Extraordinariat für Quantitative Methoden
Prof. Dr. Michael Krapp: Quantitative Methoden in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Welcome to the homepage of the Extraordinariat for Quantitative Methods in Economics. The Extraordinariat
is concerned with the application of mathematical and statistical methods for the solution of economic decision problems.
The Extraordinariat is assigned to the Cluster Business Analytics & Operations.
Contact Information:
Postal Address:
威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg
Faculty of Business and Economics
Extraordinariat für Quantitative Methoden
in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften?
Building J
Universitaetsstrasse 16?
86135 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 598 -4271?(Secretary)
E-Mail:?doris.rochelle@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de (Secretary)
Building: J