



Call: Research Stay for Ukrainian Visiting Scholars


The Jakob Fugger Center – Centre for Advanced Studies is an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research center of the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg, which bundles research foci and important issues in the cultural sciences, humanities and social sciences, networks them and makes them publicly visible. It promotes scientific exchange between its members, coordinates international cooperation, organizes conferences, promotes the publication of research results and offers sup-port in the administration and acquisition of third-party funds.

The Jakob Fugger Center offers
Research stays for two refugee Ukrainian visiting scholars
in the winter semester 2022/2023.

The projects to be carried out within the framework of the research stay must be internationally oriented and/or interdisciplinary. The stays of the guest researchers serve exclusively the scientific project work. The aim is to continue joint research as well as to initiate and prepare new projects and collaborations at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg.

The research stay will be advertised for a maximum of 6 months and will be funded on a lump sum basis according to the current DFG personnel funding rates for postdoctoral researchers.

Applications should include the following documents and information:
- Name, contact details and home institution as well as planned period of stay in Augsburg.
- curriculum vitae including copies of certificates and list of publications
- Project description and work program for the stay in Augsburg incl. information on the connection to the research of the Jakob Fugger Center (max. 2,500 words)

The application deadline is 30.08.2022.

Please send your application by email to:
Jakob Fugger Center - Forschungskolleg für transnationale Studien
Dr. Andrea Rehling
Email: Andrea.Rehling@praesidium.uni-augsburg.de
Tel.: 0821 / 598 - 5924
