



Heat action plan for Augsburg¡¯s ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ Hospital

A heat action plan for the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ Hospital Augsburg is being developed by researchers at the Chair for Regional Climate Change and Health at the Faculty of ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine in collaboration with the Centre for Occupational ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ Hospital Augsburg. Over the next two years, researchers in the recently started ¡°ProTect¡± project will analyse heat stress, develop measures to address it, and then evaluate the measures in order to help the hospital cope with heatwaves.


Scientia et Conscientia

mission statement


May 24, 2024

New ¡°Urban Cultures¡± master¡¯s degree programme to start in October

The new interdisciplinary master¡¯s degree programme ¡°Urban Cultures¡± (URC) will start in the winter semester at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg. The new programme will be based at five locations in Europe and South America. These include the three European world heritage cities of Augsburg, Santiago de Compostela, and Coimbra, as well as the two Latin American cultural metropolises of Buenos Aires and S?o Paulo. The programme combines studies in the social sciences, spatial studies, and the humanities.

Colourful facades in the district of La Boca in Buenos Aires
May 6, 2024

The Annual Academic Ceremony 2024

The Annual Academic Ceremony for 2024 will take place on Friday the 17th of May 2024 at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg. Attendees can expect a varied and colourful programme that provides an insight into the diverse and dynamic work taking place at the university.

Dies academicus 2024
May 2, 2024

How life began: A molecular perspective

Since the beginning of April, an interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) has been researching the first molecular steps that led to the development of life on Earth. The large-scale project based at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t in Munich (LMU) in cooperation with the Technical ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Munich (TUM) is funded to the tune of €2 million by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Institute of Physics at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg is also involved through a sub-project.
Abbildung einer menschlichen Zelle
March 25, 2024

Measuring greenwashing in companies

When companies represent themselves as being more environmentally friendly than they actually are it damages society. Until now, it has been difficult to estimate the extent of greenwashing. Now, two researchers from the Centre for Climate Resilience at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg have developed a conceptual framework for a greenwashing risk indicator, which can be used to uncover cases of greenwashing more quickly. Their article has been published in the journal ¡°Review of Managerial Science.¡±

Symbolbild Greenwashing
March 14, 2024

Early detection of rare Borna virus

Researchers at Augsburg ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine have discovered a possible early detection method of the rare Borna virus. Their results have been published in the highly renowned medical journal ¡°The Lancet.¡± In humans the virus triggers inflammation in the brain which is almost always deadly and is transmitted to humans by shrews.?

Symbolbild Gehirn Entz¨¹ndung
March 12, 2024

Is there a link between rheumatism and cancer?

Studies have long suggested a link between autoimmune diseases and cancer. Researchers at the Chair of Epidemiology at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the link and determined that patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a slightly lower risk for certain female-specific cancers while patients with psoriasis have a slightly higher risk. The study has been published in the ¡°Journal of Autoimmunity.¡±
Symbolbild einer Patientin mit Krebserkrankung
March 11, 2024

Pandemic Preparedness: New High-Tech Laboratory in Augsburg

On March 11, 2024, the inauguration of the expanded safety laboratory in Augsburg marked a milestone within the EU-funded "PerForM-REACT" project, aimed at enhancing pandemic preparedness. Equipped with high-tech infrastructure, this facility enables advanced research capabilities. A collaborative effort between Helmholtz Munich and the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ Hospital Augsburg, the project not only boosters the efficacy of pandemic prevention but also fosters interdisciplinary cooperation in health research.

Dr. Sandra Kosch an einem der Pipettierroboter
March 8, 2024

New Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg

Dr. Alexander Khort, a chemical engineer from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, is a new researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg for two years. There he is working together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Suelen Barg on developing new methods for producing smart nanomaterials, investigating their properties, and possible applications, and studying degradation behaviour.

Das MRM-Geb?ude der Universit?t Augsburg von au?en
Feb. 21, 2024

Save the Date: StudienInfoTag at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg on 13 April, 2024

Anyone thinking about studying in Augsburg can obtain all the information they need at the StudienInfoTag on 13 April 2024 from 9.00 to 15.00. Which subjects can I study? By when do I have to apply? What is the Numerus Clausus and are there aptitude tests for the subject I want to study?

Staff from the Student Advisory Service, Career Service, International Office and many other areas will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Studierende im Foyer der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakult?t
Feb. 6, 2024

Save the Date: Study Information Day at the Leopold Mozart College of Music

What degree programmes does the Leopold Mozart College of Music (LMC) offer? How does it feel to study at LMC among international students and teachers? And what specific career prospects does studying at the LMC open up? Prospective students can find answers to these and many other questions at the information day in Grottenau 1.

Studierende am Leopold Mozart College of Music
Feb. 6, 2024

Hall-effect uncovers hidden symmetry in spin-ice

Physicists from the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg succeeded to distinguish chiral orders with similar magnetization but opposite sense of rotation through electrical measurements at low temperatures. This is relevant for fundamental research on complex magnets and with respect to possible applications for magnetic data storage. The results were published in the renowned journal Nature Physics.

Visualisierung Spineis
Feb. 5, 2024

Emmy Noether Junior Research Group funding awarded to Dr Aisha Aqeel

Dr Aisha Aqeel has been awarded funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the development of a Emmy Noether Junior Research Group on ¡°Spintronics with chiral helimagnetic insulators¡± at the ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ of Augsburg. Aqeel and her research team will focus on the development of unconventional magnetic systems, referred to as helimagnets, and the optimisation of these systems for energy efficient spintronic applications.

Dr. Aisha Aqeel


Faculty of ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿ Theology
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Philology and History
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Applied Computer Sciences
Faculty of ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©ÓÎÏ·_ÍþÄá˹¶Ä²©app-¡¾¹ÙÍø¡¿icine


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