



Social science research on climate change shows ways out of the implementation crisis

‘Implementation crisis in climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as possible solutions’ – From 17 to 19 February 2025, the German Climate Consortium (DKK) held a conference for climate researchers in Social Sciences in cooperation with the Centre for Climate Resilience (CCR). The conference, chaired by DKK chairwoman and CCR professor Dr Angela Oels, brought together a wide range of expertise, including political science, history, economics, sociology, ethics, philosophy, human geography, anthropology, media and communication studies, and psychology. The event was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Even if hardly anyone is talking about it at the moment, climate change is still happening and is breaking new records year after year [1]. Germany is currently missing its legally defined climate target trajectory for 2030 [2]. If we continue with ‘business as usual’, it will become increasingly difficult for Germany to adapt to climate change. Climate action costs money. However, not undertaking climate protection and adaptation measures will cost society and the economy much more in the long term. The lack of action is highly problematic not only from a scientific point of view but also from the perspective of Social Sciences in climate research. Society pins its hopes on technology, but not every problem can be solved by technology. The social, economic and ecological consequences are often overlooked. Technical solutions must therefore be critically scrutinised at an early stage. Tackling climate change is a historical responsibility because very long-term processes have to be shaped now that will be relevant for many generations over a long period of time.


Social science research on climate change in dialogue with politics

The aim ?of social science research on climate change is to develop effective and socially just climate policies and to engage in dialogue with all social groups on climate action and adaptation. The findings of this research underline the fact that a majority of people expect the political parties to take decisive action against climate change. Research in this area contributes to a better understanding of how democratically legitimate climate policies can be designed to be socially just and what role participation processes and a distribution of burdens, resources and gains play in this. At the conference, the scientists explained that communicative negotiation of responsibilities and justice in climate protection is urgently needed. At the same time, Social Sciences ?can show how climate policies can be successfully implemented even under changing conditions, for example, because of geopolitics ?or the transformation of the media landscape. One task for society as a whole is to identify and leverage synergies between climate action and climate adaptation.?

The participating social scientists explained that climate action is central to democracies, enabling a healthy life with social security, cohesion and freedom. Climate action and prosperity go hand in hand. Social science research ?on climate change can help to shape imaginaries of sustainable and socially just futures. Social Sciences is ready to develop sustainable, socially just and ambitious strategies together with political decision-makers and actors from civil society and business.

[1]? The 2024 Annual Climate Summary
[2]? DW: Germany to miss 2030 climate goal: experts

