New volume on the effects of digital teaching and learning!
What are the effects of different digital technologies on students' learning and how do these technologies need to be designed in order to maximize their effects? These questions are explored in the brand-new volume “Designing Effective Digital Learning Environments”, edited by Prof. Dr. Andreas Gegenfurtner and Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar.

A lecture entitled "Learning and Teaching 2.0: Getting off to a Successful Start with Digital Tools" was delivered at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】ia Week event in Landsberg am Lech (Germany)

How Do Learners' Goals Influence Their Acceptance and Use of a Peer Feedback Tool? New article published in "Computers in Human Behavior Reports"!

KodiLL project has been extended!

New team member!
Welcome to the chair, Sophia Just!
We are very pleased to welcome Sophia Just as a new member of staff at our chair! In the future, Sophia will be strengthening the team of the project "Evidence-oriented thinking and action of teacher trainees and teachers" (EviDenk), which is funded by the German Research Foundation.

New Article Published: How Do Different Goals Affect Students’ Perceptions of Collaboration? Results of an Epistemic Network Analysis Study
Computer-supported collaborative learning offers a great potential for enhancing students' knowledge acquisition. According to Fischer and colleagues' (2013) "Script Theory of Guidance," students' goals represent an important influence on their perceptions of collaboration, which in turn affects their actions within collaborative learning situations. However, there is currently little research that examines the impact of goal-related prompts in computer-supported collaborative learning processes.
Tugce ?zbek, Martin Greisel, Christina Wekerle, Andreas Gegenfurtner, and Ingo Kollar conducted an empirical study to investigate how different goal-related prompts affect students' perceptions of collaboration and their knowledge acquisition. The article was published in the special issue "Digital Collaborative Learning in General, Higher, and Business Education" of the journal "Frontiers in Psychology" and can be accessed via the following link:

Outstanding Short Paper Award at the 17th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning for Julia Hornstein!
Great honor for Julia Hornstein: At the 17th International
Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Buffalo
(USA), she received the Outstanding Short Paper Award for her paper
"Supporting pre-service teachers' evidence-informed reasoning through
peer feedback: Effects of feedback provision and feedback integration
scaffolds" (co-authors: Martin Greisel & Ingo Kollar). Congratulations!
New Team Member
A warm welcome to Benjamin Kücherer!
We are pleased to announce that Ben Kücherer has recently joined our team! Ben will be focusing on strengthening the project "Fostering competence development through digital, authentic and feedback-based learning scenarios" which is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.

New team member
Since October 1st, our team has grown: Julia Hornstein has started working in the KodiLL project. Her research focuses on the instructional design of peer feedback scenarios. We are looking forward to working with Julia in the next years!

How do study groups regulate their learning during exam preparation? New article in “Metacognition and Learning”
What regulation strategies do study groups select during exam preparation, when they are confronted with motivational and comprehension-related problems during collaboration?

What prevents pre-service teachers in applying scientific evidence when analyzing and solving authentic classroom problems? New article in “Psychology Learning and Teaching”
Pre-service teachers often struggle to apply scientific theories and evidence when analyzing and solving problematic classroom situations.

New publication "Source selection and source use as a basis for evidence-informed teaching"
We happily announce that we have published a new research article in the German Journal for Educational Psychology (Zeitschrift für P?dagogische Psychologie).