



The Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum (JFZ) is the Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg. The JFZ’s foremost goal is to support innovative research, and to establish connections between researchers across disciplines and national borders. The Center also seeks to highlight and communicate innovative research findings in the Humanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences to audiences inside and outside academia. The JFZ’s main purpose is to strengthen and encourage research in the Humanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg.


The JFZ was created in 2012. Its foundation reflects the idea of a “Networking 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】”, introduced by the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg’s then newly elected president, Professor Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel. Thus, the JFZ aims to contribute to the university’s academic profile by connecting the local key areas of expertise?under the guidance of a central institution, helping to strengthen the university’s position within the academic world.


Research at the JFZ takes both a transnational and interdisciplinary approach to work on the?substantial problems faced by a globalized society, thus it contributes significantly to addressing global challenges and issues. It communicates its research results nationally and internationally.


Dec. 2, 2024

Sociology meets Documentary Film

From December 2024 to the end of January 2025, Prof. Dr Hermílio Santos will be a visitor to the Chair of Sociology and the Jakob Fugger Centre.
Filmreihe von Prof. Dr. Hermílio Santos
Oct. 31, 2023

Environmental and peace education in interreligious cooperation

Prof. Dr Elisabeth Naurath, a protestant religious education teacher at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg, has been awarded an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership. Together with international partners, the project aims to better integrate topics associated with climate change, climate resilience, and climate justice into the education of religious education teachers in Germany, Austria, Spain, Albania, and Malaysia.
Zwei H?nde berühren sich und greifen ineinander, darin ist eine leuchtende Erdkugel zu sehen
June 23, 2022

Call: Research Stay for Ukrainian Visiting Scholars

The Jakob Fugger Center offers

Research stays for two refugee Ukrainian visiting scholars

in the winter semester 2022/2023.


Deadline: 30.8.2022

Bild JFZ
Jan. 4, 2022

Vittorio H?sle on climate, corona and global centrifugal forces

Climate change, Corona pandemic, and the dynamics of a globally interconnected world confront societies with numerous challenges. In two digital events on January 11 and 18, 2021, as part of his International Visiting Lectureship at the Jakob Fugger Center, Vittorio H?sle will examine the challenges posed by these issues and the answers philosophy can offer. He is a professor of philosophy at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA).

Portrait von Vittorio Hosle
July 26, 2021

Conference: "Human Dignity and Human Rights The Legacy of the Black Civil Rights Movement in the Transatlantic World"

A conference on the Legacy of the Black Civil Rights Movement in the Transatlantic World, organized in collaboration with the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg and the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Erfurt, will be held at the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing from September 8th to 10th, 2021.

Black-Lives-Matter/Pride Parade
Bild der Webseite des Projektes ?sterreichischer Bibelübersetzer
Gottes Wort deutsch


Webseite des Projektes Deutungsk?mpfe im ?bergang
Deutungsk?mpfe im ?bergang


Webseite Identit?tskonstruktionen und mehrsprachige Netzwerke im ?stlichen Europa: Banater Schwaben und Banater Berglanddeutsche
Identit?tskonstruktionen und mehrsprachige Netzwerke im ?stlichen Europa: Banater Schwaben und Banater Berglanddeutsche


Webseite Emanzipation nach der Emanzipation. Jüdische Geschichte, Literatur und Philosophie von 1900 bis heute
Emanzipation nach der Emanzipation. Jüdische Geschichte, Literatur und Philosophie von 1900 bis heute


Webseite Umweltdenken


Webseite https://rethinking-environment-idk.de/
?Der Antigonistische Konflikt“: Begr?bnispolitik und die Grenzen des Selbstverst?ndnisses moderner Gesellschaften


Webseite Pa’i ha paje - Padres y chamanes
Pa’i ha paje - Padres y chamanes. New Sources in Guarani and Spanish on European and Amerindian 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】icine in the Jesuit Missions in South America


Webseite  Circulation et transmission d'idéologies linguistiques dans les médias de langues romanes
Circulation et transmission d'idéologies linguistiques dans les médias de langues romanes


Die Ortsangaben im Buch Josua


Webseite Religionen, Umweltbildung, Frieden
Religionen. Umweltbildung.Frieden. Umweltethik als Fokus interreligi?ser Kooperation in der Ausbildung von Religionslehrkr?ften


Webseite Networking from Veneto in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe: Giustiniana Wynne Rosenberg Orsini between Venetian Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism
Networking from Veneto in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe: Giustiniana Wynne Rosenberg Orsini between Venetian Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism


Webseite Ressourcen der Resilienz in der Antike
Ressourcen der Resilienz in der Antike - ?kologische, soziale und kulturelle Systeme zwischen Beharrung und Transformation


Contact Information

Adress for visitors:

Universit?t Augsburg
Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum (JFZ)
Forschungskolleg für Transnationale Studien

Büro-Center Messe (BCM), 10th floor
Alter Postweg 101
86159 Augsburg


Mailing Adress:

Universit?t Augsburg

Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum (JFZ)

86135 Augsburg

Phone: +49 821 598 -5208

Fax: +49 821 598 -145924??

Email: jfz@praesidium.uni-augsburg.de


Building: BCM


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