Events at the CCR
Current Events
Public Climate School 2024
Once again this year, the Center for Climate Resilience is helping to host the Public Climate School 2024 at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg. From November the 4th to the 8th, 2024, you can expect a large number of exciting courses dealing with various aspects of the climate. As part of this nationwide initiative, the university is helping to impart scientifically sound knowledge about the climate crisis and raise awareness of various topics.
The central opening event on 04.11. (18-20:00 o'clock) and the closing event on 07.11. (18-19:30 o'clock) will also be broadcast via Zoom:?
- Identification code: Lk9=Tb
We appreciate your interest and look forward to your participation!
Interdisciplinary lecture series
Interdisciplinary lecture series “Climate resilience - research and transfer” in winter semester 2024/25
The Center for Climate Resilience cordially invites you to the continuation of the interdisciplinary lecture series “Climate Resilience - Research and Transfer” in the winter semester 2024/25. We are pleased to present the following experts:
Klimahotspot Amazonien: Landnahme, CO2-Handel und die Dynamik der Abholzung
Prof. Dr. Maurícío Torres
State 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Pará (UFPA) in Belém, Brazil
Centre for Climate Resilience, Building I.1, Room 1201/1202
14. November 2024, 16.00 pm
The Impact of Creative Climate Communication: Emotions, Activism, and Mental Health
Prof. Dr. Wojciech Malecki
Centre for Climate Resilience, Room 1201/1202
Das Klima-Zentrum am Landesamt für Umwelt – Klimawandel, Klimafolgen und Klimaanpassung in Bayern
Mr. Holger Komischke
Centre for Climate Resilience, Room 1201/1202
All presentations will also be transmitted via Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 685 1482 5373
Identification code: ht6s!h
We are looking forward to your participation and exciting discussions!
Brownbag Seminar
The Center for Climate Resilience cordially invites you to the brownbag seminar series in the winter semester:
At this informal gathering around lunchtime, ZfK members and staff will present their “work in progress” with the aim of interdisciplinary exchange, joint education and feedback from within the CCR circle.
The seminar takes place on Thursdays from 12:00-13:30 pm in the large seminar room (Building I.1, Room 1201/02) on the following dates:
Thursday, 10.10.24 (This event takes place in room 1109 (J) in the WiWi)
12:00 pm Das Prinzip der ausgewogenen und angemessenen Nutzung im internationalen Wasserrecht
Mareike Neumayer, Chair of Public Law and Crisis Resilience
12:45 pm How to Klimaresilienz - Interdisziplin?rer spiele-basierter Zugang - Das Weltklimaspiel
Dr. Patrick Hoffmann, Chair of Environmental Economics, Rouven Kaiser, Chair for Urban Climate Resilience and
Prof. Dr. Angela Oels, Chair of Political Science with a focus on Climate Policy
Thursday, 28.11.24?(This event takes place in room 2102 (J) in the WiWi)
12:00 pm Resilienz in Krankenh?usern
Anna Heynck, Chair for Resilient Operations
12:45 pm Transformation durch Kompensation? Widersprüche des CO?-Handels
Prof. Dr. Maria Backhouse, Chair of Environmental Sociology with a Focus on the Social-Ecological Transformation, Resilient Design, and Climate
Thursday, 12.12.24
12:00 pm Rohstoffbedarfe für eine klimaresistente Zukunft
Dr. Andrea Thorenz and Dr. Lars Wietschel, Resource Lab
12:45 pm Encounter the unforeseen: Resilient supply chain modeling for a sustainable bioeconomy
Martin Bruckler, Resource Lab
Thursday, 13.02.25
12:00 pm Working title: Geospatial analysis of land and agricultural systems
César Alvarez, Chair for Climate Resilience of Human-Made Ecosystems
12:45 pm Who cares about biodiversity? Ownership implications of the biodiversity footprint
Raphaela Roeder, Chair for Climate Finance
We are looking forward to your participation and exciting discussions!
All participants are welcome to bring their own lunch.