Dr. Martin Brehmer (M.Sc.)
Phone: | +49 821 598 - 3907 |
Email: | martin.brehmer@wiwi.uni-augsburgwiwi.uni-augsburg.de () |
Room: | 1217 (J) |
Address: | Universit?tsstra?e 16, 86159 Augsburg |
Martin Brehmer completed the bachelor's degree program in business information systems with a focus on "IT security" at the Baden Württemberg Cooperative State 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 in Heidenheim. Following the bachelor's program, he studied in the master's program in computer science and information management at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg as well as a semester abroad at the Technical 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Trondheim. At the beginning of 2018, Mr. Brehmer successfully completed the master's program. He gained practical experience, among other things, during his IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) training as an IT systems clerk and the subsequent dual study program with his work at CANCOM SE, one of the largest IT system houses in Germany. During his studies, Martin Brehmer was employed as a research assistant at the Professorship for Business & Information Systems Engineering – Management Support since summer 2017. Since March 2018, he has been a research assistant at the Professorship for Business & Information Systems Engineering – Management Support. In his research, Mr. Brehmer focuses on topics related to IT security, especially the prevention of cyber attacks.
- IT issues of the professorship
Research Foci
- IT Security
- Prevention of cyber attacks
Brehmer M., Reinelt R.:?Gamifying a Learning Management System: Narrative and Team Leaderboard in the Context of Effective Information Security Education.?Accepted and will be presented at HICSS 2023
Brehmer M., Abbas A.E.,?Vaidyanathan N. (2021):?Towards Designing A Method To Create Sticky Information Security Training For SMEs: Identifying Design Factors. Presented?at?29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021)
Brehmer M., Eichele C., Scharle M., Rolfs D. (2016): Informationsgewinnung aus Datenvernetzung – Koronare Herzkrankheiten über die Strukturierung von Daten frühzeitig erkennen. In: Andelfinger V., H?nisch T. (eds) eHealth. Integrationsseminar 2015 an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Heidenheim, Fachrichtung Wirtschaftsinformatik. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 120-130
Brehmer, M. and Seitz, J. (2015): Long-term Data Security Challenges Using Cloud Storage Services. WHICEB 2015 Proceedings. 21., p. 42-48