Prof. Dr. Yarema Okhrin: Statistics and Data Science
About us
Welcome to the website of the Chair of Statistics, Prof. Dr. Yarema Okhrin, at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg.The Chair of Statistics is generally concerned with mathematical and statistical models and methods for formulating, analyzing, and solving data-based and practical problems from the fields of business administration and economics. Our chair is part of the clusters Business Analytics & Operations (BA&O) and? Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation.
Courses & theses
The range of courses offered by the department and the opportunity to write theses.

The chair's research focuses on the areas of Spatial Resource Management, Organizational Capital Management and Corporate Governance.

Doctoral committee
On the page of the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Business and Economics you will find contact persons as well as all important information about doctoral studies.

Statistical consulting
The Chair of Statistics offers scientific consulting on statistical issues and data analysis.

Here an overview of exam dates, tutorials and upcoming events as well as job postings at the Chair of Statistics is available.

Job advertisement Scientific Assistant (m/f/d)
At the Faculty of Business and Economics of the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg, the Chair of Statistics (Prof. Dr. Yarema Okhrin) has a full-time position for a research assistant (m/f/d) with the possibility to do a PhD in an employment contract initially limited to 1 ? to 2 years, starting on 01.03.2023. For more information, please click here.
Research Proposal - Master Theses
Patrizia AG offers two master theses in the field of Investment Strategy & Research | Data Intelligence. For further information please click here.
Job posting - Intern Java Back-End Development (m/f/d)
The Frauenhofer Hightech Spin-Off plus10 is currently offering an internship position in Java Back-End Development. For more information please click here.
General contact information:
威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg
Faculty of Business and Economics
Chair of Statistics
Building J, Room 2316
Universit?tsstr. 16
86159 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 598 -4151?(Secretary's office)
E-mail:'s office)
Building: J