



Study content:

Industrial engineers work at the interface between business administration and engineering. General, cross-location information on industrial engineering (WING) can be found in the VWI brochure “Qualifikationsrahmen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen”.

The Augsburg Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering is designed for a standard period of study of six semesters and is divided into a basic and a specialization area. In the first three semesters, the basic area teaches elementary knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, business administration and economics as well as engineering and materials science. The compulsory canon of basic subjects, including the engineering internship, gives students an overview of all possible specializations and prepares them for further courses.

At the beginning of the fourth semester, students develop their skills in a specialization of their choice. They can choose between the following seven alternative specializations, whereby there are also further options between individual modules within each specialization:



  • ??? Materials Engineering & Digitisation
  • ??? Materials Science & Chemistry
  • ??? Sustainability & Resource Engineering
  • ??? Finance, Accounting, Controlling & Taxation
  • ??? Business Analytics & Operations
  • ??? Strategy, Marketing & Management
  • ??? Economics.

In addition to their chosen specialization, WING students in Augsburg specialize in “Industrial Engineering & Sustainability” and expand their methodological toolbox with modules such as programming, sustainable development, data mining or production engineering to include sought-after skills in digitalization and sustainability transformation. Soft skills seminars round off the course content by teaching important skills such as team-oriented work, rhetoric and presentation techniques.






Career prospects:

  • Trainee programs in the economy
  • Direct entry into the economy: Management consultancy; Project management; Transportation and logistics industry; Production & Supply Chain Management
  • Master's degree at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg or another university or college in Germany or abroad

Special features

Compared to other industrial engineering Bachelor's degree, the course at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg is characterized by a stronger focus on chemistry, materials science, sustainability and environmental process engineering. This combination of materials and environmental topics enables students to actively shape the transformation towards sustainable materials, products and production processes in their future careers. Laboratory practice in the natural sciences and engineering is therefore an important part of the course. In conjunction with methods from the research field of Industrial Ecology, such as Life Cycle Assessment and Criticality Assessment, students acquire a systemic understanding of the relationships between society, the economy and the natural environment, thereby building up a profile that is unique in Germany. The diverse cooperations with European and non-European universities, which create a wide range of opportunities for semesters abroad, should also be emphasized. A strong regional network with companies and research institutions (e.g. the German Aerospace Center, the bifa Environmental Institute or the Fraunhofer Institute for Foundry, Composite and Processing Technology) enables graduates to enter professional life in the region after graduation or to take up a working student position during their studies.

About the degree programme
Degree programme: Industrial Engineering
Official Designation: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 6 semesters
Admission type: Restricted admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Applications for the 1st subject semester are only possible for the winter semester. However, applications for higher subject semesters are possible for the summer semester. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: http://www.uni-augs…; start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the summer semester: 15. January
Application deadline for the winter semester: 15. July

Contact the study advisory service

Maulberger Andreas
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Applied Data Analysis


Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Applied Data Analysis



Contact the examinations office

Daniela Gellner
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Materials Engineering
Unit I/5: Examinations Office B

