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At the Competence Center Global Business Management, research is at the core of the pursuit of internationality, interdisciplinarity and sustainability. As an academic institution that strives to create and disseminate knowledge through scientific curiosity and investigation, the Competence Center believes in investing capital and effort into the production of high quality research that is geared for our modern society. By publishing in accessible and widely known journals, by taking part in and hosting premier international conferences and workshops and by working at the crossroads between theory and practice, the Competence Center builds upon the existing body of literature with innovative research questions and methods to provide answers and solutions for policy-makers and thought leaders in our global society.

Portraitbild von Dr. Katharine Wirsching
Conferences are a great way to broaden your horizons, and get focused feedback on your research.

Dr. Katharine Wirsching

Portraitbild von Matthias Menter
Thanks to GBM funding, I was able to present my research to the scientific community and engage in a fruitful exchange with them. This laid the foundation for later publications in internationally renowned journals.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Menter (Jun.-Prof.)

Funded Publications

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010


Christian Gahm, Chantal Ganschinietz, Florian Denz and Axel Tuma
A flexible approach for the dimensioning of on-site energy conversion systems for manufacturing companies

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Michael Bitzer, Nicolas Brinz and Philipp Ollig
Disentagling the concept of information security properties - enabling effective information security governance

BibTeX | RIS | URL

Sandra Boldoczki, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Does increased circularity lead to environmental sustainability? The case of washing machine reuse in Germany

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Lars Wietschel, Lukas Me?mann, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Environmental benefits of large‐scale second‐generation bioethanol production in the EU: an integrated supply chain network optimization and life cycle assessment approach

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Corrigendum published at https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13255

Markus Natter, Martin Rohleder and Marco Wilkens
Maturity-matched bond fund performance

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Antonia Heberle and Heribert Gierl
Should companies use tattooed models in their advertisements?

BibTeX | RIS


Lukas Me?mann, Victoria Zender, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
How to quantify social impacts in strategic supply chain optimization: state of the art

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann, Matthias Menter and Katharine Wirsching
Intrapreneurship and absorptive capacities: the dynamic effect of labor mobility

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Christoph Helbig, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Quantitative assessment of dissipative losses of 18 metals

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Tam P. Dinh Thi', Wolfgang Schultze, Thomas List and Nadine Zbiegly
R&D disclosures and capitalization under IAS 38 - evidence on the interplay between national institutional regulations and IFRS adoption

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Sebastian Koch and Robert Klein
Route-based approximate dynamic programming for dynamic pricing in attended home delivery

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Sandra Boldoczki, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
The environmental impacts of preparation for reuse: a case study of WEEE reuse in Germany

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Antonia Kraus and Heribert Gierl
Are incomplete advertisements more effective? A test of the generation effect and the amiguity effect

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Tanja Steinhart and Heribert Gierl
Are your products arranged in a good shape? The effect of entitativity on the attitudes toward family brands

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Jochen Mackert
Choice-based dynamic time slot management in attended home delivery

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Robert Keller, Philipp Ollig and Gilbert Fridgen
Decoupling, information technology, and the tradeoff between organizational reliability and organizational agility

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Moritz Bradel, Dennis M. Steininger and Daniel Veit
How can digital start-ups successfully recruit IT professionals?

BibTeX | RIS | URL

Christoph Helbig
威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】le im Spannungsfeld techno?konomischen Handelns: Eine Bewertung der Versorgungsrisiken und der dissipativen Verluste mit Methoden der Industrial Ecology

PDF | BibTeX | RIS

Henner Gimpel and Fabian Schmid
Risks and side effects of digitalization: a multi-level taxonomy of the adverse effects of using digital technologies and media

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Mandy M. Cheng, Tam P. Dinh Thi', Wolfgang Schultze and Maria Assel
The effect of bonus deferral on managers' investment decisions

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Rouven Schur, Jochen G?nsch and Michael Hassler
Time-consistent, risk-averse dynamic pricing

BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Robert Klein, Jochen Mackert, Michael Neugebauer and Claudius Steinhardt
A model-based approximation of opportunity cost for dynamic pricing in attended home delivery

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Martin Bichler, S?ren Merting and Aykut Uzunoglu
Assigning course schedules: about preference elicitation, fairness, and truthfulness

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Maximilian von Welck, Manuel Trenz, Tina Blegind Jensen and Daniel Veit
IT-consumerization: domain control, (reversed) presenteeism, and stress

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL

Tanja Steinhart and Heribert Gierl
Me, myself or the blogger? How to use Instagram as a content platform to promote products from the company's perspective

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Dennis M. Steininger, T. Glas and Daniel Veit
Mitigating the negative impacts of social media firestorms - an experimental study

BibTeX | RIS

Martin Rohleder, Dominik Schulte, Janik Syryca and Marco Wilkens
Mutual fund stock-picking skill: new evidence from valuation- versus liquidity-motivated trading

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Online bereits 2017 erschienen

Erik E. Lehmann and Matthias Menter
Public cluster policy and neighboring regions: beggar-thy-neighbor?

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Erik E. Lehmann and Matthias Menter
Public cluster policy and performance

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Christoph Helbig, Alex M. Bradshaw, Lars Wietschel, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Supply risks associated with lithium-ion battery materials

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Corrigendum published at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.062

Petra Hutner, Christoph Helbig, Dennis Stindt, Andrea Thorenz and Axel Tuma
Transdisciplinary development of a life cycle-based approach to measure and communicate waste prevention effects in local authorities

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James A. Cunningham, Matthias Menter and Conor O'Kane
Value creation in the quadruple helix: a micro level conceptual model of principal investigators as value creators

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Sebastian Koch, Jochen G?nsch and Claudius Steinhardt
Dynamic programming decomposition for choice-based revenue management with flexible products

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Maximilian von Welck, Manuel Trenz, Tina Blegind Jensen and Daniel Veit
Empowerment and BYOx: towards improved IS security compliance

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Alexander Cimprich, Steven B. Young, Christoph Helbig, Eskinder D. Gemechu, Andrea Thorenz, Axel Tuma and Guido Sonnemann
Extension of geopolitical supply risk methodology: characterization model applied to conventional and electric vehicles

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Matthias Menter, Erik E. Lehmann and Katharine Wirsching
Firm performance and regional innovation mechanisms: the moderating role of absorptive capacities

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Stefan Thomas and Heribert Gierl
High and light, dark and heavy? Using metaphoric associations to affect perceptions of the nutritional content of food products

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Antonia Kraus and Heribert Gierl
Increasing co-product evaluations by using integrative logos

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Simon Binder and Robert Nuscheler
Risk-taking in vaccination, surgery, and gambling environments: evidence from a framed laboratory experiment

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Martina Manouras and Heribert Gierl
Should she hold it or should she eat it? the efficient pose of testimonials to improve perceptions of tastiness of food products

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Antonia Kraus and Heribert Gierl
The logo matters: the effect of the logo type on the attitude towards co-products

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Katharina Schweiger
An environmental management informaiton system to support the decision-making process in the recycling sector for end-of-life-vehicles

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Andreas Hoegen, Dennis M. Steininger and Daniel Veit
An interdisciplinary review of crowdfunding investment decisions

BibTeX | RIS

Dominik Wei?
Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung und die Europ?ische Aktiengesellschaft (SE): eine empirische Analyse auf L?nderebene

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Christian Nuss, Dennis Stindt, Ramin Sahamie and Axel Tuma
Eine quantitative Analyse europ?ischer Richtlinien und Verordnungen zur Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft am Beispiel der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie: Implikationen und Empfehlungen für eine transnationale Umweltpolitik

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Christoph Helbig, Eskinder D. Gemechu, Baptiste Pillain, Steven B. Young, Andrea Thorenz, Axel Tuma and Guido Sonnemann
Extending the geopolitical supply risk indicator: application of life cycle sustainability assessment to the petrochemical supply chain of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers

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Markus Natter, Martin Rohleder, Dominik Schulte and Marco Wilkens
The benefits of option use by mutual funds

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Sijmen Duineveld
Bounded rationality in a real business cycle model [Discussion Paper]

BibTeX | RIS

Dominik Wei?
Codetermination and the European Company (SE) - an empirical analysis on country level

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Alain Hamid and Moritz Heiden
Forecasting volatility with empirical similarity and Google Trends

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Previously presented at the 34th International Symposium on Forecasting ISF 2014 "Economic Forecasting: Past, Present and Future", 29 June - 2 July 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Martin Lehnert, Maximilian R?glinger, Johannes Seyfried and Maximilian Siegert
ProcessPageRank - a network-based approach to process prioritization decisions

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Alexander Linhart, Jonas Manderscheid and Maximilian R?glinger
Roadmap to flexible service processes - a project portfolio selection and scheduling approach

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Gilbert Fridgen and Tirazheh Zare Garizy
Supply chain network risk analysis - a privacy preserving approach

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Hüseyin Doluca and Marcus Wagner
?The effect of other-regarding behavior on entrepreneurship for the public good: a moderating effect of activated responsibility

BibTeX | RIS


Iris Bergmann
Accounting based valuation and 'other information' – a simultaneous equations approach [Discussion Paper]

BibTeX | RIS

Stefan Rohrbacher
Aging, the great moderation and?business-cycle?volatility in a life-cycle?model [Discussion Paper]

BibTeX | RIS

Hüseyin Doluca
The role of trust regarding entrepreneurship for sustainable development – empirical findings from a laboratory experiment

BibTeX | RIS


Taras Bodnar and Yarema Okhrin
Boundaries of the risk aversion coefficient: should we invest in the global minimum variance portfolio?

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Torben Klarl
Market dynamics, dynamic resource management and environmental policy in the context of (strong) sustainability

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Michael-J?rg Oesterle, Hannah Noriko Richta and Jan Hendrik Fisch
The influence of ownership structure on internationalization

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Jan Huntgeburth, J. F?rderer and Daniel Veit
Up in the cloud: understanding the chasm between expectations and reality

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Benjamin Mosig and Maximilian R?glinger
A metadata-based approach to leveraging the information supply of business intelligence systems

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Conceptual Modeling: 31st International Conference ER 2012, Florence, Italy, October 15-18, 2012; Proceedings. Edited by: Paolo Atzeni, David Cheung, Sudha Ram

Jan Hendrik Fisch, Michael-J?rg Oesterle and Katharina Kertels
Die Erfolgswirkung der Internationalisierung aus Unternehmens- und Kapitalmarktsicht

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

V. Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
Electronic word-of-mouth: do the number of reviewing customers and the dispersion of ratings affect evaluations?

BibTeX | RIS

Erik E. Lehmann, Thorsten V. Braun and Sebastian Krispin
Entrepreneurial human capital, complementary assets, and takeover probability

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
How sustainable are agile methodologies? Acceptance factors and developer perceptions in Scrum projects

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Jan Hendrik Fisch
Information costs and internationalization performance

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Christoph Dorsch and Bj?rn Hackel
Integrating business partners on demand: the effect on capacity planning for cost driven support processes

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
Investigating the long-term acceptance of agile methodologies: an empirical study of developer perceptions in Scrum projects

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Key Pousttchi and Yvonne Hufenbach
Mobile payment in the smartphone age: extending the mobile payment reference model with non-traditional revenue streams

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Julia Heidemann, Mathias Klier and Florian Probst
Online social networks: a survey of a global phenomenon

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Emanuel Varga
Product innovation and foreign competition: a real-option perspective

BibTeX | RIS

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
The effect of operational flexibility on decisions to withdraw from foreign production locations

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
The role of operational flexibility in the expansion of international production networks

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Burkhard Heer and Stefan Franz Schubert
Unemployment and debt dynamics in a highly indebted small open economy

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

V. Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
Visual art in advertising: the moderating effect of hedonic vs. utilitarian product positioning

BibTeX | RIS

S. Bombe and Heribert Gierl
When self-referencing cues are harmful: the effect of "for you" statements in advertisements on product attitudes

BibTeX | RIS


Torben Klarl
A spatially-related note on entrepreneurship and economic growth

PDF | BibTeX | RIS

Also presented at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), Zurich, Switzerland, April 12-13, 2012

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
Analyse von internationalen Produktionsnetzwerken mit dem Konzept der Operationalen Flexibilit?t

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Katharina Kertels
Can firms extend the maximum level of processing diversified knowledge? The moderating dffects of R&D cooperation and foreign direct investment

BibTeX | RIS

V. Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
How does event-sharing affect product evaluation?

BibTeX | RIS

Sebastian Schlauderer and Sven Overhage
How perfect are markets for software services? An economic perspective on market deficiencies and desirable market features

BibTeX | RIS | URL

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Katharina Kertels
Increasing the diversification of technological knowledge through R&D partnerships and foreign subsidiaries

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Jan Hendrik Fisch, Katharina Kertels and Michael-J?rg Oesterle
Integrating the performance effects of internationalization from a viewpoint of information costs - evidence from heterogeneous empirical settings

BibTeX | RIS

Jan Hendrik Fisch
Real call options to enlarge foreign subsidiaries – the moderating effect of irreversibility on the influence of economic volatility and political instability on subsequent FDI

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

C. Stock and Heribert Gierl
Should reversed price reductions be accompanied by promotion campaigns?

BibTeX | RIS

Thomas Ziesemer and Peter Michaelis
Strategic environmental policy and the accumulation of knowledge

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Verena Hüttl and Heribert Gierl
The effect of the size of advertising models on consumer appearance self-esteem and product evaluations

BibTeX | RIS

Sven Overhage, Sebastian Schlauderer, D. Birkmeier and J. Miller
What makes IT personnel adopt Scrum? A framework of drivers and inhibitors to developer acceptance

BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Laura Goeke and Key Pousttchi
A scenario-based analysis of mobile payment acceptance

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Marco C. Meier and Dieter Reinwald
A system dynamics approach to value-based complaint management including repurchase behavior and word of mouth

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Dominik Hartmann, Andreas Pyka and Horst Hanusch
Applying comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian economics to Latin American economies

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Jan Hendrik Fisch, Michael-J?rg Oesterle and Katharina Kertels
Does internationalization impact on performance differently in an organizational vs. an investor's view?

BibTeX | RIS

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Katharina Kertels
How can firms extend their limits to processing diversified knowledge? The effects of foreign direct investment and R&D cooperation

BibTeX | RIS

Sven Overhage, Sebastian Schlauderer, Dominik Birkmeier and Jonas Miller
On the developer adoption of Scrum: a new acceptance model for agile methodologies

BibTeX | RIS | URL

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
Performance effects of international diversification through risk reduction and exploitation of operational flexibility

BibTeX | RIS

Sebastian Kloeckner and Dominik Birkmeier
Something is missing: enterprise architecture from a systems theory perspective

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Service-Oriented Computing: ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009 Workshops; International Workshops, ICSOC/ServiceWave 2009, Stockholm, Sweden, November 23-27, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. Edited by: Asit Dan, Frédéric Gittler, Farouk Toumani

Michael-J?rg Oesterle, Hannah Noriko Richta and Jan Hendrik Fisch
The influence of ownership structure and owner identity on internationalization

BibTeX | RIS

Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
The market for services: economic criteria, immaturities, and critical success factors

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Jan Hendrik Fisch and Miriam Zschoche
The role of flexibility in the expansion of international production networks

BibTeX | RIS

Sven Overhage and Sebastian Schlauderer
What’s in a service? Specifying the business semantics of software services

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