primary school age appears to be a particularly momentous period, as important determinants of learning from errors change fundamentally in this age range. For example, a tendential negative development of motivational factors is observed with a simultaneous positive development of (meta-)cognitive determinants. Therefore, the overarching aims of the project are to describe the development of learning from errors in later primary school age, to identify individual and contextual conditions thereof and to analyse its effect on knowledge acquisition and school performance. For this purpose, six complementary quantitative-empirical studies are planned. An experimental paradigm has already been developed for five field-experiments, which also enables the experimental manipulation of important determinants of learning from errors as well as the additional collection of behavioural data regarding how students deal with errors. These experiments will be complemented by a two-year longitudinal study across grades 3 and 4. The project will examine learning from errors for two domains (spelling and calculating) in order to take into account domain-specific factors. Therefore, the research program enables an integrative and development-oriented analysis of learning from errors and thus goes beyond the current state of research.
Project Information
Start date: 01.05.2023
End date: 31.04.2026
Duration:?3 years
Research Funding:?DFG (German Research Foundation)
Local project responsiblity: Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel
Project responsibility in Weingarten: Prof. Dr. Robert Grassinger
Local researchers:
- Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel
- Dr. Donna Bryce
- Jana Spear
Participating researchers / cooperations:
- Prof. Dr. Robert Grassinger
- Dr. Carolin Burmeister

- Phone: +49 821 598 2606