Video Tutorials
If you have no or little prior experience with programming in either Gauss or Matlab, I would advise you to start with the video tutorial to the program ‘Ch3_olg_dyn1’ and subsequently invoke the video on ‘Ch3_turnpike’. In order to learn the most from the videos, download the teaching slides and the computer code of the chapters from my web page before you play it. Store all Gauss or Matlab codes of each chapter in a separate directory, start Gauss or Matlab and load the respective program into the editor prior to the start. It would also be helpful if you have read through the material provided in the respective chapters of the book.

You find the videos of my online gaduate course on ?Social Security in Dynamic General Equilibrium‘ (for self-study) on the following youtube-playlists:
Chapter |
Lecture Video |
Matlab |
? | ? | ? | ? |
3. The Overlapping Generations Model | ? | ? | ? |
3.2. The Model | Youtube | ? | ? |
3.2.6. Dynamics | ? | Youtube | Youtube |
3.3. Command Optimum | Youtube | ? | ? |
3.3.4. Turnpike Behavior | ? | Youtube | Youtube |
3.4. Growth in the OLG Model | Youtube | ? | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? |
5. Income Taxation | ? | ? | ? |
5.3. Labor Income Taxation | ? | ? | ? |
5.3.1. Partial Equilibrium | Youtube | ? | ? |
5.3.2. General Equilibrium | Youtube | Youtube | Youtube |
5.4. Capital Income Taxation | Youtube | Youtube | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? |
6. Social Security | ? | ? | ? |
6.2. Empirical Regularities | Youtube | ? | ? |
6.3. Fully-funded versus PAYG pensions | Youtube | Youtube | Youtube |
6.3.2. PAYG and Elastic Labor Supply | Youtube | ? | ? |
6.3.5. PAYG and Growth | Youtube | ? | ? |
? | ? | ? | ? |
Extra Material: The Auerbach-Kotlikoff Model and the Laffer Curve? | ? | ? | ? |
I. The Auerbach-Kotlikoff Model: | ? | ? | ? |
Direct Computation | ? | Youtube | Youtube |
Value Function Iteration | ? | Youtube | Youtube |
II. Laffer Curve in the OLG model: | ? | ? | ? |
The Model | Youtube | ? | ? |
Computation | ? | Youtube | Youtube |