Bernhard Fleischmann
Begriffliche Grundlagen der Logistik
in: Begriff der Logistik, logistische Systeme und Prozesse, ed. by Horst Tempelmeier, (Fachwissen Logistik) 1-16 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2018)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Kopfer
Systeme der Transportlogistik
in: Begriff der Logistik, logistische Systeme und Prozesse, ed. by Horst Tempelmeier, (Fachwissen Logistik) 17-28 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2018)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Kopfer
Transport- und Tourenplanung
in: Planung logistischer Systeme, ed. by Horst Tempelmeier, (Fachwissen Logistik) 71-98 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2018)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
The impact of the number of parallel warehouses on total inventory
OR Spectrum 38, 899-920 (2016)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Herbert Meyr and Michael Wagner
Advanced planning
in: Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software, and Case Studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger and Herbert Meyr, (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 71-95 (Springer: Berlin, 2015)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Achim Koberstein
Strategic network design
in: Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software, and Case Studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger and Herbert Meyr, (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 107-123 (Springer: Berlin, 2015)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Herbert Kopfer and Christopher Sürie
Transport planning for procurement and distribution
in: Supply chain management and advanced planning: concepts, models, software, and case studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger and Herbert Meyr, 225-240 (Springer: Berlin, 2015)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
in: Demand fulfillment bei assemble-to-order-Fertigung: Analyse, Optimierung und Anwendung in der Computerindustrie, ed. by Sebastian Geier, (Produktion und Logistik) V-VI (Springer: Wiesbaden, 2014)
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Hartmut Stadtler, Bernhard Fleischmann, Martin Grunow, Herbert Meyr and Christopher Sürie
Advanced planning in supply chains: illustrating the concepts using an SAP? APO case study
(Management for professionals) (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2012)
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Andreas Tegel and Bernhard Fleischmann
Fill time, inventory and capacity in a multi-item production line under heijunka control
in: Selected papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, ed. by Diethard Klatte, Hans-Jakob Lüthi and Karl Schmedders, (Operations research proceedings ; 2011) 415-420 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2012)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
in: Analyse und Optimierung der Produktionsgl?ttung für Mehrprodukt-Flie?linien: eine Studie zum Lean-production-Konzept, ed. by Andreas Tegel, (Produktion und Logistik) V-VI (Springer: Wiesbaden, 2012)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Sebastian Geier
Global available-to-promise (global ATP)
in: Advanced planning in supply chains: illustrating the concepts using an SAP? APO case study, (Management for professionals) 195-216 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2012)
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Hartmut Stadtler and Bernhard Fleischmann
Hierarchical planning and the supply chain planning matrix
in: Advanced planning in supply chains: illustrating the concepts using an SAP? APO case study, (Management for professionals) 21-34 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2012)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
The frutado case
in: Advanced planning in supply chains: illustrating the concepts using an SAP? APO case study, (Management for professionals) 11-20 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2012)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
in: Dynamic fleet management for international truck transportation: focusing on occasional tansportation tasks, ed. by Steffen Schorpp, (Produktion und Logistik) v-vi (Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2011)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
The impact of the number of warehouses on inventories in a distribution system
in: Liber Amicorum, in memoriam of Jo van Nunen, ed. by Leo Kroon, Rob Zuidwijk and Ting Li, (Dinalog: Rotterdam, 2010)
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Operations Research Proceedings 2008: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg, September 3-5, 2008
in: , ed. by Bernhard Fleischmann, Karl-Heinz Borgwardt, Robert Klein, Axel Tuma, (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2009)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Begriffliche Grundlagen
in: Handbuch Logistik, ed. by Dieter Arnold, Heinz Isermann, Axel Kuhn, Horst Tempelmeier and Kai Furmans, (VDI-Buch) 3-13 (Springer: Berlin, 2008)
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Marc Goetschalckx and Bernhard Fleischmann
Strategic network design
in: Supply chain management and advanced planning: concepts, models, software, and case studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger and Herbert Meyr, 117-123 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2008)
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5. Aufl. (2015): 107 - 123, zusammen mit Achim Koberstein
Bernhard Fleischmann
Systeme der Transportlogistik
in: Handbuch Logistik, ed. by Dieter Arnold, Heinz Isermann, Axel Kuhn, Horst Tempelmeier and Kai Furmans, (VDI-Buch) 13-18 (Springer: Berlin, 2008)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Martin Gietz
Transport- und Tourenplanung
in: Handbuch Logistik, ed. by Dieter Arnold, Heinz Isermann, Axel Kuhn, Horst Tempelmeier and Kai Furmans, (VDI-Buch) 137-153 (Springer: Berlin, 2008)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Sonja Ferber and Peter Henrich
Strategic planning of BMW’s global production network
Interfaces 36, 194-208 (2006)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Andreas Klose (eds.)
Distribution logistics: advanced solutions to practical problems
(Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems ; 544) (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2005)
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Bernhard Oymann, Peter Schumann and Bernhard Fleischmann
Standardisierte Logistikprodukte für globale Belieferungsnetze: Realisierung, Optimierungspotenziale und Preisgestaltung
in: Revenue-Management, ed. by Günter Fandel and Hans Botho von Portatius, (Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : Special issue ; 2005,1) 79-100 (Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2005)
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Marc Goetschalckx and Bernhard Fleischmann
Strategic network planning
in: Supply chain management and advanced planning: concepts, models, software, and case studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler and Christoph Kilger, 117-137 (Springer: Berlin, 2005)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Meyr
Customer orientation in advanced planning systems
in: Supply chain management and reverse logistics, ed. by Harald Dyckhoff, Richard Lackes and Joachim Reese, 297-321 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2004)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Meyr
Customer orientation in advanced planning systems
in: Supply chain management and reverse logistics, ed. by Harald Dyckhoff, Richard Lackes and Joachim Reese, 297-321 (Springer: Berlin, 2004)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Stefan Gnutzmann and Elke Sandvo?
Dynamic vehicle routing based on on-line traffic information
Transportation Science 38, 420-433 (2004)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Finalist papers of the EURO award 2001 for excellence in practice [Editorial]
European Journal of Operational Research 156, 1 (2004)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Martin Gietz and Stefan Gnutzmann
Time-varying travel times in vehicle routing
Transportation Science 38, 160-173 (2004)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Bestandsmanagement zwischen Zero Stock und Inventory Control
OR News 2003, 22-27 (2003)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Meyr
Planning hierarchy, modeling and advanced planning systems
in: Supply chain management: design, coordination and operation, ed. by A. G. de Kok and Stephen C. Graves, (Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science ; 11) 457-523 (Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2003)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Meyr
Planning hierarchy, modeling and advanced planning systems
in: Supply chain management: design, coordination and operation, ed. by S. C. Graves and A. G. de Kok, (Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science ; 11) 455-523 (Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2003)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Herbert Meyr and Michael Wagner
Advanced planning
in: Supply chain management and advanced planning: concepts, models, software and case studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler and Christoph Kilger, 71-96 (Springer: Berlin, 2002)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
On the use and misuse of holding cost models
in: Models, methods and decision support for management: essays in honor of Paul St?hly, ed. by Peter Kischka, U. Leopold-Wildburger, R. H. M?hring and F.-J. Radermacher, 147-164 (Physica-Verlag: Heidelberg [u.a.], 2001)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Rainer Lasch, Ulrich Derigs, Wolfgang Domschke and Ulrich Rieder (eds.)
Operations research proceedings 2000: selected papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (OR 2000), Dresden, September 9-12, 2000
(Operations Research Proceedings (ORP) ; 2000) (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2001)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Meyr
Supply chain planning
in: Logistik-Management: Supply Chain Management und e-Business, ed. by Hans-Jürgen Sebastian and Tore Grünert, 13-29 (Teubner: Stuttgart [u.a.], 2001)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Herbert Meyr and Michael Wagner
Advanced planning
in: Supply chain management and advanced planning: concepts, models, software and case studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler and Christoph Kilger, 57-72 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2000)
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2. Aufl. (2002): S. 71 - 96
3. Aufl. (2005): S. 81 - 106
4. Aufl. (2008): S. 81 - 106
5. Aufl. (2015): S. 71 - 96
Bernhard Fleischmann
Distribution and transport planning
in: Supply chain management and advanced planning: concepts, models, software and case studies, ed. by Hartmut Stadtler and Christoph Kilger, 167-181 (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 2000)
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2. Aufl. (2002): S. 195 - 210
3. Aufl. (2005): S. 229 - 244
4. Aufl. (2008): S. 231 - 246
5. Aufl. (2015): S. 225 - 239
Bernhard Fleischmann
Kooperation von Herstellern in der Konsumgüterindustrie
in: Kooperation im Wettbewerb: neue Formen und Gestaltungskonzepte im Zeichen von Globalisierung und Informationstechnologie, ed. by Johann Engelhard and Elmar J. Sinz, (Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. ; 61) 167-186 (Gabler: Wiesbaden, 1999)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Transport and inventory planning with discrete shipment times
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 480, 159-178 (1999)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
in: Lexikon der Logistik, ed. by Christof Schulte, 393-397 (Oldenbourg: München [u.a.], 1999)
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Bernhard Fleischmann, Jo A. E. E. van Nunen, M. Grazia Speranza and Paul St?hly (eds.)
Advances in distribution logistics
(Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems ; 460) (Springer: Berlin [u.a.], 1998)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Der Unterschied zwischen MRP und Planung
Industrielle Informationstechnik 1998, 52-55 (1998)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Design of freight traffic networks
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 460, 55-81 (1998)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Produktionsplanung bei kontinuierlicher Fliessfertigung
in: Innovationen in der Produktionswirtschaft: Produkte, Prozesse, Planung und Steuerung, ed. by Horst Wildemann, 217-245 (Transfer-Centrum-Verl.: München, 1998)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Herbert Meyr
The general lotsizing and scheduling problem
Operations-Research-Spektrum 19, 11-21 (1997)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Operations research für die Produktion
in: Handw?rterbuch der Produktionswirtschaft, ed. by Werner Kern, Hans Horst Schr?der and Jürgen Weber, (Enzyklop?die der Betriebswirtschaftslehre ; 7) 1358-1370 (Sch?ffer-Poeschel: Stuttgart, 1996)
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Christoph Schneewei?, Bernhard Fleischmann and Luk Van Wassenhove (eds.)
9th EURO Summer Institute Hierarchical Planning
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Operations research activities in Germany
European Journal of Operational Research 87, 440-444 (1995)
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Andreas Drexl, Bernhard Fleischmann, H.-O. Günther, H. Stadler and H. Tempelmeier
Konzeptionelle Grundlagen kapazit?tsorientierter PPS-Systeme
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung 46, 1022-1045 (1994)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
The discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup costs
European Journal of Operational Research 75, 395-404 (1994)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
in: Logistik: Beschaffung, Produktion, Distribution, ed. by Heinz Isermann, 211-225 (Verl. Moderne Industrie: Landsberg am Lech, 1994)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Torsten Henneberg
A decision support system for determining the flexibility and service level of a JIT production
in: Advances in production management systems, ed. by I. A. Pappas and Ilias P. Tatsiopoulos, (IFIP Transactions ; B 13) 349-356 (North-Holland: Amsterdam [u.a.], 1993)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Designing distribution systems with transport economies of scale
European Journal of Operational Research 70, 31-42 (1993)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Martin Gietz
Methoden zur Tourenplanung auf der Grundlage von Verkehrsleitsystemen
in: HEUREKA 1993: Optimierung in Verkehr und Transport, Karlsruhe, 18. und 19. M?rz 1993, 453-470 (Forschungsgesellschaft für Stra?en- und Verkehrswesen: K?ln, 1993)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
The discrete lot-sizing and scheduling problem
European Journal of Operational Research 44, 337-348 (1990)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
A new class of cutting planes for the symmetric travelling salesman problem
Mathematical Programming 40, 225-246 (1988)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Operations-Research-Modelle und -Verfahren in der Produktionsplanung
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 58, 347-372 (1988)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and Jannis N. Paraschis
Solving a large scale districting problem: a case report
Computers & Operations Research 15, 521-533 (1988)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
A cutting plane procedure for the travelling salesman problem on road networks
European Journal of Operational Research 21, 307-317 (1985)
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Bernhard Fleischmann and H. Jess
Erfahrungen mit einem Simulationsmodell in einer Aluminiumgie?erei
Operations-Research-Spektrum 7, 175-185 (1985)
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Bernhard Fleischmann
Distance conserving reductions for nonoriented networks
Operations-Research-Spektrum 5, 195-205 (1983)
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