




In contrast to the concept of diversity, heterogeneity emphasises difference even more, i. e. the differences, otherness and characteristics of groups. In order to be able to do justice to the special needs of groups, categories are formed, which certainly harbours a tendency towards particularisation. The heterogeneity discourse is helpful when it also allows for indeterminacy and is linked to the fundamental social conflicts - social inequality, racism, understanding of education, etc.

Teacher professionalism in dealing with heterogeneity

The project Teacher Professionalism in Dealing with Heterogeneity (LeHet), funded as part of the Teacher Education Quality Offensive, aims to prepare future teachers as well as possible for the challenges of diversity in professional life. The foundations are a broad understanding of heterogeneity as well as a theoretical model of teacher competences for dealing with heterogeneity that builds on this understanding, and identifies four areas of competence: (A) adaptive teaching based on the learning requirements of pupils, (B) individual counselling and support, (C) use and analysis of educational media as well as (D) language education and language support.


Competence network "Heterogeneity in Schools" (LeHet)


Symposium on 29 November 2019 on heterogeneity in schools


Practices of Solidarity

This is a BMBF-funded research project launched in February 2018, in which philosophers and sociologists jointly investigate transnational “practices of solidarity”. The aim of the interdisciplinary project is to investigate the structures and dynamics, conditions, limits and ambivalences of solidarity practices - and to do so for a long period of time, in interdisciplinary discussions and in exchange with various practice partners of civil society organisations. This is a joint project between the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg (Prof. Dr. Dietmar Sü?, Chair of Modern and Contemporary History), the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Munich (Prof. Stephan Lessenich, Institute of Sociology) and the School of Philosophy (Prof. Michael Reder, Chair of Practical Philosophy). Collaborators at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg include Bastian H?gg, Sophia Dafinger, Jan Neubauer and Kornelia Rung, who have been working on the history of aid for refugees and the debates about “fair production conditions” and “ethical consumption” in the textile industry since the 1970s.


More information?on Practices of Solidarity |?Twitter:?@NNGAugsburg


Research project at the Jakob Fugger Centre: History, Present and Future of Solidarity?
(Prof. Dr. Dietmar Sü?, Chair of Modern and Contemporary History)

Further research projects
